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Friday, July 9, 2021

Cho, Christopher & Eun Amway

Cho, Christopher & Eun Amway
Cho, Christopher & Eun Amway After emigrating to the United States in search of a better life, the Chos soon learned that their goals were not coming true as quickly as they had thought. Before learning about the Quixtar business opportunity, Christopher was working as a copier...

Gonzalez, Raul & Nathalie Amway

Gonzalez, Raul & Nathalie Amway
 QualificationsFounders Executive Diamond 2012Downline DiamondGonzalez, Raul & Nathalie, Founders Executive Diamond (2012), Dominican Republic, LINCReid, Fabian & Raquel,Diamond [2012], Dominican Republic, LINCAguilera, Alberto and Michele, Founders Diamond, Dominican Republic,...

Reid, Fabian Amway

Reid, Fabian Amway
 Qualifications Barbados Diamond 2005 certificationDominican Republic is a country in Central America.Diamond 2012 is a year-long celebration of the diamond industry.St. Michael is located in Barbados, in the West Indies.When Fabian Reid first learned about the Amway business opportunity,...

Danzik, Howie & Theresa Amway

Danzik, Howie & Theresa Amway
Danzik, Howie & Theresa  Howie & Theresa Danzik are Founders Executive Diamonds based in Colorado. Prior to the busines, Howie was a sports physical therapist in Colorado and Theresa was an insurance agent in Hawaii. They met at an Amway-sponsored business conference and...

Schneider, Gary & Nana Amway

Schneider, Gary & Nana Amway
 Antecedentes:Gary is a professional wrestler and triathlete.Nana is a professor as well as a triathlete.Gary and Nana left their mark on the University of Florida...where they first met in 1971 while they were both students: he as a professional wrestler from the United States, and...

Santhanakrishnan, Ramesh & Rama Amway

Santhanakrishnan, Ramesh & Rama Amway
 It was a complete surprise to us when we first arrived in this country in pursuit of 'the American Ambition' that we would come upon this wonderful business opportunity that would help us accomplish that dream and more!FED is someone we shall never forget. A gigantic coliseum full...

Sanborn, Fred & Jan Amway

Sanborn, Fred & Jan Amway
 In terms of personal satisfaction, "there have been numerous positive outcomes." The days before Gary and Bernice Rudisill started their business were "weary of never having any money," recalls Gary Rudisill. "I was tired of never having any money," he adds. "As a result of being...

Rupe, Darrel & Delaine Amway

Rupe, Darrel & Delaine Amway
 Downline DiamondRupe, Darrel & Delaine, Diamond, United States, InterNETGlass, Tony & Luise, Diamond, United States, InterNETPribble, Earl & Bonnie, Diamond, United States, InterNETCariker, Tom & Jean, Diamond, United States, InterNETHopper, Dick & Dawn, Diamond,...

Robbins, Kelly & Connie Amway

Robbins, Kelly & Connie Amway
 Downline DiamondRobbins, Kelly & Connie, Diamond, United States, InterNET InactiveWalker, Randy & Susan, Diamond, United States, InterNETBergfeld, Bill & Lisa, Diamond, United States, InterNETHughes, Mark & Martha, Diamond, United States, InterNETAldredge, Hank &...

Riley, Larry & Linda Amway

Riley, Larry & Linda Amway
 An Army veteran, he oversaw a multimillion-dollar budget for one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. In her previous job, she worked as an account executive for one of the country's leading public relations agencies. They had an eight-year-old kid who went to...

Ridley, Steve & Julie Amway

Ridley, Steve & Julie Amway
 QualificationsEmerald 1992Diamond February 1994Success StorySteve and Julie Ridley first became aware of the company concept in 1988, when one of Steve's clients requested that they attend an open meeting to meet with Paul Miller, a former lawyer. Steve was a senior partner at...

Renard, Tony & Sue Amway

Renard, Tony & Sue Amway
 QualificationsDiamond 1979Downline DiamondMeadows, Jerry & Cherry - Triple DiamondSmith, Dwight & Margaret Ann, Diamond, United States, InterNETGulick, Bert & Jackie, Executive Diamond, Australia, InterNET & IDAMaddison, Peter & Lynne, Diamond, Australia, IDAHudgell,...

Radford, Frank & Lynn Amway

Radford, Frank & Lynn Amway
In addition to being qualified Emeralds, Frank and Lynn Radford are also members of the WWDB. Frank and his first wife qualified for Emerald in 1992 and Diamond in 1994, respectively. As Frank describes it, his business went from Diamond to Ruby before he and Lynn were married,...

Primsky, John & Sue Amway

Primsky, John & Sue Amway
 John and Sue sold their business and relocated to the west coast in order to seek new business opportunities. highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary8876409090883101658'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

Pribble, Earl & Bonnie Amway

Pribble, Earl & Bonnie Amway
 Downline DiamondPribble, Earl & Bonnie, Diamond, United States, InterNETCariker, Tom & Jean, Diamond, United States, InterNETHopper, Dick & Dawn, Diamond, United States, InterNET highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ',...

Plume, John & Kathy Amway

Plume, John & Kathy Amway
 ""We saw an excellent opportunity to unite around a single vision for the future." John and Kathy Plume were considered to be successful business entrepreneurs in their Michigan neighbourhood because they owned three firms. In actuality, Kathy worked as a hospital administrator...

Phillips, Louise Amway

Phillips, Louise Amway
 Louise Cole, nee Louise Williams, went diamond in the early 1980s while single; she later married (Paul & Louise Phillips), and subsequently divorced from him. Cole, Richard, and Louise are the names of the three children she has had since remarried. The Coles were BWW Diamonds...

Peintner, George & Melody Amway

Peintner, George & Melody Amway
 The Peintners are the founders and leaders of the World Information Network (WIN). George served on the IBOAI board of directors for many years before becoming a Diamond member in 1987. They live in the largest house in Oklahoma, which is nearly 30,000 square feet in size....

Rivera, Sergio & Charo Amway

Rivera, Sergio & Charo Amway
 Antecedentes:Sergio is a chemical engineer.Charo is a physical preparation instructor.In October 1990, when Sergio and Charo first opened their business, they already had two daughters: Shantall Rosario and Sandra Rubi; 28 months later, after they had already established themselves...

Rastogi, Chetan & Vineeta Amway

Rastogi, Chetan & Vineeta Amway
 Downline DiamondRastogi, Chetan & Vineeta, Diamond, United StatesRajesh & Ritu Nagpal, Founders Emerald, United StatesSanjay & Saroj Shelar, Founders Diamond, 2009, India, Winners InternationalShama & Mahesh Patil, Diamond, 2011, India, Winners InternationalSunil &...

Loney, Rod Amway

Loney, Rod Amway
Loney, Rod Amway I can close my eyes and still picture the tens of thousands of ecstatic IBOs crammed inside the coliseum of the Federal Exchange. As my opening video was being played, I was able to sit quietly for a moment and yet hear the clamour of the anticipating audience. When...

Jyotiprakash, Rashmi & Smita Amway

Jyotiprakash, Rashmi & Smita Amway
Jyotiprakash, Rashmi & Smita  Rashmi moved to the United States to pursue his master's degree and build a brighter future for himself. He was already a successful entrepreneur in India, and he was always on the lookout for new chances. Before starting the firm, Rashmi...

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