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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Strike It Rich In Amway? Unlikely

 Have you ever had an Amway Ambot approach you and ask if you've ever dreamed of being your own boss and becoming wealthy? That is a typical line used by Amway, the Cult of Greed, when recruiting new members into the organisation.

There is no way to own an Amway business unless your last name is Van Andel or DeVos. In addition, you will never be your own boss so long as you continue to work for these crooks as a low-wage commissioned sales representative.

What do you think about being wealthy? You're unlikely to become wealthy in Amway unless you're a Diamond who's formed his own cult sect and sells tickets to fools who want to listen to him spout a lot of prefabricated Amspeak garbage, in which case you'll be in luck.

Is it possible to become wealthy with Amway? To see the Scamway "business plan" on paper or painted on a chalkboard with all these circles and you finding 6 people and they each finding 6 people and so on and so forth and eventually you will all be rich, it appears to be a wonderful idea on the surface. The reality of really putting it into action is almost impossible to fathom.

You have a better chance of winning the lottery than you do of becoming wealthy through Amway.

But what exactly does the term "wealthy" mean? It means different things to different people, to be honest. It's the same with the word success. It is defined differently by different people.

As for the rich, let's start with the fucking Amway losers and their concept of what it means to be rich. Or, to put it another way, their notion of broke. I come to work and those filthy Ambots walk in, sneering at me because I'm broke. An Amway Ambot's definition of broke is someone who owns their own home, has a legitimate business (NOT a fictitious Amway "enterprise"), drives good automobiles, makes approximately the same amount as an Amway Diamond, has savings, and has a net worth in the mid-six figures. That is the Amway Ambot definition of being out of cash.

But there are many people out there who would argue that the Amway Ambot definition of broke is, in fact, quite reasonable to them, and that, when contrasted to their current circumstances, they would be called wealthy.

The Amway Ambots appear to have extremely high standards for what they believe to be wealthy. Either that, or you're out of luck.

Having a successful business and being able to pay all of their bills may be considered wealthy by some. Others may consider working a part-time job in order to make ends meet.

That definition will never apply to an Amway Ambot as long as they are pretending to be an Amway "business owner," which is the majority of the time. Spending hundreds of dollars a month to earn a $10 commission will not allow them to pay their bills, and they will be forced to take on a second job in order to support their expensive Amway habit while also trying to pay off the credit card debt they have accumulated from purchasing shoddy, overpriced Amway products.

For some, becoming wealthy may imply the ability to work at their own pace and never have to report to a boss again.

While the aforementioned definition is something that Amway Ambots desire to be, it can never be realised so long as they are acting as if they are business owners and reporting to an Amway cult leader.

Others believe that holding a part-time job or running a part-time business allows them to spend more time on their interests, as well as with their family and friends, is what it means to be wealthy.

What is more valuable to us than our time is our money. Some people define wealth in this manner. Time. You won't be able to make any more of it.

Others define being wealthy as making enough money to enjoy luxurious trips or to put money aside for their retirement.

A hundred thousand dollars, according to some, would qualify them as wealthy, whether they were employed or ran their own business. Others argue that $100,000 is too much money for their definition of wealth, and that they don't require that much money to live a comfortable life.

Anyway, you get the picture. Everyone has a distinct definition of what they believe to be wealthy. An Amway Ambot has messed up their perceptions of what it means to be rich and poor. However, their concept is based on the concept of some fucking asshole in their Amway upline, not their own. Ambots who have been brainwashed are not allowed to have original thoughts.

We should definitely send out another huge, fat fuck you to every fucking Amway asshole on the planet, shall we?

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