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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Nair, Bindu & Sajeev Amway


Founders Double Diamond (2009)



In addition to having a postgraduate degree in analytical chemistry, I also have a business administration and advertising degree. My wife, Bindu, has completed an Interior Designing course at a local college. After obtaining my MBA in 1994, I began working for one of India's top consumer electronics companies, which is still in operation today. However, in just five years, I moved jobs four times, working in a variety of industries. I was looking for something more pleasurable and rewarding to do instead. I saw a vision of a situation in which I could put my thoughts into action. I desired to be able to work from home on occasion. It was important to me to be in control of my own destiny rather than allowing my "boss" to make decisions about my future. To put it another way, I desired greater independence for my family and myself.

Bindu was in the same frame of mind as well. During our search for personal independence, we attended a meeting where we were introduced to the Amway business plan for the first time. This meeting marked a watershed moment in both of our lives. I was working with a large petroleum business at the time the plot was revealed to us. We were in a good financial position. However, we want to be more than just financially secure.

We quickly understood the enormous potential in this business and had the confidence to move through with it. The majority of our friends were dissatisfied with the decision we made and frequently teased us about it. However, we were confident that we would get the last laugh, and our prediction has proven to be correct.

Until August 2000, I was involved in the Amway business on a part-time basis. The achievement of the Emerald level was a watershed moment in one's life. We have been full-time parents to our two children, Aditya and Aishwarya, since August 2000. They are our pride and joy.

We were drawn to this one-of-a-kind business not because of the money, but because of the recognition and freedom of choice it provided. The idea of dominating others, or being controlled by them, didn't appeal to me. The Amway business has provided me with the flexibility to pursue such a path in my life.

We were able to reach out to thousands of families through the Amway business and assist them in realising their ambitions. We owe our success to the dedication and hard work of our team, as well as the substantial support and guidance we have received from our upper management. When it comes to our desire for freedom, success, recognition, and making a positive social contribution by assisting others, this business has turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Our ambition is to assist enough people in achieving their objectives while simultaneously touching the lives of millions of people.


  • Abraham Varghese & Delfy Abraham, Diamond, Terminated
  • Antony Varghese C & Nirmala Mar, Diamond, BWW, India
  • Dr S S Manjunath & Dr V K Geeth, Diamond, BWW, India
  • Manoj Kumar N. & Letha Manoj, Diamond, Terminated
  • M P Mathew & Sleeby Mathew, Diamond 2009, Terminated
  • M V Bharatan & NeelaDevi, Diamond, Terminated
  • Vinod N Kumar & Rajalekshmi J, Diamond, Terminated
  • Zeenath Beevi M & Nahas M, Diamond, Terminated
Nair, Bindu & Sajeev

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