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Friday, July 16, 2021


 LeadershipGalan, Teobaldo & Maribel Double Diamond (2011)One of the most successful and well-known names in the field of network marketing is Amway, which operates as a direct selling organization. The company was established in 1959 by Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel as a little...

TQG Amway

TQG Amway
 MalaysiaCrown Ambassador皇冠大使 Duta MahkotaWong Siew Fang & Celia (2016) 王寿芳 许瑞兰Triple Diamond叁钻石 Tiga IntanKoh, Jordan & Soo Hwen {2008} 高天然 淑云Founders Executive Diamond 创办人执行钻石Kee Kok Joo & Wong Mee San {2018} 纪国裕 黄美珊Robert Yap Kim Choo & Lily Yee (2016)Executive Diamond...

LTD Amway

LTD Amway
 Leadership Team Development is a Professional Development Program created by Larry and Pam Winters to help people advance their careers. Many Diamonds associated with LTD are actually in Paul Miller and Bill Britt's downline, despite the fact that the majority of Diamonds related with...

KPO Amway

KPO Amway
 DiamondFong, Peter & Ho, JessicaLoo Sing Gee & Wong Sau Lean highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary6407548184197784905'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

CVI Global Amway

CVI Global Amway
 Executive Management TeamCrown AmbassadorSonny & Guat Hwa Ho 何德权 王月华Founders Executive DiamondTan Siew Lan 陈秋兰M K Kong 江满球Executive DiamondTan Kim BengMarcel Ho & Carol Chan 何俊毅Wayne Tan Teik Weng & Joanne Looi Chou Anne 陈德荣 吕春燕Albert & Helen ChewFounders DiamondLoong...

World Information Network (WIN) Amway

World Information Network (WIN) Amway
 WIN is made up of a group of Diamonds downline members named Yager, Dexter, and Birdie. They are associated with Markerman Productions, which is owned by Jody Victor. In an announcement made on April 14, 2008, it was reported that WIN has been awarded Amway Accreditation. They hold...

World Wide Group Amway

World Wide Group Amway
 World Wide Group, LLC, commonly known as WWDB, and World Wide DreamBuilders, is a company that delivers professional development programmes to independent business owners (IBOs). It is administered by a board of directors known as the Management Team, and it has an executive team that...

Ultra Group Amway

Ultra Group Amway
Under the leadership of Double Crown Ambassadors Barry Chi and Holly Chen from Taiwan, the Ultra Global() Line of Sponsorship (LOS) in China is referred to as Ultra Global(). Wang Chi Gong, a former Speaker of the Taiwanese House of Representatives, created the organisation.Holly and Wang...

Bala, Shanker & Mia Amway

Bala, Shanker & Mia Amway
Success Story (Australia), December 2007Shanker and Mia Bala have improved year on year, obtaining Diamond only a year after Emerald.Shanker and Mia originally met five years ago at an Amway Business Plan home presentation. That night, Shanker presented the business prospect to a group...

Beauchamp, James & Wendy Amway

Beauchamp, James & Wendy Amway
 Beauchamp, James & Wendy 2 years 9 months Diamond James & Wendy BeauchampSUCCES“The only true challenge we faced in developing this firm was our fear of doing something new. We weren't used to dealing with so many people as farmers. “Fortunately, the system taught...

Abrahams, Michael & Julia Amway

Abrahams, Michael & Julia Amway
Abrahams, Michael & Julia  Upline is Double Diamond Angie SomersJoined Amway 1985, when Michael was 25 years old. highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary4037483158223962138'); highlightSearchTerms('amway,...

McGrail, Ken & Chris Amway

McGrail, Ken & Chris Amway
 InceptionMay 1976QualificationsDiamond 1980Executive Diamond 1987StoryHaving started in May 1976, Ken and Chris McGrail reached the Diamond level in 1980, four years after beginning their journey. In 1987, they were awarded the Executive Diamond pin for their efforts. They...

Avelsgaard, Tom & Caryn Amway

Avelsgaard, Tom & Caryn Amway
 Originally from Victoria, Tom and Caryn Avelsgaard became Amway representatives in August 1981. They were introduced to Amway while travelling through the United States, and they eventually joined Bert and Terri Gulick's organisation. When they returned to Australia, they...

Wilson, Guy & Tania Amway

Wilson, Guy & Tania Amway
Wilson, Guy & Tania  Before moving to the Gold Coast, Guy and Tania constructed Emerald in Sydney. Executive Diamond was attained ten years later, when they completed six additional legs in a two-year period.Aside from that, they are upline to Guy Wilson's brother, Emerald...

Nuyten, John & Gill Amway

Nuyten, John & Gill Amway
 Nuyten, John & Gill When it came to building a firm to the Diamond level in Australia, John and Gill Nuyten held the record for the shortest amount of time. They were able to complete the pin in 16 months after starting in September 1982. They sold their company...

Owen, Graeme & Debbie Amway

Owen, Graeme & Debbie Amway
 Owen, Graeme & Debbie Amway Australia's Because Magazine published a success storey (from Australia) in December 2006.In their new firm, Executive Diamond, Graeme and Debbie Owen run their company in the same way that they conduct their life, and it pays rewards. Besides...

Jacka, Russell & Gail Amway

Jacka, Russell & Gail Amway
 Jacka, Russell & Gail Russell & Gail Jacka joined Amway in June 1977. Russell was a high school teacher and founded and ran a Charitable Youth Organisation which organised gigs with bands such as AC/DC to raise money to run a 6 night a week Youth Centre for suburban...

United Diamonds Amway

United Diamonds Amway
 A group of Russian and Ukrainian business heavyweights came together to form United Diamonds in 2007. For its affiliated AIEs, United Diamonds, often known as UD, provides event and BSM (Business Support Materials) support. The organisation is administered by Alexey Kotlyarov, President...

The Plum Blossom Amway

The Plum Blossom Amway
 The Plum Blossom refers to the Line of Sponsorship (LOS) under Barry Chi & Holly Chen, Double Crown Ambassadors from Taiwan. It is possibly the largest Amway organisation amongst the Chinese, as it is closely married to the Ultra Group in China, under former Taiwanese Speaker of...

Team one Amway

Team one Amway
 Double DiamondMichael, Scott & Mary JaneDiamondDeHaven, Brad & KimFuruichi, Fred & Karen highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary7528140898542948513'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

TEAM Amway

TEAM Amway
 TEAM, initially known as Team of Destiny, was a collaborative effort of multiple Amway teams under a shared identity. Led by Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady, TEAM was apparently one of the fastest growing network in the North American industry circa 2006. In 2007 a considerable number...

Soonye Amway

Soonye Amway
Soonye is a sponsorship line that is part of the Amway corporation. In essence, it was created in 1981 and was initiated by the first Founders, Crown Ambassadors in Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore, Lee Kim Soon and Kwee Choo, who were also the first Founders. It also includes the groups...

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