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Monday, September 12, 2016

What is Amway Silver Income ?

Amway Silver Income is the first decent Amway levels income. There is not a hard and fast rule to determine the exact commission of a silver producer in Amway. There is a probability where you may end up making no money if you dot understand the rules of the game.

At an average, an Amway Silver Income average silver producer in Amway makes from 40K to 80K a month. As the PIN level of silver is the 21%, the maximum profit (earnings) sharing, the silver producer can make is the 21% of the total turnover. As mentioned earlier, if there are team members and only one person does the complete 10000 PV (Point Value), the individual will get the 21% of the incentive. There are multiple team structures.

Silver Producer is the first recognised PIN level by amway. As a silver producer when maintains the 1000 PV business continuously for three months, he is called Gold Producer. When the silver producer maintains the 10,0000 turnovers for any six months of the fiscal year, they are called platinum. When the silver producer maintains the 10000 GPV (Group Point Value) for the complete fiscal year, they are called founders platinum.

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