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Monday, August 9, 2021

King, G.W. & Edna Amway

King, G.W. & Edna Amway
 When George W. Bush was president, he was known as G.W. When Edna and I first saw this company proposal, we felt it had potential, but we never imagined it would grow to be as significant as it has become for us. Their first goal was to earn an additional $10,000 every year and put...

King, Don & Hannah Amway

King, Don & Hannah Amway
 Downline DiamondHassmann, Roman & Gita, Executive Diamond, Czech Republic, InterNETSimkovi Jiri & Eva, Diamond 2008, Czech Republic, InterNETRek, Zbigniew & Sophia, Double Diamond 2009, United States, InterNETMaksymovicz, Jarek & Krystyna, Founders Diamond, Poland,...

Keller, Ray & Karla Amway

Keller, Ray & Karla Amway
 However, the fact that they lived thousands of miles away from anyone was insignificant; they had made a commitment.The Kellers were on the fast track. They had well-paying jobs in Florida, a company car, and a comfortable home. But Ray wanted an aeroplane and Karla wanted horses,...

Jones, Jim & Julie Amway

Jones, Jim & Julie Amway
  Is "keeping up with the Joneses" just a catchphrase, or is there more to it? At the time of their initial introduction to the Amway Business in 1977, Jim and Julie Jones were living a lifestyle that most people could only dream of. His earnings placed him in the top 5% of all...

Johnson, Marshall & Sherunda Amway

Johnson, Marshall & Sherunda Amway
 When Marshall Johnson first visited this establishment in 1977, he was a member of the Baltimore Colts' professional football team. With two previous knee surgeries on the same knee, "the future looked a little dicey," Marshall says, particularly given his position as a wide receiver...

Johnson, John & Mary Ann Amway

Johnson, John & Mary Ann Amway
  When Maryanna came upon the business presentation, the timing couldn't have been better. As a wife and young mother, she wished to find a means to generate some additional income in order to pay the monthly payments and get out of debt as quickly as possible. She had been...

Joachim, Tom & Estelle Amway

Joachim, Tom & Estelle Amway
  The concept that Tom and Estelle were pursuing when they were presented to the Britt team was "Grow up, get a decent education, acquire a good career, and work very, really hard to climb the ladder of success."The fact that they came from completely different backgrounds when they...

Hutson, Dave & Jude Amway

Hutson, Dave & Jude Amway
 Downline DiamondHutson, Dave & Jude, Diamond, United States, InterNETDobbrastine, Cliff & Cheryl, Diamond, United States, InterNETKline, Tim & Cindy, Executive Diamond, United States, InterNETMiddleton, Mark & Patty, Diamond, United States, InterNETRichardson, Jim &...

Huffstetler, John & Amy Amway

Huffstetler, John & Amy Amway
  It's no surprise that John Huffstetler has a history of huge aspirations and hard-earned success, which helps to explain how a fortuitous encounter turned into an opportunity of a lifetime for him.It happened in 1989, during his final year in law school, while he was working as a...

Hayes, Jim & Barbara Amway

Hayes, Jim & Barbara Amway
DownlineAlmeida, Henrique & Marlene, Double Diamond, BrazilMauricio Bianchi & Rosana Almeida, Diamond, Brazil InterNETFeleda, Joe, Diamond, United States, InterNET Jim and Barbara Hayes are well-known characters within the Amway business world due to the fact that they have...

Harteis, Jerry & Polly Amway

Harteis, Jerry & Polly Amway
  Inception1974QualificationsDiamond 1980Resignation2008StoryVocationEducator/NurseLocationDallas, PennsylvaniaHarteis, Jerry Amway, and Polly Amway are two significant figures in the world of business and philanthropy. Harteis was founded by Jerry Amway. Harteis International...

Harris, Bobby & Priscilla Amway

Harris, Bobby & Priscilla Amway
  Bobby Harris realised that something needed to change after 16 years of coaching baseball and basketball, as well as teaching physical education in northern Virginia. Despite his complete dedication to his work, he was well aware that his profession did not provide a sufficient...

Harper, Tommie & Lesia Amway

Harper, Tommie & Lesia Amway
  As soon as we were introduced to this business opportunity, we knew it was something we needed. We were seeking for a means to generate some financial relief at the time. As educators in a rural community, we were doing everything we could to help our students succeed, but there...

Hardy, Terral & Margaret Amway

Hardy, Terral & Margaret Amway
  Margaret Hardy was born in Jamaica, West Indies, and immigrated to the United States when she was 15 years old. Terral Hardy, originally from Spartanburg, South Carolina, relocated to New York City as a youngster as well. Both families had travelled to the United States in pursuit...

Hamilton, Al & Fran Amway

Hamilton, Al & Fran Amway
  Fran and I were a pretty busy young couple when we first came across the business. Two small children, ages three and four, lived with us, and both of us had full-time jobs to support them. Fran was employed as a health-care practitioner, and I was employed by a major automobile...

Guldberg, Jim & Pattie Amway

Guldberg, Jim & Pattie Amway
 QualificationsDiamond 1996Downline DiamondHoward, Bob & Bonnie, Executive Diamond, United States, InterNETMarble, Bernie & Kathie, Diamond, United States, InterNETGordon, Gary & Linda, Diamond, United States, InterNETKenney, Mike & Michelle, Diamond, United StatesDoyle,...

Grove, Barry & Pat Amway

Grove, Barry & Pat Amway
 They met while Barry was studying electrical engineering and Pat was pursuing her bachelor's degree in elementary education at the same time. Barry eventually went on to medical school, and they were married after only one year of his studies. He was board certified by the National...

Grosvenor, David & Angelique Amway

Grosvenor, David & Angelique Amway
 QualificationsDiamond 1999StoryVocationEmployment consultantLocationRedmond, WashingtonDavid and Angelique have separated and divorced. He qualified as a Diamond in the WWDB system in 1999 and is currently a Diamond. highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ',...

Griffing, Joel & Ardith Amway

Griffing, Joel & Ardith Amway
 In the eyes of Joel and Ardith Griffing, their 25 years in business have been a journey filled with freedom and versatility. For Joel, a former mathematics teacher and basketball coach, it meant breaking free from a financial cycle that was no longer serving him and entering a performance-based...

Griffin, Len & Beatrix Amway

Griffin, Len & Beatrix Amway
 The Griffens were involved with InterNET Services for at least 15 years before transferring to TEAM. They were a part of the Britt downline. highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary2921574963608180681'); highlightSearchTerms('amway,...

Gilewicz, Hank & Alicia Amway

Gilewicz, Hank & Alicia Amway
 Downline DiamondsBerland, Vince & Laurita, Diamond, United States, InterNETRoberts, Linda & Curt, Diamond, United States, InterNET / WINCourtney, Ed & Charlotte, Executive Diamond, United States, InterNETBarber, Jerry & Marcia, Diamond, United States, InterNETEvans,...

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