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Friday, July 16, 2021

Avelsgaard, Tom & Caryn Amway

 Originally from Victoria, Tom and Caryn Avelsgaard became Amway representatives in August 1981.

 They were introduced to Amway while travelling through the United States, and they eventually joined Bert and Terri Gulick's organisation. 

When they returned to Australia, they were placed in a foster home in an established LOS. They were promoted to the Diamond level in Amway in 1990. (9 years).

 From the time of their retirement from Amway in 2008, the Avelsgaards served as the head of the Avelsgaard LOS and as the heads of the International Development Agency in Australia.

 Bert and Jacki Gulick are now the only leaders of the International Development Association (IDA) in Australia.

As of 2008, it appears that Tom and Caryn are active members of the New Horizons Assembly of God church in Whittlesea, which is a suburb of Melbourne, Australia, and a community outside of Melbourne.

Tom and Caryn Chatham, like the Chathams, relocated to MonaVie and are no longer Amway Distributors.

Downline Diamond

  • Avelsgaard, Tom & Caryn, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Broad, Winston & Joy, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Bichard, David & Sue, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Sword, Malcom & Christina, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Brier-Mills, Peter & Cathie, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Chatham, Trevor & Jo, Executive Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Clark, Michael & Jenny, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Martin, Peter & Kate, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Hargreaves, John & Denise, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Skehan, Phil & Gerry, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Sykes, Gary & Robyn
  • Shack, Peter & Pauline, Diamond, Australia, IDA
Tom and Caryn Avelsgaard are accomplished Amway distributors who have developed a prosperous business inside the organization. They have been involved with Amway for many years. They have achieved great success over the years, helping many others reach their financial goals through the Amway business opportunity. Their headquarters are in the United States of America, and they have attained this achievement.

Tom and Caryn originally became engaged with Amway in the 1990s, when they were seeking for a means to improve the quality of life for their family as well as increase the amount of money coming into the household. They were drawn to the Amway business model because it provided them with the option to launch their own company with a modest initial cost and the backing of a community of other distributors.

Tom and Caryn have established themselves as one of the most successful Amway distributors in their area thanks to the solid foundation they've laid for their business over the years. They have become well-known for their motivational speeches as well as their training programs, both of which have inspired and motivated a large number of other Amway distributors to attain greater success in their businesses.

The priority that Tom and Caryn place on developing solid relationships with both their clients and the other distributors in their Amway organization has been one of the most important contributors to the success of their business. They have stressed how important it is to offer products and services of a high quality, as well as how valuable it is to construct a powerful team of distributors that are motivated and dedicated to their work.

Both Tom and Caryn have underlined the significance of continuing to grow and develop as individuals, not only for themselves but also for the other members of their team. They have offered the members of their team with the necessary assistance and advice, as well as encouraged them to participate in various training programs and seminars that they may find locally or online.

In spite of their achievements, Tom and Caryn have had their fair share of difficulties while working for the Amway corporation. They have been forced to contend with unfavorable impressions of the organization and the business model it employs, in addition to competition from other distributors and companies operating within the industry.

Despite this, they have maintained their dedication to the objectives and the direction they want to take their Amway firm. They have worked very hard to preserve the high standards of customer service and ethical behavior that have been the basis of their success, and they have continued to increase their team and expand their reach. This has been the cornerstone of their success.

Tom and Caryn have both been active in philanthropic endeavors and have provided support to a wide range of organizations and causes over the course of their lives. They have made a conscious effort to improve the lives of those in their community and the world at large by donating a portion of their wealth to charitable causes.

To summarize, Tom and Caryn Avelsgaard are a motivational illustration of the kind of success that is possible via the use of the Amway business model. They have developed a prosperous company and assisted others in accomplishing their own financial objectives, all while preserving a central emphasis on healthy relationships, continued personal development, and ethical conduct. Their journey can serve as a model for others who aspire to create lucrative careers for themselves through Amway by following in their footsteps.

Avelsgaard, Tom & Caryn Amway

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