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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Amway Ambots Love Fast Track

 Fast Track is a sham WWDB/Amway scheme designed to whip the cult's adherents into a frenzy in the hopes of making a few more dollars quickly.

In actuality, the Amway ambot fast track is a programme that does little in a short period of time. Because it's designed to get people excited about new ambots — you know, those cretins who walk around bragging about how they're just getting started in their new business. In the expectation that when these new recruits make a few extra dollars in the first few months that they are involved in the scam, it will inspire them to stick with it for a few more months even when the money stops rolling in, Amway and the jerks in the Amway upline are hoping for the best. Early on, you'll get a few friends and family members to buy things from you, but no one enjoys paying exorbitant rates for shoddy products, so you're unlikely to receive repeat business from people who have already been taken advantage of by the ambot.

There may be some ambots who turn here to protest that I have Fast Track completely wrong and that the requirements have changed, but I will do my best to spell it out the way our Emerald explained it to us. Otherwise, this is typical Amway fast talk double talk designed to excite the audience while also confusing them with the truth. Alternatively, a lack of it.

Amway WWDB functions, such as Dream Night, FED Free Enterprise Days, Family Reunion, Spring Leadership, and other smaller gatherings typically include Fast Track as a topic of discussion.

The fact that they're still referring to it as Fast Track, and judging by the number of people who are searching for it, they must still be, tells you that times aren't changing much, even though the upline tries to con everyone by claiming that "exciting changes are just around the corner." Ambots are still showing up on this blog when I type in Amway Fast Track into Google, which indicates that the programme is still in operation.

So Fast Track isn't a new concept. It ain't no thrill ride. It ain't going to change. It's the same old nonsense that they've been preaching for years.

Okay, the Emerald spoke quite quickly, which served to further confuse us. Because the majority of the cult members in the room had already been indoctrinated, they were able to accept what he said with their normal unquestioning love and loyalty and never question their superiors or superiors' decisions.

And it's possible that I'm misreading the numbers. Over the years, it's possible that some Fast Track criteria have altered.

Hold on to your hats for the time being as I attempt to decipher the jargon.

The programme known as Fast Track is divided into two sections. The 50/150 phase is the initial phase of the process. The IBO is responsible for generating volume, conducting personal shopping, and acquiring clients. (Ha ha! That was funny.) Good luck with that, by the way!) If the IBO has at least 150 PV (in this case, $500 in Amway purchases), of which at least $50 comes from clients, the IBO will receive an additional $50 bonus.

Wow! Whooppee! What an intriguing prospect!

The Emerald then detonates the nuclear device. In order to qualify for this Fast Track programme, new IBOs must join within their first month of being in "the company." It's a bummer for all the other IBOs who have been working hard for months or even years. Take a look around the space. There are no new IBOs available. It was the same cult members that had been showing up for months and years before that.

But hold on a minute! The first phase hasn't come to an end yet! In the second month, the IBO must keep the same suckers, er, clients, and repeat the process in order to receive another $50 check. And then repeat the process in the third month. An additional $50/month equals a total of $150 over the course of three months.

Everybody is probably sitting on the edge of their seats, their frantic anticipation building as they await the announcement of Phase 2, because after all, the jackass Emerald stated that Fast Track had two phases.

OK. Keep your eyes peeled for it. You don't want to leave before this really essential piece of information is shared with you.

Phase 2: Demonstrate the plan to ten individuals and sign up two of them. (That's correct.) We all know how easy it is to find ten suckers to show the board plan presentation to, let alone find two of them to sign up for it.) But forget about the other two people. Make it three in a row. Sponsor three people who are capable of performing the above 50/150 tasks, and the IBO who sponsors them will receive an additional $200.

When you have found three more people than those previously specified, the asshole Emerald spends the next ten minutes poring over the figures to see if you can find even more people.

By the end of the year, you'll have made a gazillion dollars with Amway! Yes, you are correct! Working ten to fifteen hours a week on a part-time basis in your spare time! Then you'll never have to work again in your entire life! It won't be long before you're strolling along beaches all over the world, and the residual checks will just keep flowing in forever! It gets even better from here!!! When you pass away, you can leave your Amway business to your spouse, your children, or whoever you choose, and they will continue to receive bazillions of dollars in residual income from Amway every month for the rest of their life as a result. I'm overjoyed!!! Forever and evermore, riches for the heirs and their descendants!!!

It makes you wonder if the Emerald had been smoking something amusing prior to arriving at the conference!

Our readers put it best when they said, "The only thing "fast track" with Amway is how quickly you'll get fucked up the arse." This means that your rectum will be put on the fast track.

Amway distributors, also known as "Ambots," have been given the nickname "Amway Ambots," and the term "Amway Ambots Love Fast Track" has come to be used to characterize the passion and commitment that Amway distributors have for the Amway Fast Track program. The Amway distributor training program known as "Fast Track" is meant to assist new Amway distributors in rapidly building their businesses and achieving success in their endeavors.

The Fast Track program gives instruction on a wide variety of subjects, such as sales strategies, product expertise, and abilities for managing a firm. In addition to this, it gives users access to a network of knowledgeable Amway distributors who are able to offer direction and assistance.

The passion and commitment that Ambots have for the Fast Track program is a direct expression of their determination to develop a prosperous Amway business for themselves and their families. A good number of Ambots consider the Fast Track program to be an important contributor to their achievements, and as a result, they are prepared to commit both their time and money to their participation in the program.

Amway distributors adore the Fast Track program for a number of reasons, one of which is that it outlines an actionable strategy for growing an existing Amway business. The method simplifies the process of constructing a successful business by breaking it down into a series of achievable steps. This makes it much simpler for new distributors to get started and continue making headway.

The fact that participants in the Fast Track program are given access to a network of seasoned Amway distributors is just another reason why Ambots adore this program. New distributors can receive direction and assistance from this network, which will assist them in overcoming obstacles and achieving success in their businesses.

In addition, the Fast Track program offers incentives to Ambots that accomplish particular goals within their businesses and meet certain benchmarks. Ambots may become eligible for bonuses or other awards, for instance, if they reach a specific level of sales volume within a predetermined amount of time.

The commitment and excitement shown by Ambots toward the Fast Track program is a testimonial to the efficacy of the program in assisting new distributors in achieving their goals of becoming successful business owners. Even though being successful in the Amway business requires a lot of effort and commitment, the Fast Track program offers new distributors who are prepared to put in the time and effort necessary to develop a successful business a valuable tool that can help them get off to a strong start.

In general, Amway Ambots love Fast Track because it gives them access to a network of experienced distributors, a clear roadmap, and rewards for reaching their goals of being successful. Because of all of these different reasons, the Fast Track program is a crucial tool for new Amway distributors who are serious about developing a successful Amway business for themselves.

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