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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Kalaivani G & Ganesh Kumar Amway

 Downline Diamond

  • Kalaivani G & Ganesh Kumar, Founders Diamond 2011, India, BWW
  • Nethaji L V & Sripriya N, Diamond 2012, India, BWW
  • A Chandra Sekharan & C Krishnaveni, Diamond 2009, India, BWW

Success Story

(As a homemaker and a businessperson)

From the gloom to the light Kalaivani and her husband were fortunate to have discovered a good chance since they could witness the realisation of their dream life becoming a reality as a consequence of their efforts. And then calamity struck, just as everything seemed to be coming together. Kalaivani became a widow, and she now faces an empty life ahead of her. It was at this point that she recognised the full value of Amway. Her business, which they had started as a pair, had suddenly become a light in the darkness for her. In the bush, she is accompanied by a guide.

The meaning of life became a question mark.

When young Kalaivani's husband died unexpectedly, her entire existence was flipped upside down in an instant. This young widow was comfortable with her life as a stay-at-home mom and was excited to join forces with her husband to expand the Amway business. As a result, Kalaivani found herself alone and defenceless in a world that had abruptly turned dark, odd, and foreign. She was left with her two girls, Mahema and Manisha, and she did not have the support of her husband's family to assist her deal.

Steel is at the heart of the structure. Throughout her childhood, Kalaivani was the family's favourite child, lavished with affection and indulgence by her parents and two brothers. However, when she announced her plan to marry the man she had fallen in love with, she was met with fierce opposition from her conservative family. She eventually decided to divorce him and go on. This was the first time that her concealed steel core had been shown to the world. With her determination, she persuaded her family to accept her choice, and the love marriage went forward as planned. Now, during the dark and tragic period that followed her husband's death, this tenacity and dogged determination to live life on her own terms came to the fore once more.

Amway turned on the light.

“My husband had had the greatest impact on my life. He was my rock. My greatest source of inspiration comes from the dreams that we had when we first started Amway "Kalaivani expresses himself. She made the decision that she would not let those dreams go to waste. Kalaivani put all of her energy into Amway because she was determined to achieve financial stability. And she discovered a great deal more. "After my husband's death, I had lost all hope, and my life itself had become a question mark. Amway shone a light in the darkness, and I was grateful. It instilled bravery, self-assurance, and solace in me. It took my hand in itss and brought me back up to the surface of life."

"Being able to become a Diamond in such a short period of time is one of my proudest achievements," adds Kalaivani. She credits her accomplishments to simple determination. She attributes her success to Amway for providing her with hope and opportunity, as well as for assisting her in transforming her stumbling blocks into stepping stones to success. Today, she not only earns enough money to live comfortably, but she has also made a large number of friends both in India and around the world. Which she considers to be the most lucrative of the two options. "My husband and I had long-held ambitions to travel to a variety of various locations. Despite the fact that he is no longer with us, Amway has realised this dream of ours ", she expresses herself emotionally.

Achieving Milestones in Their Amway Career

By the grace of God, Kalaivani was reunited with her husband, Ganesh Kumar, who is a great person with whom she shares a deep affection. Kalaivani admires her husband's character and demeanour. Her life has become wonderful once more, thanks to her two girls, her husband, and Amway. Kalaivani has no plans to rest on her laurels as a Diamond, despite her success. "There is still so much more I want to do." "I want to become a Founder Crown Ambassador," adds the author "She expresses herself passionately. Taking a look at her past accomplishments and the way she has persevered in her journey from darkness to light, there is absolutely no doubt that Kalaivani will do everything she sets her mind to. "AND SO CAN YOU," she asserts. "KEEP HOPE, KEEP CONFIDENCE, AND KEEP TRYING, BECAUSE AMWAY WILL BE WITH YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY," says the narrator. MILESTONES ON THEIR WAY TO SUCCESS On August 23, 1998, I became a member of the ABO.
In May of 1999, the company received its Platinum Qualification.
Emerald Qualification was achieved in February of 2000.
Diamond Qualification was achieved in August of 2001.

Kalaivani G & Ganesh Kumar

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