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Monday, August 9, 2021

Q12 Crown Ambassador Amway

Q12 Crown Ambassador 

 Founders Crown Ambassador pins weren't introduced until the late 1990s in Japan, and then globally in 2002 as IBO achievements surpassed company "predictions," along with the introduction of the 

Founders Achievement Award FAA points system for diamonds and above, which allowed for the qualification for higher pins and qualifications in the following years.

Qualification as a Q12 Crown Ambassador requires either: a qualified Platinum must have 20 legs (3 of which must be in market) or qualify at the Silver Producer level for all 12 months of the Amway Fiscal Year in order to qualify as a Q12 Crown Ambassador.

Alternatively, achieve Diamond qualification for at least six months of the fiscal year (6 legs must be in the market), and generate at least thirty FAA credits during the fiscal year.



  • Nakajima, Kaoru (1992)


  • Barry Chi & Holly Chen (1995)

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