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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Miura, Howard & Betty Lou Amway

Miura, Howard & Betty Lou

 She serves as an elected member of the Hawaii State Board of Education.

"Every year Howard and Betty Lou Miura ski America. They enjoy the Utah hills. 

"We have experienced 'America the Beautiful' from sea to shining sea," adds Howard. Betty Lou was the first to get thrilled about the business.

 A school teacher for nine years, she had high goals and wanted to be a full-time mother. Howard was the harbour planning engineer for Hawaii's Department of Transportation. 

He grasped what the business offered when he attended a major conference. 

"Betty Lou understood straight immediately that this was a business we could pass on to our children," he recalls. "It has truly improved our life. We both now work from home and manage our own schedules. 

She has the flexibility and leadership training to serve as an elected member of the Hawaii State Board of Education, where she speaks up for quality education in basic skills, character and family values."

 Says Betty Lou, "Once you have identified personal goals, your dreams transcend beyond those things."

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