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Monday, August 9, 2021

Hardy, Terral & Margaret Amway

  Margaret Hardy was born in Jamaica, West Indies, and immigrated to the United States when she was 15 years old. 

Terral Hardy, originally from Spartanburg, South Carolina, relocated to New York City as a youngster as well. Both families had travelled to the United States in pursuit of better possibilities.

Margaret and Terral met when they were in high school and quickly became inseparable. When Terral graduated from high school, he went on to study civil engineering, while Margaret pursued a degree in secretarial studies. 

Living in New York City provided them with several opportunity to "window shop" and fantasise about what their lives may be like.

However, after only a few short years of hard labour, they recognised that their ambitions would never become a reality as long as they continued to work for another person or company. 

When one of Terral's fellow engineers gave him the business plan, he immediately realised that it was actually a miracle and the answer to their prayers. 

Terral Andrew and Quentin Jemal are his two boys, and after 18 months in the firm, he decided to leave his engineering profession to be a full-time parent to his two sons. 

Terral and Margaret have accomplished their dream of being full-time parents, of enjoying nice autos, gorgeous homes, lovely family holidays, and the freedom of not having to work for someone else, thanks to their business. 

"Today, we are more enthusiastic than we have ever been about our business," they both concur. Our excellent upline Angelo and Claudia Nardone introduced us to the Britt Diamond team, and we consider ourselves extremely fortunate to be a part of it. 

We anticipate a promising future with their assistance. With a larger vision of what our firm can do to strengthen families, and a commitment to spreading the idea of free capitalism throughout the world, we have set out to make a difference.

Hardy, Terral & Margaret

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