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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Bhabeshwor & Indira Khundrakpam Amway

 Bhabeshwor, a Civil Engineer, and his wife Indira, a University Professor (Chemistry), were first introduced to the firm in the year 2000 by Bhabeshwor's younger brother's acquaintance, who later became a business partner. Bhabeshwor was not very involved in the firm for the first five months after he began working there.

He initially became aware of the full potential of this business in 2001, when he visited a BWW big gathering in Mumbai for the first time. Both Bhabeshwor and Indira were completely energised after listening to the leaders share their stories of success and failure on the platform, respectively. What they discovered was that this WAS a business in the truest meaning of the word, and that it may be successful if one is willing to put in the necessary effort and adhere to all of the BWW precepts. Because they realised that they could provide the best possible life for their children, Gautam and Partha, they made the decision to start their own business.

In Bhabeshwor's opinion, attending the function was a watershed moment in their life since it was at that point that they made a definite choice to pursue this business with integrity, and it was at that point that they realised they could accomplish it as well. They were so enthused by the event that they immediately got to work and worked their way up to the Silver producer level in less than eleven months.

These women are grateful to this direct selling business, which has provided them with financial security as well as rewards and recognition, as well as globe trips, sincere friendships, and true family values, and, above all, peace of mind. They believe that this company has provided them with more than they could have asked for.

Bhabeshwor believes that the company has the ability to assist you in realising your highest ambitions. His message to everyone is, "If you take the time to create this business seriously and with the utmost dedication, it will change your life in ways you could never have dreamed."

Bhabeshwor & Indira Khundrakpam

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