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Monday, August 9, 2021

King, G.W. & Edna Amway

 When George W. Bush was president, he was known as G.W. When Edna and I first saw this company proposal, we felt it had potential, but we never imagined it would grow to be as significant as it has become for us. Their first goal was to earn an additional $10,000 every year and put it aside for a ten-year period.

They never imagined that they would be able to make enough money to be able to leave their employment. It only took them three and a half years to get to the level of Diamond and achieve financial independence.

GW: "We were educated to acquire a decent education and pursue a job, and we believed that education would be the key to success." Edna worked as a head nurse at a prominent hospital in Washington, DC, before launching her own firm. recalls. Edna has a bachelor's degree in nursing, and I have a master's degree in city planning. We realised early on that the key to success is having your own business. Europe, Russia, Mexico, South America, Canada, the Orient, Africa, the Caribbean Islands, and the major cities throughout the United States are among the places we'll see during our journey. Our ultimate goal is to explore the world once more, this time with our buddies along for the ride!

In addition to being able to retire from our previous employment, we also love driving our Rolls-Royce and Excalibur. "Our ultimate objective is to be able to walk the beaches of the world with our upline and to make their upline proud of us," says the couple. We intend to assist people in achieving their financial goals by demonstrating how to 'go Diamond!' """"""""'

King, G.W. & Edna

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