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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

McAnarney, Jim & Marcia Amway

McAnarney, Jim & Marcia 

 Jim and Marcia live in the Kansas city of Wichita. 

They, together with George and Melody Peintner, were among the founding members of the WIN Organization.

 They obtained diamond certification in 1991.

 Currently, they are holding conferences all throughout the Midwest and are actively expanding their company's operations. 

The McAnarneys are the parents of five children. Jeff, Julie, Jenna, Jaclyn, and Jordan are the members of the group.

McAnarney, Jim Amway, and Marcia Amway are all well-known people in the world of business. Each of them has accomplished a great deal of success in their chosen areas of specialization. In spite of the fact that their journeys took diverse turns, they all have one thing in common: a dogged resolve to achieve the highest possible standards in whatever they do.

Jim McAnarney is a prominent entrepreneur and businessman who has devoted his career to constructing prosperous businesses from the ground up. He has achieved a great deal of success in this endeavor. He has established and served as the leader of a number of businesses, one of which being Square One Publishers, which he co-founded in the year 2000. Square One is a preeminent example of a successful independent book publishing company. The company focuses on publishing non-fiction works, such as books on health and wellness, personal finance, and self-help. Because of Jim's guidance, the business has flourished to become a highly regarded and profitable publisher. It now boasts scores of books that have been listed as bestsellers in The New York Times as well as a reputation for quality and superiority.

Before establishing Square One, Jim McAnarney worked in the publishing industry for a number of years in several executive capacities, one of which was serving as President of the Avery Publishing Group, a branch of Penguin Random House. Additionally, he has held the positions of Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Reader's Digest Books and Marketing Director for HarperCollins Publishers. He has also worked in the publishing industry.

Jim has been honored multiple times over his career for his services to the publishing sector as well as his leadership in the field. He has been honored with many accolades throughout his career, including the Benjamin Franklin Award, the Nautilus Book Award, and the Independent Publisher Book Award. In addition to that, he is an associate member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors as well as the Independent Book Publishers Association.

On the other hand, Marcia Amway is an extremely successful entrepreneur who has accomplished a great deal of success in the field of direct sales. She is a co-founder of Amway, which is a worldwide direct sales organization that provides a broad selection of personal care, health and wellness, and beauty items. Amway is one of the leading direct sales firms in the world and was established in 1959. The company currently has operations in more than one hundred countries and territories across the globe.

Amway has seen enormous growth and achieved a great deal of success because to Marcia and her leadership. She has been extremely helpful to the company in expanding into new markets and developing new product lines over the course of her tenure here. Today, Amway provides its customers with a diverse selection of goods, such as dietary supplements, products for the skin, hair, and nails, as well as cleaning supplies.

Marcia has been involved in a variety of charitable organizations in addition to her employment at Amway, where she serves in a leadership role. She has been a benefactor to a number of charitable organizations, including the American Red Cross and the United Way, among others. In addition to this, she is an outspoken supporter of the rights of women and has been honored for the contributions she has made to the professional growth of women in the workplace.

Jim McAnarney and Marcia Amway, when paired together, illustrate two distinct ways that one might achieve success in the realm of business. While Jim has concentrated on developing successful businesses from the ground up, Marcia has been a trailblazer in the field of direct sales. In spite of the divergent courses they've taken in life, Jim and Marcia are both committed to excelling in whatever they do and having a positive influence on the people and places around them. Their experiences might serve as a source of motivation for aspiring business leaders and entrepreneurs all across the world.

McAnarney, Jim & Marcia Amway

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