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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Getting Life Back To Normal After Stint In Amway Cult

 It's always reassuring to hear from a reader whose life is finally beginning to return to normal.

Thank you so much to Anna Bannana and everyone else who has been so kind in responding to me with such encouragement. Thank you very much. Please accept my apologies for taking over a year to answer with a thank you. To be completely honest, after I typed my message, I wasn't confident that I would receive a response. I'm embarrassed that I didn't check back sooner...

I am still in a relationship with the same man. The wedding date, on the other hand, has been put on hold for quite some time. I'm allowing him to investigate this "opportunity"...

He has yet to earn a single dollar...

Instead, what I've discovered is that these cult leaders operate on the basis of developing relationships and cultivating a sense of emotional attachment in their followers. They take on the role of mentors. There is no one who wishes to disappoint their most important "mentors." It makes me feel sick.

My stance on the company has not altered over time. Despite the fact that I have attempted it. Truly. I've attended meetings with him, travelled with him on trips, and met with his upper management, among other things. It's simply that I can't bring myself to believe it. I don't believe it's genuine... Genuine people become entangled in the web of deceit. They bring along a group of genuine individuals with them. And the scammers take advantage of them all....

We regret that we were unable to provide a more detailed description. However, it is becoming less of a dominant presence in his life. Fortunately, He is gradually regaining his appreciation for the beauty that exists in our shared existence, despite the fact that we both work. There is beauty in the everyday routine of life, yet we tend to overlook it because we are so busy.

In conclusion, WWDB/Amway is a nasty cyclical loop of being drawn in and conned that must be stopped. Every time I have sentenced myself to sitting in one of those sessions, the exit doors have become the most conspicuous items in the room in which I find myself. All of that being said, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who has shared your knowledge and counsel with me. And thank you, Anna Banana, for conceiving and launching this site. It's been really needed :).

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