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Monday, August 9, 2021

Firdosh & Nilofer Sethna Amway

Firdosh & Nilofer Sethna 

 Firdosh and Nilofer Sethna are originally from Mumbai, India, and have lived in Toronto, Canada, for numerous years. They have two children and two grandchildren.

It's difficult to have great expectations for the future when you come from a middle-class family with inadequate education. Moving to Canada seemed like an unrealistic goal, but Nilofer persisted in his pursuit of a better life. "We were both driven to make that life materialise," he explains. After getting married to Firdosh, they began working together to build a brighter future for themselves and their children.

When Firdosh and Nilofer were introduced to the Amway business by their best friend, who happened to live in Michigan, Firdosh was working for a logistics company and Nilofer was working as a Corporate Travel Consultant, respectively. When it came to their Sponsor, Nilofer and her team had three questions: "Are you doing it?," "Will you support us?," and "How much will it cost?" she recalls. Nilofer and her team believed in the business and in their Sponsor, but were sceptical of Firdosh's commitment. He had begun a number of projects but had abandoned them before they were completed. With the introduction of the Amway team and exposure to the core range of Amway products, their confidence began to grow, and they began to see Amway as a bridge from poverty to wealth, assisted by the BWW system, which they regarded as a powerful bridge from poverty to prosperity.

Firdosh and Nilofer were given a truly equal opportunity because of their faith, passion, and readiness to work. They were not constrained by what they lacked, such as a master's degree, financial resources, or company expertise. 

"This business provided us with all we expected and even more than we had hoped for." This business made it feasible for both of them to generate income outside of their employment, allowing them to one day leave their jobs and live a life of importance. 

Firdosh has been working full-time in the business for more than 15 years, and they have had the honour of serving both their parents in Toronto and Mumbai, both in terms of time and financial resources, respectively. 

They have a global business with significant teams in Canada, the United States, India, the United Kingdom, and Australia, to name a few countries.

 Firdosh says, "Every year we travel throughout North America and to many other countries around the world, and are able to provide financial assistance to our family and friends, many of whom are more than family to us." "Don't let the short-term joys of life divert your attention away from gaining long-term happiness and peace of mind. It's not only about dreaming big, but how long you continue to dream big. As Bill Britt has always said - "get started, keep steady, and don't stop - you will make it."

  • Siddharth Ganguly and Ruplekha Chakravarty published Diamond in 2009.
Firdosh & Nilofer Sethna Amway

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