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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Who Wants To Haul Ass to Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days FED 2020?

 Is there anyone out there who remembers wasting money to attend an Amway cult event called Free Enterprise Days? Alternatively, because Amway Ambots are too fucking lazy to utter it, they can refer to it as FED. In terms of the actual event, I have very little recollection of it. Even more noteworthy was the voyage and events preceding up to FED (yes, I can be just as lazy as any fucking Amway jackass out there!!!). The upline was putting us through FED on the back end. The most important event of the year. They were all like that, weren't they? I swear those Amway jerks stated the same thing about Dream Night, Spring Leadership, and Family Reunion when I heard them on the radio. This was not a difficult sell to Ambot because the brainwashing had been thoroughly instilled in him.

WWDB Free Enterprise Days are required attendance for all "serious business builders." This is how your upline determines whether or not you are a real business builder. They will not collaborate with you if you do not attend. We could have stayed at home and kept our money, and those cretins would not have agreed to collaborate with us. Amway policy appears to be in violation here, according to my research. Amway's guidelines state that purchasing tools and attending functions is entirely optional, and that even if you choose not to purchase them, your upline is still obligated to assist with you on your business. Our upline consisted of a bunch of fucking assholes who were perfectly content to flout Amway's guidelines.

Ambot was giddy with excitement about the next FED conference in October, and he gushed about it to everyone. In other words, who cares about a brainwashing convention run by fucking Scamway?

Every day, our blog is flooded with desperate Amway ambots who are trying to figure out what WWDB FED Free Enterprise Days is all about. That's because the jerks in their upline make fun of them, and you have to see it for yourself to believe it. In Amway, going to FED will put you 6 months ahead of all the losers who didn't attend, according to the lying scammers in your Amway upline - I don't agree with those fuckers, which should come as no surprise. The jerks in the Amway upline will likewise claim that this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance that should not be missed.

BULLSHIT!!!!!! In the case of Family Reunion, you fuckers said the same thing a few months earlier as well. Stop replicating yourself, you filth! That is, however, what the dishonest, scamming Amway bastards claim during every Amway conference.

Dream Builders Free Enterprise Days, sponsored by Amway Worldwide, are a complete and utter waste of time and money. Aside from the possibility of speaking at this Amway event while earning money from ticket sales, there is no method to generate money from Amway events.

The fucking WWDB Amway FED isn't for everyone, and listening to a group of asses talk about how rich they are, exhibit slide slides of their wealth, and taunt the audience with the phrase "if we can do it, then should you" isn't for everyone. And then they finish by purchasing more tools and waving around whatever book it is that they are hawking in order to entice more ambots to participate in the Amway tool scam.

Because cults are notoriously secrecy organisations, it is unclear how Amway would hold the pandemic version of Free Enterprise Days 2020. While it would be difficult for the Amway cult leaders to find venues and hotel rooms that would be willing to risk being punished for renting to huge numbers, I believe they are in violation of emergency rules prohibiting large gatherings from congregating. This leads me to believe that the Amway WWDB cult leaders are hosting a webinar for which they are selling tickets. Because it is less expensive, it would be quite innovative to do so. They can set up a camera in their own home and broadcast to the world from there. Conserve a significant amount of money while still charging Amway losers a premium for tickets to attend the webinar.

Please let us know if you have any information about what the Amway cult is planning for Free Enterprise Days FED 2020.

Because ambots are so screwed up that they don't know what year it is, it is necessary to include keywords from the past and the future.

Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days are scheduled for 2020.

Amway World Wide Dream Builders Free Enterprise Days 2020 will be held in various locations worldwide.

Amway FED 2020 is a yearly event that takes place in the United States.

WWDB FED 2020 (World Wide Development Bank)

Free Enterprise Days for Dream Builders Around the World 2020

Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days will take place in 2019.

Amway World Wide Dream Builders Free Enterprise Days will be held in 2019 throughout the world.

Amway FED will take place in 2019.

WWDB FED will take place in 2019.

Free Enterprise Days for Dream Builders Around the World in 2021

Amway WWDB Free Enterprise Days are scheduled for 2021.

The Amway World Wide Dream Builders Free Enterprise Days in 2021 will be held throughout the world.

Amway FED for the year 2021

WWDB FED is scheduled for 2021.

Free Enterprise Days for Dream Builders Around the World in 2021

If you can avoid attending an Amway gathering, it means you are not squandering your money, time, or brain cells. It also means you are not enriching those at the top of the Amway pyramid by purchasing a ticket and thereby increasing their wealth.

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