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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Life Is Hell Living With An Amway Ambot

 A reader shares his or her experiences with an ambot boyfriend.

The summer before last, my partner joined Amway and has been increasingly defensive about it whenever I bring it up as something strange and as something I refuse to join. This is the only point of contention between us, and I try to avoid bringing it up at all costs! As time goes on, he's beginning to notice bad things that come out of my mouth. I yelled at him about it once, and he apologised and said I wasn't being negative about it. But he'll invite me to come along with him. After our most recent fight, he informed me that if I answered no again, he would leave me alone regarding joining. He hasn't brought it up since, but I'm worried that it will come up again in the future. He assured me he'd never leave me for something like this, and he thinks I'm being overly worried as a result. This is something that I do not endorse. In fact, he is already in the process of applying for legitimate corporate positions, and I am praying that this is my only hope of him waking up and recognising that this is all a hoax. When people inquire as to his profession, he replies, "I do what I love." He says absolutely nothing about it and only states that he is seeking for work. If someone inquires as to why he has been out of town for a "conference," he responds, "it's for a small side thing I'm doing." I'm getting anxiety attacks when he goes to their weekly brainwash sessions and when he's at a conference, so those are some encouraging indicators. I'm walking on thin ice at the moment. If I don't express my support for Amway, perhaps he will begin to notice the flaws in the company... Alternatively, he may believe I am not supporting him. Please help :-(

Yes, my guy is exhibiting the usual Amway ambot signs and symptoms. Ambots are enraged, disgusting monsters that make life miserable for those who come into contact with them.

All of the Amway ambots go on the defence. That is the life of an ambot, who is continually demonstrating their dedication to the Amway cult and how dare anyone not to appreciate Amway and not support their business practises. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING??? Amway ambots put in a great deal of effort in defending this deception, and this causes them to get enraged.

Amway is the undisputed ruler of all things negative. It seems like Amway ambots are concerned with pointing out everything that is wrong with the world. However, the rest of the globe does not appear to have this finger pointing issue under control. What is terrible to one individual may not be negative to another. People in the real world learn to put up with negatives and tolerating them. I wonder whether they've read a book titled "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff." People in the real world are not required to pick and choose at everything and to complain about what they perceive to be negative. People that work with Amway make it their life's aim to eliminate everything that is negative. The fact that an Amway ambot is pointing up everything that is unpleasant in their environment is nothing unusual. That's something they all do. Amway ambots' method of making themselves feel superior to the rest of the world is by bringing out everything they consider to be negative about the company. It is believed that Amway ambots have a negative impact on the rest of the world.

Are Amway ambots accusing others of being paranoid? Ambot, take a look in the mirror!

Yes, an ambot will require a corporate position in order to afford membership in the exclusive Amway social club. Amway members are not allowed to publicly acknowledge that they are members of the organisation because it would be extremely embarrassing to reveal that you were duped into joining an MLM organisation with the sole purpose of scamming people and recruiting new cult members. It is preferable to state that you are unemployed.

We're always on the verge of falling off the cliff when we're married to an ambot, dating one, or sharing a home with one. Because we're afraid of saying the wrong thing, such as "GET THE FUCK OUT OF AMWAY!!!!," and having the ambot's wrath aimed at us, we avoid saying anything at all. Ambots are some of the most enraged people you'll ever meet. They are enraged because they are experiencing financial losses. They are enraged because they have been unable to recruit others to participate in the fraud and recoup some of their losses. Indignant that they are being abused by the cult members whom they like and worship more than anything else in their lives, they go to the streets. They're enraged because their cult masters have forced them to hang out with other fucking Amway jerks instead.

The good news is that everything is still on track. 95 percent of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) leave the company within two years. The majority of them within a few months of signing up. They will nitpick and look for everything negative about you that they can point out, and they will only do this to impress their upline, so be prepared to endure hell during this time. You may have to wait them out by watching them use up all of their credit cards and squander all of their savings while you wait. Some people are able to recover, even if it takes them years. Others will be forced to declare bankruptcy and, if they have a mortgage, will be forced to go into foreclosure.

Amway's entire business model is based on destroying connections. The cult leaders transform the ambots into nasty, ugly, negative pointing out bastards in order to have the people in their immediate vicinity leave them alone. That is the essence of what Amway is all about. My apologies for telling you that your tale can be stated almost verbatim by every Amway widow in existence.

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