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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Have A Happy And Amwayless New Year!

 I hope everyone has been having a wonderful time celebrating the holidays.

Not everyone who has a connection to Amway has been taking advantage of the festivities. It was heartbreaking to see people whose lives are being destroyed by Amway stop by and spend hours reading this site on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. That so many people had to spend this time reading a blog instead of spending it with their loved ones who were obviously in Amway was sad. It was also sad that ambots prefer to hang out with other ambots, in other words, only hang out with people their Amway cult leader has given them permission to hang out with. Hope reading this blog gave them some comfort in understanding that they are not alone in feeling useless when they realise that Amway is killing their lives and that they appear to have no way of stopping it. This is the place to go if you want to learn more about Amway, the Cult of Greed, while also being entertained. People keep coming back to read about Amway Ambots being cursed out by the authorities.

Amway is a frightening evil that may infiltrate any household at any time. The only Christmas wish of those whose loved ones have been recruited into the Amway cult is that they get the hell out of there. Christmas is traditionally a time when individuals spend quality time with their families and friends. As a result, people are turning to the Internet for support from others who have been through a similar traumatic experience. Unfortunately, Amway is all about breaking families, and people are turning to the Internet to locate others who have been through a same traumatic experience.

To those who are coping with family members who are members of the Amway cult, I pray that the year 2021 is a better one for you and that your loved one sees the light and leaves Amway before too much more emotional and financial damage is done.

For reasons unrelated to ScAmway, many of us are looking forward to the day when 2020 will be a distant memory in our rearview mirror.

Our best wishes for a productive and Amwayless 2021 go out to all of our readers......

Thank you so much to everyone who has expressed a strong interest in this website!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It is common practice to use the beginning of a new year as a time for introspection, goal-setting, and initiating constructive changes in one's life. This may entail withdrawing from some pursuits or commitments that are no longer beneficial to the individual in question for some individuals. Those who have previously been affiliated with Amway may conclude that this calls for an Amway-free new year as a result of this realization.

It is not for everyone, despite the fact that the Amway business model has the potential to provide prospects for monetary freedom and personal development. It's possible that some people won't join Amway because they believe the time and energy it takes to establish a successful business isn't worth the potential rewards. Others might have had poor experiences with Amway, or they might believe that the company's business model is not congruent with the ideals they hold dear.

Those who believe that the Amway company is no longer meeting their needs may find that making the decision to start the new year without participating in the company's products or services is a step in the right direction. It can be an opportunity to reevaluate one's objectives, establish new goals, and redirect one's attention to other aspects of one's life that may have been neglected while the Amway business was being built.

Leaving Amway may not be an easy decision, especially for individuals who have put a lot of time, effort, and money into growing their Amway business. Leaving Amway may be difficult for people who have made this investment. During this time, it may be beneficial to seek assistance from loved ones, such as friends and family, as well as from a trained counselor.

It is also essential to keep in mind that leaving Amway does not mean losing up on the possibility of achieving financial independence or furthering one's own development. There are a great number of additional business opportunities and personal development tactics that can be pursued, and it is up to each individual to determine the course of action that will be most successful for them.

In conclusion, for individuals who believe that the Amway business is no longer helping them, making the decision to start the new year without participating in the company's products or services might be a step in the right direction. It is possible to reevaluate one's priorities, establish new objectives, and shift one's attention to other aspects of one's life. Finding support and looking into other alternatives will help make the change easier and more successful, even though it might not be an easy process to go through. I hope that everyone has a wonderful and fruitful new year, whether or not you are involved with Amway.

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