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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days FED 2020

 WWDB and Amway are presenting Free Enterprise Days FED 2020 via video conference, and the cost to attend this Amway shit show is $93 per ticket (including taxes).

It is customary for Amway World Wide Dream Builders to hold FED in October, most likely in Portland, Oregon, but we are not certain if they will do it somewhere else this year. Most cults are highly secretive about their creepy operations, and Amway and World Wide Dream Builders are no exception when it comes to secrecy and creepiness in their actions. Even more so now that the World Wide Destructive Bastards have changed their passwords, making it impossible for outsiders to check the calendar and criticise them. Amway Ambots exhibit poor behaviour at these brainwashing conferences, and in some cases, Amway is barred from having any further gatherings in that location. Portland, Oregon, has historically been a popular destination for Amway brainwashing seminars. A few years ago, they had FED in Denver, Colorado as well. However, that was discontinued a few years ago. Cult activities at Amway are kept a closely guarded secret, no different from those of any other cult that does not want the public to know about the nonsense they are up to. It is customary for FED to take place in October, but a few years ago, someone at World Wide Dream Builders made a blunder and failed to book the convention facility in time, so it took place in November instead.

A commenter on a commenter a number of years ago stated that tickets to FED were $150, whereas previously they were $125. The FED ticket will cost $93 in 2020, which is a lot of money when you consider that individuals will not have to leave their homes to get it. You can watch videos for free on YouTube if you go to that website. Amway's brainwashing functions are all about increasing the wealth of Diamonds while decreasing the wealth of Ambots on the downline! For the record, in case anyone out there has been living under a rock, the vast majority of Amway Diamonds' revenue comes from ticket sales to events like these. The Amway tool hoax is responsible for all of this.

And so it is with yet another piece in which I employ certain key terms to attract IBOs who are urgently exploring the Internet for more information about FED because they are receiving no helpful information at Amway meetings.

When there isn't a pandemic going on, Ambots are commanded to haul asses to wherever the Amway FED is being held so that they can see the live crap show that is being broadcast on television. If you do not reside within an hour or two of where the Amway activity is being held, you should include in the expenditures of transportation, lodging, and dining for three days. Or even more if you're a bit more ambitious and arrive a day or two early. If you're driving, plan on spending at least $1000. If you're flying or hiring a car, the cost is $2000. That is based on a couple's income.What exactly happens at the FED? Aside from being fed up with all of the Amway brainwashing nonsense, Actually, I think that pretty much sums it up!

While we do not yet know what will be on the agenda for the pandemic World Wide Dream Builders Free Enterprise Days, let us take a look at how the Amway Free Enterprise Days have gone in the past.

One of these rah rah patriotic rituals will take place on Friday night, with representatives from various branches of the military in attendance. The kind of stuff that could look fantastic at other events, but is fucking scary at an Amway gathering. It is appropriate to honour the men and women who have served our nation, but the fanfare at an Amway brainwashing convention is completely out of place. As I sat in the audience, I was being pumped up for the weekend by a slew of rah rah Diamond speakers who were promising them a slew of amazing things they would take away from the Amway WWDB gathering. It will most likely begin about 7 or 8 p.m. and continue until 11 p.m. or later.

But don't let it fool you into thinking the night is done! Amway upline fucking idiots are going to want to do night owls, and all of the submissive little ambots better haul their asses to the scheduled meeting site and be prepared to stay there for a few hours. Cult leaders are well aware that the most effective method of brainwashing their cult followers is to keep them weary so that they would be easier to brainwash and will consent to anything.

Then, on Saturday morning, the serious bullshitting sessions begin in earnest. This goes on until about 11 p.m. that night, when they finally stop playing. For a couple of hours, there will be a pause for dinner. It is imperative that good little ambots do not leave their seats for whatever reason, lest they miss out on some very vital (LOL) information that is being shared.

And what exactly is this really crucial information that ambots are required to retain in their minds? Following one another across the stage in evening wear, it appears as though they have been invited to a Presidents gala at the White House, or something along those lines. All of them have the same stories about how they used to work in low-paying minimum-wage jobs until a dear friend introduced them to the Amway business plan, and now they're billionaires who travel first class all over the world and, when they're at home in their mansion that they've built out in the boonies somewhere, they entertain important people and show off their garage full of luxury sport cars.

However, even though midnight is drawing closer after the day's bullshit session is complete, ambots cannot bring themselves to sleep because some asshole in their Amway upline has required their attendance at yet another fucking night owl session.

If the ambot is lucky, he will be able to sleep in on Sunday morning. However, it is more than probable that the upline assholes will be forcing the ambots to attend the Amway church service and listen to some Diamond speak while passing the hat around to the ambot congregation in order to earn more money. It's necessary to bleed the Ambots to death!

Sunday afternoon is a continuation of the previous day's activities. There was no genuine instruction or training. There was no meaningful information. Just a bunch of Diamonds talking about their material goods, which they can afford because of Amway. Or perhaps it's a case of pretending to be able to afford it with the help of credit cards and bank loans.

Amway hell normally comes to an end at 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Maybe. Aside from if you're flying home with other ambots who will harass you for a few more hours about how they're "going big" in their own fields, you should be fine.

That's all there is to it. The Federal Reserve does not require you to spend your time or money. For Amway ambots, it's just another WWDB social event where they can adore their cult masters.

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