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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Lara, Andres & Lorena Amway


  • Diamond
  • Founders Diamond (2014)
  • Executive Diamond (2014)

Downline Diamonds

  • Lara, Andres & Lorena, Executive Diamond, E-Network (2014)
  • Rodriguez, Nelson & Elcy, Executive Diamond, E-Network
  • Enedy Duarte & José Camacho, Diamond, E-Network (2015)
  • Carvajal, Leonor, Diamond, E-Network
  • Jaidi & Kamilo Rodríguez, Diamond, E-Network (2015)
  • Lara, Ricardo & Angelica, Diamond, E-Network (2013)
  • Deisy Cárdenas & Fausto Gutiérrez, Diamond, E-Network (2015)

Terminated Amway


  • People who have been terminated

Castellanos, Hugo & Maria del Pilar Amway

 Antes de unirse a las actividades de la Corporación, Mara del Pilar, un ingeniero de sistemas, trabajó como gestor de sistemas para una multinacional francesa, y Hugo, un músico profesional colombiano, era una figura conocida en la escena musical del país.

Estos dos empresarios independientes colombianos con éxito encontraron la oportunidad proporcionada por la Corporación en circunstancias completamente diferentes, lo que les llevó casualmente a conocerse y luego a construir la hermosa casa en la que ahora residen con sus cuatro hijos: Andrea, Jorge, Juan Manuel y Ana, como resultado de "cosas del destino".

Downline Diamond

  • Andrade, Jorge & Lanz, Eusebia, Diamond, Venezuela
Castellanos, Hugo & Maria del Pilar Amway

Mendivelso, Diane Amway

Mendivelso, Diane 

  •  Terminated


  • Diamante 2013
  • Diamante Ejecutivo 2014

Mendivelso, Diane Amway

Mora, Edgar & Lucy Amway



  • Founders Executive Diamond 2010


  • Diamond 2006



Mora, Edgar & Lucy Amway

Castellano, Carlos & Santos, Claudia Amway

Castellano, Carlos & Santos, Claudia 

 He cursado un título en ciencias veterinarias. Empezó a trabajar en la empresa tan pronto como la empresa comenzó sus operaciones en Colombia.

En 2007, recibió la mayor calificación posible de Diamond.

En 2009, se casó con la joya Claudia Santos, y las dos empresas recibieron los premios Executive Diamond y Founder Diamond, respectivamente. 

En 2014, calificaron para las certificaciones Double Diamond y Founder Triple Diamond 20 FAA, respectivamente.

En 2017, fue clasificada como la segunda empresa más exitosa de América Latina para alcanzar el estatus de Embajador de la Corona.

Todos ellos, junto con el Colombiano José Bobadilla, forman parte del Consejo de Fundadores de América Latina, que promueve el eslogan "Se habla español" en toda la región.

Downline Diamonds

  • Castellano, Carlos & Santos, Claudia, Crown Ambassador, E-Network (2017)
  • Camacho, Nubia, Diamante E-Network (2014)
  • Lara, Mauricio & Gonzalez, Alba Luz, Double Diamond, E-Network (2010)
  • Jiménez, Aydee & Guillermo, Diamond, eFinity (2009)
  • Arango, Carlos Alberto, Diamond, eFinity (2009)
  • Loaiza, Elizabeth & Joaquín, Diamond, eFinity, (2009)
  • González, Angela & Juan Carlos, Diamond, eFinity (2010)
  • Lara, Andres & Lorena, Executive Diamond, E-Network (2014)
  • Rodriguez, Nelson & Elcy, Executive Diamond, E-Network
  • Enedy Duarte & José Camacho, Diamond, E-Network (2015)
  • Carvajal, Leonor, Diamond, E-Network
  • Jaidi & Kamilo Rodríguez, Diamond, E-Network (2015)
  • Lara, Ricardo & Angelica, Diamond, E-Network (2013)
  • Deisy Cárdenas & Fausto Gutiérrez, Diamond, E-Network (2015)
  • Saad, Leyla & Pinto, Camilo, Diamond, E-Network (2013)
  • Palacio, Catalina & Fernando, Founders Diamond, E-Network (2013)
  • Varón, Zulma & Ariza, Wilson, Diamond, E-Network (2013)
  • Ávila, Orlando & Lerma, Nelcy, Diamond, E-Network (2014)
  • Mendivelso, Diane, Executive Diamond, E-Network (2014) Terminated
Castellano, Carlos & Santos, Claudia Amway

Correa, Rodrigo & Gloria Amway

Correa, Rodrigo & Gloria 

  •  Diamantes Ejecutivos, Colombia (2013)
  • Plata, Estados Unidos

Downline Diamonds

  • Correa, Rodrigo & Gloria, Executive Diamond, E-Network (2013)
  • Pérez, Sandra & Correa, Juan David, Diamond, E-Network (2013)
  • Correa, Mauricio & Ana Maria, Diamond, E-Network 2012
  • Quijano, Paula & Torres, Edwin, Diamond, E-Network (2013)
  • Merino, Paula & Franco, Jorge, Diamond, E-Network (2013)
  • Castro, Sergio & Lina, Diamond, Colombia

Correa, Rodrigo & Gloria Amway

Bobadilla, Jose de Jesus Amway

Bobadilla, Jose de Jesus 

 José de Jess Bobadilla es abogado por profesión y graduado de la Universidad del Cauca en Popayán, así como un especialista en Gestión de Recursos Humanos de la Universidad del Valle y de la Universidad de Pensilvania en Estados Unidos de América.

 También tiene un título en Psicología Social en su haber.

 En su vida profesional, ha ocupado puestos como Rector de la Corporación Universitaria Autónoma de Cauca, columnista de periódicos nacionales e internacionales, cofundador de asociaciones académicas y una posición de liderazgo en diversas organizaciones.

 Empezó su negocio de Amway a mediados de 2005 y ahora disfruta de la independencia financiera, el reconocimiento del sector y la oportunidad de viajar por todo Estados Unidos y en el extranjero para hablar en conferencias sobre negocios, liderazgo y desarrollo humano.

"Todos los días me pregunto si estoy comunicando eficazmente el mensaje de la empresa porque la gente lo necesita. 

Además de ser la mayor empresa de marketing de redes del mundo, AMWAY también ofrece las mayores bonificaciones e incentivos del sector".


  • Platinum (2007)
  • Emerald & Founders Emerald (2008)
  • Diamond & Founders Diamond (2009)
  • Executive Diamond (2010)
  • Double Diamond (2011)
  • Crown (2013)
  • Crown Ambassador (2014)

Downline Diamonds

  • Bobadilla, Jose de Jesus, Embajador Corona, E-Network (2014)
  • Castillo, Mauricio & Esperanza, Diamante, E-Network (2013)
  • Suarez, Christian & Andrea, Diamante, E-Network (2013)
  • Cecilia Suarez y Ariel Gonzalez Diamante Argentina (2018)
  • Pablo Di Benedetto, Diamante Fundador, Argentina
  • Yamil Raidan, Diamante,Argentina (2018)
Jose De Jesus Bobadilla is an extremely successful Amway business owner who has reached the illustrious status of Crown Ambassador within the Amway business model. He has also been awarded the Amway Chairman's Award for Business Excellence. The tale of Bobadilla is one of determination, hard effort, and a deep devotion to the Amway business model, which has allowed him to achieve tremendous success as an independent business owner. Bobadilla's story is told in the first person.

The year 1992 was the beginning of Bobadilla's career with Amway, which began when a mutual acquaintance informed him about the company. During this time, Bobadilla was having trouble making ends meet and was forced to work multiple jobs in order to provide for his family. In spite of his initial cynicism, he found the Amway business model to be intriguing. He saw the potential for it to give him with a pathway to financial independence and was captivated by that potential.

Bobadilla put in a lot of hard work over the course of the following few years to establish his Amway business. He went to a lot of training sessions and networking events, and he built a solid team of independent business owners to work under him. Along the way, he had to overcome a number of obstacles, some of which included personal hardships, financial failures, and the skepticism of those who were close to him who did not trust in the Amway business concept.

In spite of the difficulties he was facing, Bobadilla did not lose sight of his objectives and did not let up in his efforts to grow his Amway business. His efforts started to pay off, and he started to enjoy tremendous success, eventually reaching the rank of Diamond in 1998 and Double Diamond in 2003 as a result of his hard work.

But Bobadilla was not one to be satisfied with his accomplishments and he continued to push himself in order to achieve even greater levels of success in the Amway business. The results of his efforts paid off in 2008, when he was promoted to the position of Crown Ambassador within the Amway business model, which is the highest rank that can be obtained.

Bobadilla, in his role as a Crown Ambassador for Amway, has achieved a high level of financial success thanks to the sales of Amway products and the commissions received by the independent business owners in his downline. A variety of bonuses and incentives, like as chances to go on opulent vacations and acknowledgement for his accomplishments within the Amway community, are also available to him if he meets the requirements.

The foundation for Bobadilla's success in the Amway business has been a solid foundation of hard effort, devotion, and a profound commitment to the Amway business model. This has allowed Bobadilla to achieve great success in the Amway industry. He has been a fervent advocate for the merits of the Amway business, and as a result, a great number of people have been motivated to realize their full potential as successful independent business owners.

In conclusion, Jose De Jesus Bobadilla is an excellent illustration of the potential that exists inside the Amway business model. His tale is one of tenacity, hard effort, and a profound commitment to the Amway business, which has allowed him to achieve considerable success as an independent business owner. His story is told in the form of a narrative. Bobadilla has reached the greatest possible level within the Amway business model and is a true inspiration to those who desire to attain success on par with her own. She is a Crown Ambassador, which means she has achieved this position.

Bobadilla, Jose de Jesus Amway

Melvin & Mary Tere Salas Amway


  • Diamond

Fallas, Guillermo & Valencia, Jenny Amway


  • Founders Diamond 2011
Two people who have made substantial contributions to their respective fields of employment are Guillermo Fallas and Jenny Amway Valencia. Both of these persons are known as Fallas and Valencia.

 Both of them have earned notoriety and success in their careers, despite the fact that they come from unique backgrounds and specialize in a variety of fields.

Guillermo Fallas is a well-known architect in Costa Rica who is responsible for the design of a number of significant structures there. He received his degree in architecture from the University of Costa Rica in 1971 after being born in San Jose, Costa Rica in 1948. 

His field of study was architecture. Over the course of his more than half-century-long career as an architect, Fallas has designed a wide variety of buildings, including residential, commercial, and institutional establishments. 

The National Stadium of Costa Rica, the Metropolitan Cathedral of San José, and the National Museum of Costa Rica are only a few examples of his most noteworthy works. 

Additionally, Fallas has been honored for his work with a number of awards, one of which was the National Architecture Award of Costa Rica in the year 2002.

Jenny Amway On the other side, Valencia is a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur who has significantly impacted the field of direct selling through the work that she has done.

 She was born in Bogotá, Colombia in 1973, and at the age of 22, she began her career in the field of direct selling. Her hometown is Colombia. 

She joined Amway, the world's largest direct selling firm, and soon progressed through the ranks to become one of the most influential leaders in the company. 

The expansion of Amway's operations throughout Latin America has been significantly aided by Valencia's leadership qualities as well as her shrewdness in the business world. 

Additionally, she has been honored for the contributions that she has made to the sector, including being named by Forbes magazine as one of the 100 Most Powerful Women in Mexico for the year 2019.

In spite of the fact that they come from different places and have different areas of specialization, Fallas and Valencia have a number of characteristics in common that have led to their success. Both of these people have a tremendous amount of drive, and they are enthusiastic about the work that they do and dedicated to accomplishing their objectives. 

They not only have a great sense of creativity and innovation, but they also have a strong sense of creativity and innovation, both of which have allowed them to succeed in their respective industries. 

In addition to this, they have both showed great leadership abilities, as well as the capacity to motivate and inspire others around them.

In conclusion, Guillermo Fallas and Jenny Amway Valencia are two people who have made important contributions to their respective fields of employment. 

Both of these persons are known as Fallas and Valencia. Their accomplishment is evidence of the effort, dedication, and dedication to greatness that they have consistently demonstrated. 

They serve as examples of what people can accomplish when they follow their dreams, put in the effort, and strive to be the best they can be.

 Their stories show the potential for success that is available to anybody who is willing to put in the effort.

Espinosa, Nibardo & Yenory Amway

 Espinosa, Nibardo & Yenory 

Cuando la pareja costarricense conoció por primera vez la oportunidad de Amway en 1996, tenían la impresión de que era una empresa formada por personas que no tenían un trabajo fijo y que la única manera de ganar dinero era vendiendo productos de puerta a puerta. Después de conocer la oportunidad de Amway, decidieron unirse a la empresa. 

Hoy Nibardo afirma: “si tuviéramos la oportunidad de iniciar de nuevo, definitivamente no cuestionaríamos a la industria ni al Programa Educativo Amway”.

No fue hasta 2007 que la familia Espinosa se dio cuenta de lacesidad de estabilidad económica, lo que les llevó a buscar información para apoyar la empresa, acumulando gradualmente la información necesaria para formular la estrategia más eficaz que les llevaría a la estabilidad financiera y, en última instancia, al éxito.

La educación ha sido muy importante para Yenory y Nibardo, y creen que fue esto lo que les permitió superar sus mayores obstáculos: su baja autoestima y su falta de confianza en sus propias habilidades.

 “A través del maravilloso programa educativo del Instituto de Negocios Amway pudimos desarrollar nuestro potencial, ya que aumenta la visión y nos educa para crecer como líderes con principios y valores; un Empresario sin estas habilidades es imposible que construya una organización que perdure con el tiempo”.

Debido a esto, creen que el factor que les ha llevado a escalar de un nivel a otro se encuentra en un estado de equilibrio.

 “Si se quiere crear un negocio sano, se debe tener un balance entre la Comercialización y el Auspicio, el ingreso de nuevas personas potencializa y refuerza el trabajo y crecimiento de una organización, ésta es una métrica fundamental en la construcción de nuestro negocio, mientras que la Comercialización es indispensable, ya que es la forma de ganar dinero desde el primer momento; nosotros trabajamos con todas las líneas, ya que todas son necesarias en cualquier hogar”.

Cuando se trata del Diamante Executive, el apoyo de una variedad de herramientas les permite acelerar sus acciones de trabajo a diario. 

“Es espectacular el momento en el que vivimos, la tecnología nos ayuda a comunicarnos de manera más rápida; emprender un negocio ya no es un lujo, es una necesidad, y la economía ya cambió. 

Si se quiere tener resultados diferentes hay que hacer cosas diferentes; en este siglo, la mejor manera de hacerlo es con AMWAY, ya que es una empresa fundamentada en valores y principios, que cuenta con un mejor plan de compensación”.

“La vida es muy corta como para hacer algo solo por dinero, no tiene sentido el perderte los mejores momentos de tu vida cuando puedes tener en tus manos una mejor opción llamada AMWAY. 

No importa lo que estén pasando en ese momento, nunca deben perder la esperanza o la visión, y deben convertirse en apasionados por la educación y mantener un enfoque láser en todo lo que les ayude a crecer como empresarios. 

El trabajo en equipo es fundamental para llegar al éxito”.

¡Estamos convencidos que AMWAY es un negocio que no tiene límites!”.


  • Founders Diamond (2012)
  • Executive Diamond (2015)


  • Espinosa, Nibardo & Yenory, Executive Diamond, Costa Rica, EFinity
  • Fallas, Guillermo & Valencia, Jenny Founders Diamond (2011)

Espinosa, Nibardo & Yenory Amway

Baltic States Amway

The Baltic States 

(also Baltics, Baltic nations or Baltic countries) usually are referred to the territories east of Baltic Sea:

  • Estonia
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania

These markets opened on 4 May 2010 and are part of Eastern Europe CLOS Region

Eastern Europe CLOS Region Amway


  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Estonia
  • Hungary
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine

This project enables independent business owners (IBOs) to operate a single business in any country in the Eastern Europe CLOS Region and to sponsor prospects from any of these countries.

International sponsorship is not permitted inside the Eastern Europe CLOS Region, which includes the countries that begin with:

  • 1 January 2005 for Turkey
  • 4 May 2010 for Baltic States
  • 1 September 2003 for the rest
Eastern Europe CLOS Region Amway

Lesoway, Clay & Liz Amway


  • Emerald 2016

Zeender, Robert & Jacqueline Amway

 My friend Jackie and I started our Amway journey with the tiniest of links. We were on our way home from a vacation in Florida when we stopped to visit friends in North Carolina. 

Our friend didn't show us the circles until we were almost towards the conclusion of our stay, which was frustrating. 

He was concerned that we would be uninterested in his proposal. Because, after all, we had already achieved success in a restaurant in Washington, D.C., and we appeared to have it all. 

We were so giddy with excitement that night that we wanted a kit.

After two and a half years, we decided to sell our restaurant and devote our entire time and energy to our Amway business venture. 

We are extremely grateful to the person who took the time to share their dream with us. The previous twenty-five years with our Amway friends have been nothing short of extraordinary. 

In our situation, this means waking up after rush hour has passed. The freedom to live life with our two children, Julie and Rocky, is what it means to us. 

A business that gives us with more than just an income; it also provides a promising future for our children. 

It is a dream come true to be the owner of a business rather than the owner of a business. I'm guessing that the word "dream" is thrown around a lot among Amway employees. 

We would nearly be overusing it if it weren't for the facts it informs us about ourselves. Instead, we're being pushed to "tone down our excitement" a little bit more than usual. 

People outside of Amway are perplexed as to how somebody could be so enthusiastic about a business venture. 

We get a kick out of seeing people walk in and wonder if what they've heard is true. Is it possible for them to be free as well? Is it possible for them to get out of debt? Is it possible for them to obtain the material objects they desire? They face fresh challenges, and those of us who have been here for a while observe them with interest. 

Progress in one's own life. For the first time, I'm learning to put my trust in other people. Developing new abilities. 

Getting over your anxieties and hang-ups. It is a source of great excitement for us to see people achieve their full potential. 

It's fun to see them get giddy at their own accomplishments as well as the accomplishments of those they support.

Our home is magnificent and our lifestyle is amazing, but it wouldn't be the same without the friends we have made through Amway throughout the years. Without them, our lives would be shallow and cheap.

Zeender, Robert & Jacqueline

Achieve Amway

 Achieve Magazine is a publication created by Amway Global for Amway Business Owners in North America and is distributed free of charge. Amway began making Achieve publicly available for download in PDF format in January 2008, and the company has continued to do so. In May 2010, Achieve Magazine launched a blog in order to acknowledge more Independent Business Owners (IBOs), as well as to post extra articles, images, and videos:


Melville, Stewart & Carol Amway

 Stewart Melville resigned from his position as president of the Amway Corporation in November 2008.\

It has been reported that Amway suspended Carole Melville's business from December 2008 to June 2009, withholding all income made during that time period, according to the Melvilles. 

Amway closed the firm in July 2009, withholding any accrued bonuses from anyone who had worked there. 

Stewart Melville's termination was justified by the fact that, following his 2008 resignation from Amway, he had joined a competitive multi-level marketing organisation outside of Europe.

Melville, Stewart & Carol

Scriven, Jerry & Mandy Amway

Scriven, Jerry & Mandy Amway




  • Silver 1983
  • Emerald 1987
  • Diamond 1992


16th of October, 2007.

As part of the BERR vs. Amway UK dispute, Amway declared that Diamonds Jerry and Mandy Scriven will not be re-hired once their contract expired.

The Scrivens responded to this by posting a response on their website, 

Powdrill, Roger & Babs Amway

Powdrill, Roger & Babs Amway

 Roger and Babs Powdrill were one of the first Diamonds in the United Kingdom, and they came from an upline that included Joe and Mary Logan in the United States. Roger is originally from Leicester and was previously employed by Boots.

The Amway Corporation is one of the most successful direct selling organizations in the world, and Roger and Babs Powdrill are a successful couple working within the company. The Powdrills have earned a tremendous amount of success inside the organization, as evidenced by the fact that they have attained the rank of Diamond and developed a reputation within the Amway community as well-respected leaders and mentors.

In 1971, Roger and Babs became distributors for Amway after a mutual acquaintance informed them about the opportunity. They were seeking for a way to construct a better life for themselves and their family at the time, and at the same time, they were having financial difficulties. They saw Amway as a chance to become their own boss and take charge of their financial future by launching their own business.

The Powdrills began their company careers as distributors and put in a lot of effort to build it up while putting an emphasis on personal growth and leadership development. They participated in a variety of Amway events and seminars and gained knowledge from a number of Amway's most senior leaders in the process. They were eventually able to construct a sizable and fruitful downline structure, and the company as a whole started to realize considerable improvements as a result.

The Powdrills rose to the level of Diamond within Amway that same year, establishing themselves as one of the most successful distributors in the organization. They persevered in growing their company and eventually earned a place of prominence as respected leaders within the Amway community. They were recognized for their dedication to personal growth and leadership training, as well as their willingness to assist others in achieving success within the organization.

The Powdrills have been honored numerous times by Amway for their contributions to the company as well as their achievements and leadership. They have been given a number of prizes and honours, including membership in the Founders Council, which is Amway's most prestigious organization. They have also been honored for their contributions to their community as well as their efforts in humanitarian organizations.

Even in modern times, Roger and Babs continue to play important roles in the Amway community, acting as guides and supervisors for other distributors. They are well-known for their devotion to both their own personal growth and to assisting others in achieving success inside the firm. They are regarded as some of the most powerful and recognized leaders in the Amway community as a whole.

In conclusion, Roger and Babs Powdrill are a successful couple inside the Amway Corporation. They have achieved considerable success as distributors and have become well-respected leaders and mentors within the company. In addition, they have been recognized as a successful marriage. Their dedication to self-improvement and participation in leadership programs has been a significant contributor to their level of success, and they remain committed to motivating and guiding others within the Amway community.

International Business Systems Amway

 The Amway Business Support Organization is situated in the United Kingdom. On October 16, 2007, Amway stated that IBS Diamonds Pat Gregory, Jerry Scriven, and Dave Butler will not be renewing their contracts, thereby ending their affiliation with the company.



  • Gregory, Pat & Greta,
  • Scriven, Jerry & Mandy
  • Butler, Dave

Luis & Lulu Chavez Amway

 Circles of life

Luis Chávez emigrated to the United States from Mexico in search of a better life for his family. He had no idea that it would entail tracing circles on the paper.

According to Luis, he was working in construction when he first learned about the Quixtar IBO Compensation Plan. 

“Because I couldn't communicate effectively in English at the time, I was unsure of how the firm operated. Although it was my intention to attend meetings regularly, I realised I would miss out on a fantastic opportunity to improve my English!”

His realisation of the enormous potential of a Quixtar firm came some years later, while he was in Mexico and heard the Plan presented in Spanish. “When the IBO started drawing those circles, it quickly dawned on me that this was going to transform my life!

Luis divided his time between his birthplace of Tijuana and San Diego, where he worked, since he believed in it with all of his heart and wanted to share the chance with his family. Luis worked in both cities.

Because of the drive, Luis was only able to get two to three hours of sleep on most days. “It was all worth it,” he recalls now, reflecting on the things that he regarded as difficulties at the time.

Lul, who is also from Tijuana, aspired to a better life - one that was free of a boss and without the constraints of a work. According to her, she has believed in her ability to do great things since she was a young child. "When I learnt about this company, I knew I'd found the solution I was looking for."

A 19-year-old secretary who drove a rattletrap car was not taken seriously by everyone, despite her convictions to the contrary. In retrospect, Lul confesses, "I didn't project a lot of credibility at that stage." She, on the other hand, was not deterred.

The ability to persevere is essential.

In Lulu's opinion, the key to success can be summed up in a single word: persistence. Her tone is matter-of-fact as she states, "You strive for what you want until you get it."

Luis grins and continues, "When I first met Lulu (a downline in his Mexico business), I immediately started working extremely hard on that leg!"

And his efforts were unquestionably fruitful. Not only did Lulu accept his marriage proposal – “It was love at first sight,” she recalls – but she also assisted him in building his business to the point where he was able to retire from his construction job.

The Chávezes are setting their sights even higher now that they have seen what they have been able to accomplish together, including earning Diamond status both here and in Mexico. “We firmly think that, with a Quixtar business, you can do everything you set your mind to,” Luis declares emphatically.

Some of Lulu's greatest pleasures in life are the simplest things, such as spending time at home with her husband, Luis, and their kids, Luis Jr., 2, and their new baby, David. It is wonderful to be able to come here to recover, refocus, and make plans for the future because we travel so often.

The pair claims that their plans for the future include having more children, assisting their families, and keeping in touch with the friends they've made all over the world as a result of their business venture.

The couple has discovered a successful technique to earn an excellent income while also having the time to enjoy it, as Luis describes. What's more, many of the people who previously turned them down are now joining their network of supporters.

Considering that my universe used to be limited to the area between Tijuana and San Diego, I'm just astounded that it has grown to encompass the entire planet.

Luis and Lulu have 5 diamonds in their downline, and they are quite successful.

Downline Diamond

  • Luis & Lulu Chavez, Diamond, United States & Mexico, Vision Global
  • Francisco & Geovana Bazan, Executive Diamond, United States & Mexico, Vision Global
  • Alfredo & Silvia Medina Executive Diamond, United States & Mexico, Vision Global
  • Adan & Francisca Ledezma, Diamond, United States, Vision Global
  • Ignacio & Dora Alvarez, Diamond, United States & Mexico, Vision Global
  • Rafael & Alma Navarro, Diamond, Mexico, Vision Global

Zeenath Beevi M & Nahas M Amway

 Termination from Amway

  • Now Terminated from Amway

Success Story

The names M. Nahas and Zeenath M

Employees of the federal government and state governments

We are both Post Graduates in Science, and I was employed by a Central Government Department, whereas Zeenath was employed by a State Government Department on a supervisory cadre. 

We have been blessed with two identical twin girls, Sabna and Sajna, who are currently pursuing a Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Science degree at Mangalore University. 

At the time, I couldn't believe the revenue potential of Amway, which was introduced to me by one of my colleagues in 1998. 

After a few months, my co-brother (who has lived in Malaysia) persuaded me of the legitimacy of Amway, which has been in operation in the country since 1976. 

He told me that he would love it if I resigned from my government position and joined Amway! I then made a decision and decided to join the Amway business opportunity. 

Because we were both employed by the government and earning a solid salary, we were unable to come up with compelling reasons to invest in the Amway business. 

Nonetheless, our children's schooling has been negatively impacted by our numerous job transfers and relocations. 

The intense pressure and pressures of the job, as well as the lack of flexibility, also led us to devote significant time and resources to growing the Amway business. 

We began conducting Amway business to supplement our income on a part-time basis, so that it did not interfere with our day employment, and continued until we qualified for two ALS (international) trips and two Platinums. 

Because of our demanding schedules, we faced a significant obstacle in that we did not have the time to invest in our firm. Zeenath, on the other hand, took care of all of our household affairs, allowing me to concentrate on growing the company. 

Later on, Zeenath became involved in the mainstream industry by disseminating information about world-class products to the general public. 

During the 2002 ALS, we realised that if we had continued in our previous employment, we would have never been able to enjoy all of these benefits and experiences. 

We returned to India and both of us decided to leave our government professions to pursue a career in the Amway company! 

We gave our daughters Amway business ownership as a birthday present for their 18th birthday, and now they have Platinums in their Amway group. 

Our loving upline mentors, Sajeev Nair and Bindu, and their goal and ideals in life serve as a source of great inspiration for us. 

We were able to upgrade from a scooter to an air-conditioned automobile (Fiat Uno) in two years when we qualified as Platinums, and then to Indigo Marina in four years when we qualified as Founders Platinum, and finally to a Volkswagen Jetta when we qualified as Diamonds, all because to our Amway business.

Both Zeenath Beevi M and Nahas M are considered to be two of the most successful Independent Business Owners (IBOs) in the Amway network. They have both put in a great amount of effort and dedication, which has allowed them to attain a significant level of financial success. They have received a plethora of trophies and distinctions over the course of their time with the company, as a result of their status as one of the best performers within the firm.

Zeenath Beevi M has over 25 years of experience working in the Amway industry and holds a degree in business administration from an accredited university. She has assisted a great number of people and families in achieving financial success through the Amway opportunity, and she has been a significant contributor to the development and growth of the company. She is well-known for her great leadership abilities, and the members of her team hold a high regard for her due to the support and direction she provides.

On the other hand, Nahas M comes from an engineering background and has been working in the Amway industry for more than 20 years. His excellent abilities in both sales and marketing have earned him acclaim, and he has been credited with significantly contributing to the expansion and prosperity of the company. He is well-known for his ability to excite and inspire the members of his team, and he has been an important contributor to the members' success in reaching their objectives.

The Amway business that Zeenath Beevi M and Nahas M have developed together is extremely successful, and they have a powerful team of individuals who are committed to their work who are working under their direction. They have made it a priority to foster a culture of achievement within the organization by placing a significant emphasis on the significance of hard effort, dedication, and a robust commitment to the fulfillment of the needs and expectations of customers.

Their commitment to cultivating long-term partnerships with their clients and satisfying their needs in terms of both product quality and customer care has been one of the primary factors in the company's remarkable level of commercial success. They have also placed an emphasis on the significance of personal growth and have pushed the members of their team to continue their education and seek out new training opportunities so that they can develop personally and professionally.

Both Zeenath Beevi M and Nahas M have been very involved in the Amway community over the years and have been instrumental in helping others learn more about the company and the items it sells. They have been acknowledged for their remarkable contributions to the organization, and they have taken part in a variety of training and educational programs. They have also been involved in the community around them and over the years have contributed support to a variety of different philanthropic causes and organizations.

Both Zeenath Beevi M and Nahas M have been the subject of criticism during the course of their careers, in spite of the many successes they have achieved. Some people have questioned the efficiency of the Amway business model, and others have accused the couple of encouraging people to have unrealistic expectations of how much money they can make. Despite this, they have persisted in putting in a lot of effort and keeping their attention fixed on the goal of constructing a prosperous and long-lasting firm that serves not only them but also their clients.

Both Zeenath Beevi M and Nahas M are acknowledged as top performers in the Amway network. Furthermore, they have made substantial contributions to both the company as a whole and the industry in general. They have helped a great number of individuals and families achieve financial success, and in doing so, they have set an encouraging example for others to follow by virtue of the hard work, devotion, and commitment to excellence that they have displayed.

Zeenath Beevi M & Nahas M

Vinod N Kumar & Rajalekshmi J Amway

 Termination from Amway

  • Now Terminated from Amway

Success Story

Vinod Kumar and Raji are two Indian actors.

Executive & Lecturer for a multinational corporation

I was born into a family of middle-class parents. During school days my dream was to become a high-fly corporate executive. My ambition came true when, after completing my Masters degree in Management, I was hired as an executive by one of the best multinational corporations. I worked extremely hard and quickly rose to the position of best employee in the firm in just one year. One of my family's acquaintances introduced me to the Amway business opportunity at that time. Despite the fact that I joined, I did not begin.

Years passed, and I began to feel the actual pressure of being in a high position in a multinational corporation, despite the fact that I was enjoying myself. Throughout my career, there were numerous moments when I felt very insecure in my position. At that point, lucky for me, my upline Mr. Sajeev Nair invited me to a meeting, where I was inspired and decided to pursue this business opportunity further. I was quite impressed with the quality and size of Amway, as well as the genuine long-term potential of the business opportunity it presented. The thought of on-going, secure income as well as regal recognitions appeals to me. It only took me six months to achieve silver status, thanks to the assistance of my family, uplines, and the great support of TeamOne.

Rajalekshmi, who was working as a Junior Lecturer at the time of our marriage, was my fiancée at the time. The fact that she was open-minded and positive was the cherry on top. She also began attending TeamOne meetings and expressing her support for me. We were both working in various places and doing it on a part-time basis at the time. We began to think differently as a result of the TeamOne CDs and Books, and we began to establish ambitious dreams and goals for ourselves. We discovered that we could qualify for the Millionaire class of the Amway Business Corporation. For us, Amway's platinum forum in Delhi served as a wake-up call, during which we realised the actual potential of the company and made the decision to become full-time professional Amway Business Owners.

We began to propagate the foundation ideals of Amway, such as Freedom, Family, Hope, and Reward, around the world. The association with our upline mentors was really beneficial in helping us to grow larger.

By God's help, we've grown into a massive organisation with offices all across the country and a turnover in the hundreds of millions of rupees, which is increasing on a daily basis. We have a very productive and skilled workforce, as well as a substantial amount of platinum, emerald, and diamond. We are currently living an extraordinary lifestyle because to the Amway business. Ongoing income, numerous overseas trips every year, and friends all over the world are just a few of the many accomplishments we have gained through this firm. We firmly think that our business is a genuine intervention of God in our lives, with the goal of making us wealthy in every sense of the word.

Through this business, we discovered that we can live the life of our dreams and that there are no boundaries to what we can do in our lives. While working in this firm, we are sincerely enjoying ourselves and ensuring that our daughter receives the greatest possible education and training. Bhagya
Vinod N Kumar & Rajalekshmi J

Vinod & Sudha Kapoor Amway

 My parents brought me to Mumbai when I was a very small child. I'd always wished for a comfortable and enjoyable way of life. Unfortunately, my father's business failed when I was sixteen, and as a result, I was forced to enter the workforce. 

Because I was required to work odd jobs, I had now been acquainted with the harsh facts of life. I've worked as a counter salesman, as a TV antenna installer, and as a clerk at a textile company that was owned by a private equity firm. 

I founded my own textile production company in 1982, which was forced to close its doors in 1992 due to financial difficulties. Later on, I decided to dabble in the world of investments. 

I was just getting along well. In 1998, I was introduced to the Direct Selling business opportunity offered by Britt Worldwide, which offered a one-of-a-kind training programme and support structure. 

I was completely taken in by their attitude of assisting people in assisting themselves. The moment I decided to pursue a career in direct selling, there was no turning back.

My wife is a stay-at-home mom. We have been blessed with three beautiful children. Before joining the BWW System and receiving their training, I had given up hope because of my previous failures, but after joining and receiving their training, I could see a bright future for us. 

Through the use of this system, one can achieve both materialistic and spiritual objectives, which is the ultimate goal one should strive for in life.

Downline Diamond

  • Having nos. of downline diamond
  • Pankaj & Amita Titoria, Diamond 2011, BWW
  • Vishnu Mehra, Emerald
  • Vijay Prakash & Madhvi Gupta, Diamond, BWW
  • Chetan Lal & Manju Jain, Emerald, BWW
  • Ravi & Ila Jain, Founders Diamond, Winners International, Terminated
  • Harish Kumar & Hema Nagar, Diamond , BWW
  • Madhvi & Shekhar Choudhary, Diamond, Winners International
  • Shuddhatm Prakash & Sandhya Bharill, Executive Diamond, Winners International, Terminated
  • Jitendra & Abha Jain, Diamond, Winners International, Terminated
  • Kamal & Shashi Dhingra, Diamond, Winners International, Terminated
Vinod & Sudha Kapoor

Swaminathan, Ravi & Dr. Priya Amway

 My profession is that of a Chemical Engineer, and my wife, Priya Ravi, is that of a Dentist. Both Abhimanyu and Anshuman, our two wonderful kids who are both students and Amway distributors, have joined our family.

A successful business was something I had always wanted. In addition to becoming successful in our enterprises, we also launched a few of our own. However, as with many small enterprises, they were all lacking in security. 

We were on the prowl for anything greater at the time. We initially became involved in the Amway business since we discovered that the setup costs were really low. 

We were completely unaware of the potential of the company at the time. In fact, I came up with every imaginable reason why it would not work because I was not very interested in putting it together. 

Priya, on the other hand, appreciated what she saw in the company proposal. 

We decided to build it since she was a huge dreamer, and we were inspired by her.

When I was younger, my father used to say, "If you're going to start something, don't quit." You put forth your best effort.” 

We began to see favourable outcomes as soon as we began to create this firm with love, devotion, and integrity. In little time at all, we had calculated its potential and realised that this was exactly the type of business opportunity we had been pursuing.

Initially, our goal was to earn a few thousand rupees more than we were already making! Today, though, our life's mission is considerably more expansive. 

We are grateful to the BWW system, as well as to our uplines in India and the United States, for their amazing mentorship and friendship, as well as to the fantastic team that we have working with us. Everyone, in our opinion, is a gift from the Almighty.

Believe in yourself as well as in your company. You have the ability to do it as well.

Swaminathan, Ravi & Dr. Priya

Singh, R.P & Chandra Amway

 In Deoria, Uttar Pradesh, I was born in a tiny village to parents who are from a lower middle-class household. Engineers were considered to be wealthy individuals from my childhood, and my parents desired that I pursue a career in engineering. 

Because of that powerful dream, I went on to complete my M.Tech at I.I.T. Delhi. In spite of the fact that I had a hard-earned degree in hand, I was always thinking of becoming a Civil Servant for some very compelling reason. 

However, I soon understood that this was not my destiny. I was able to establish an educational institute in Dehradun as a result of my efforts and the assistance of a buddy.

I was able to live a little fraction of my goal while also producing Civil Servants from my institute as a result of the efforts of my team and their dedication. During that time, I was shown the Amway business model by a complete stranger. 

I was hesitant at first, but after doing some research, I decided to join this business in order to earn some extra money. 

We are grateful to GOD that we made the decision, and we were blessed with a very strong team, which enabled me to quickly raise the company's status to platinum. 

We learned that assisting others in achieving their life goals provides us with an excessive amount of satisfaction, and we consider ourselves fortunate that Amway has provided us with this opportunity. 

We are proud of the Amway plan and products because they have provided us with RESPECT, LOVE, and SECURITY in our lives. I married Chandra in 2000, and together we have worked tirelessly to take this company from its beginnings to its current position as a Diamond level enterprise. Chandra is a postgraduate in food and nutrition from the Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi. SAI GIRDHAR and PRABHAT are the two boys that God has given us as a blessing. 

Our children are the driving force behind our efforts to take our businesses to new heights. The decision to go Diamond has been in the works for some years, but this year we made it more stronger and worked in a much more targeted manner. 

This business has provided us with the mindset to thrive in life and make a difference. Traveling internationally was a lifelong ambition of ours, and Amway has led us to many countries where we have experienced exceptional hospitality. 

Amway is for everyday individuals with extraordinary aspirations. We like working with our downline team and wish them the best of luck. 

We are grateful to our uplines for their excellent guidance and assistance. 

We have chosen Amway Business as a comprehensive package in order to achieve all of our goals and desires. "In our particular situation, the best is yet to come. 


Downline Diamonds

  • R.P & Chandra Singh, Diamond 2010, India
  • Alok & Bhavna Uppadhyay, Founders Emerald, India
  • Deepak & Kusum Rawat, Diamond 2010, India
  • Dinesh & Usha Kandwal, Diamond 2011, India
  • Viren & Pratibha Yadav, Diamond 2010, India
Singh, R.P & Chandra

Roy, Rina & Debapi Amway

 Debapi and Rina Roy are orthopaedic surgeons and postgraduate economics students.

Debapi was hesitant when we first saw the Amway business plan on the 9th of January 2000, but she soon came to trust in the power of dreams. Rina, a postgraduate in Economics, was anxious to start her own firm, and this factor played a role in her decision to join this organisation. The fact that this firm would provide them with long-term stability was what drew their attention the most.

We joined on the 12th of January, 2000, and were lucky to have access to a proven education system that has assisted people all over the world in achieving success. We owe a debt of gratitude to the BWW and our LOS for guiding us through this process. We learned about the fundamentals of business and the art of time management from a variety of business executives during seminars and through audiotapes they provided. Rina not only cared after our daughter Adrija and our family, but she also worked hard to preserve positive connections with the rest of the organisation. Throughout it all, she remained focused on her personal development.

Despite his hectic schedule as a surgeon, Debapi prioritised his activities and sought advice from his Uplines to help him achieve his goals. We achieved early success thanks to a laser-like focus, unwavering commitment, and unwavering allegiance to BWW and Amway. In just seven months, we achieved Silver status. Initially, we were misunderstood and criticised by those who could not comprehend why we were in the "soap" industry when we already possessed something that the majority of the population did not possess. Regardless of the external and internal obstacles we face, our parents have motivated us to continue our purpose of assisting people in their efforts to better themselves.

We made full advantage of the great support system provided by the BWW System, which included SOTs, CDs, seminars, the Lamplighter, and books, among other things. Last but not least, it was our decision to "Go Diamond" that sealed the deal. We worked really hard to achieve our objectives and to keep up our excellent actions. Eventually, on August 9, 2004, after an adventurous evening, we burned our bridges and realised there was only one route forward - "The Path To Diamondship." Debapis mother, his greatest inspiration, passed away in February 2005 after a brief illness, but her blessings enabled us to become Diamonds the following month.

Our way of life has entirely shifted nowadays. In addition to spending valuable time with our only daughter Adrija

Roy, Rina & Debapi

and taking wonderful vacations across the world, we have turned our business opportunity into a quest for freedom. It is God, BWW, and Amway who have provided us with this "Free World" of our own!

Prakash, Ravi & Manjusha Amway

 Ravi Prakash and Manjusha are a couple from India (Mechanical Engineer & Homemaker, Surat ,Gujarat)

My career is that of a mechanical engineer, and my wife, Manjusha, is a stay-at-home mom. Tamanna is a beautiful girl who has been given to us as a gift. I first learned about the Amway business opportunity through a friend of mine. 

I joined it right away because I believed it was the only business in the world that had the potential to fulfil all of my aspirations, and I had no hesitation in doing so. I also believe that "Responsibility without Recognition is Slavery," and I agree with this statement. 

There is something about the sensation of being young, wealthy, and retired that seems too good to be true. It makes me pleased to think that I might be able to realise my ambitions by helping other people achieve their goals.

We have now transitioned into the role of educators, educating others on the true art of living a life of importance. 

Money alone does not motivate everyone; BWW Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are content in their Amway businesses because they know they are making a difference in the lives of others. 

This is the only business that allows you to work part-time while earning full-time wages and provides you with the freedom to pursue your passions.

I have achieved success in this business as a result of the guidance provided by my upline and the collective work of my group. Amway is not only in the business of producing money, but it is also in the business of making life worthwhile to be alive. 

It is our ambition to assist as many people as possible in achieving their goals and to make a positive influence in the lives of millions of people. Simply maintain your focus, follow your leader, penetrate the heart of the system, and contribute to the upliftment of others.

Downline Diamond

  • Ravi Prakash & Manjusha , Diamond 2004, India, BWW
  • Pravin & Menaxi Patelia, Diamond 2009, India, BWW
  • Manish Kumar & Dimple Khaptawala, Diamond 2010, India, BWW
  • Smita & Jayesh Varma, Diamond 2011, India, BWWBWW

Prakash, Ravi & Manjusha

Pankaj & Amrita Titoria Amway

 It was 1998 when Pankaj and Amita launched their direct selling business. Their ambition is to reach the crown direct level and to assist their buddies in achieving the same level as they do so. The idea that underpins the Direct Selling business is distinctive, and it was this that drew us to it.

Pankaj believes that if he and his team work hard and adhere to the company's ideology, they will be successful and happy in their work. 

"This is the most ethical and one-of-a-kind business in the planet." They aspire to find ways to realise their ambitions while also assisting others in doing so through the Direct Selling company. 

Amita is also expecting to become a full-time employee of this company in the near future. "If you have a strong desire, you can do everything in this life," according to popular belief.

Having a large number of downline diamonds

  • Pankaj & Amita Titoria, Diamond 2011, BWW
  • Vishnu Mehra, Emerald
  • Vijay Prakash & Madhvi Gupta, Diamond, BWW
  • Chetan Lal & Manju Jain, Emerald, BWW
  • Ravi & Ila Jain, Founders Diamond, Winners International
  • Harish Kumar & Hema Nagar, Diamond , Winners International
  • Madhvi & Shekhar Choudhary, Diamond, Winners International
  • Shuddhatm Prakash & Sandhya Bharill, Executive Diamond, Winners International
  • Jitendra & Abha Jain, Diamond, Winners International
  • Kamal & Shashi Dhingra, Diamond, Winners International

Pankaj & Amrita Titoria

Narang, Anil & Bindu Amway

 I graduated as a Civil Engineer from one of India's most prestigious universities. The opportunity came to my attention while I was employed as an executive with the Punjab Government. 

I immediately applied for it. For a brief while following our marriage, my wife, Bindu, worked as a Mathematics teacher in a Convent school, where she received her postgraduate degree in economics. 

My father worked as a Professor of Mathematics, and my mother was a stay-at-home mother who cared for us. 

We are the parents of two children. In addition to being an aspiring Mechanical Engineer, our son Himanshu is also a successful business owner. 

Our daughter Mehak is 15 years old and is currently in class IX at the local school.

Narang, Anil & Bindu

Mohanty, Rakhal & Mita Amway


  • Diamond 2009 Double Diamond 2018

Mita and R K Mohanty are a homemaker and an electrical engineer, respectively (Cuttak, Orissa)

Not long after, we realised that the Direct Selling business was the ideal financial vehicle available, with endless potential to assist us in meeting all of our material and intangible needs. 

We recognised right away that it might provide us with the best living possible while balancing the various spokes of life: family, finances, health, as well as mental, social, and spiritual freedom. 

Today, at the age of 44, I have achieved financial independence and retirement as a result of this opportunity. 

We have been growing our business internationally by upholding values such as faith, integrity, loyalty, honesty, love, and a positive attitude.

We have always believed in being supportive of our downlines and assisting them in achieving their aspirations and goals, which has resulted in our current level of success. 

In the words of our message, "The key of success is the commitment to "Self Audit & Change," as defined by the Britt Worldwide success principles.

We have a great time working together and are looking forward to a bright future with the aid of the Britt Worldwide team.


  • Bill & Peggy Britt 2004 40 FAA 100+ Founders Crown Ambassador
  • Crowe, John & Jennie Belle, Founders Double Diamond, United States
  • Jim & Claire Dusek, Founders Emerald, United States
  • Dr. Baldeo Taneja, Emerald, India
  • Nasir & Farzana Kazi, Emerald, India
  • Praveen & Madhuri Kala, Emerald, India
  • Sanjay & Anju Jain, Emerald, India

Downline Diamond

  • Mohanty, Rakhal & Mita, Founders Diamond 2013, India, BWW
  • Jnana Ranjan Pradhan & Manaswini Nayak, Founders Diamond 2017, India, BWW
  • Dr. Bhagabat Behera & Sanjukta Barik, Diamond 2013, India, BWW
  • Dr. Jayashree Rath, Diamond 2012, India, BWW

Mohanty, Rakhal & Mita

M V Bharatan & NeelaDevi Amway

 Termination from Amway

  • Now Terminated from Amway

Success Story

I was born and raised in a tiny hamlet in the state of Kerala. My parents, who were impoverished, had seven children, the third of whom was me. 

I began my professional career as a hotel employee, and after five years, I was able to secure a position with the government, although as a clerk. 

My wife, Neeladevi, who was also a teacher, came from a similar family background and had to deal with a lot of trials and attributions during her school days. 

During my school days, I always stood first in the class and developed a habit of staying at the top, and I dreamed of becoming wealthy quickly while maintaining high ethical standards.

In order to fulfil our objectives, we were involved in a number of enterprises in addition to our jobs. Despite our efforts, we were unable to realise our ambitions despite years of hard work. 

When we were exposed to this incredible and magnificent Amway Business Opportunity, we were blown away. 

Our old ambitions suddenly took shape and came to life, and we realised that this was an excellent opportunity to earn while also serving others and achieving our objectives. 

As Diamond Directs, we are still marching towards our ultimate aim of "being on top." 

When we look back, we realise what a great pleasure it has been to see the Amway Business grow from its infancy to its current state of maturity, and what a great satisfaction it has been to assist others, including a large number of close relatives, in achieving their goals and fulfilling their dreams. 

Among other things, Amway has given us a good name and a good reputation, love and respect, security, and valuable relationships, not only in India, but also overseas.

The tidal change in our personalities that Amway has provided us with is the single most significant achievement that Amway has provided us with. We have a great team called “Winners International” that is providing fantastic assistance to us.

 Anything is possible in life if you have the determination to succeed.......................................... We were approaching fifty years of age and had begun counting the days until we could retire from our jobs, and we were concerned about our future before starting this wonderful business, but now we are in a climbing, conquering mood, fully optimistic and enthusiastic, and we feel that we have only just begun and that we have a long road ahead of us. 

In addition to ourselves, our conviction has been passed down to our children. Our three children have all earned their MBAs, with the exception of our only son, who is currently pursuing his engineering degree. 

Our two daughters have both been married off to very eligible individuals. They have also begun to feel that only Amway can provide them with a fulfilling life. 

We owe our success to the dedication and hard work of our team. 

We would want to express our gratitude to our wonderful uplines for their unwavering support and advice, as well as to the Amway management for their cooperation.

M V Bharatan & NeelaDevi

Manoj Kumar N. & Letha Manoj Amway

 Termination from Amway

  • Now Terminated from Amway
Manoj Kumar N. & Letha Manoj

Maheswari, Ranjana Amway

 ...PAWANKUMAR & RANJANA MAHESHWARI... My Husband is a top government officer and I am a homemaker. We are fortunate with two children: Megha, who has completed her MBA and Gaurav, who is in his final year of engineering.

In the beginning, I was suspicious about this business which I started with a tiny sum. But eventually, I saw the potential of this business and the financial security which might be obtained. 

I recognised that the life which we were leading was depending upon individual performance. 

However, this business might give us endless residual revenue; unlimited time and financial stability by helping others realise their goals & prosper.

This is a business of building people who in turn build this business. If you will work in the business, the business will work for you. People inquire what the success rate in this business is. I say it is 100 percent for those who are willing to pay the price for success by taking tiny decisions in day-to-day life, setting priorities, aiming high and willing to modify their mental process.

We are the product of the Britt Worldwide system which has changed our life dramatically. We are thankful to God, our parents, our children, Amway, BWW, uplines and downlines who helped us to be successful.

The true business starts when your mind is doubtless and you start taking delight in your business. It is a business of decision not discussion. If you have determined to establish the business: stick to it and never give-up.

Maheswari, Ranjana

M P Mathew & Sleeby Mathew Amway

 Termination from Amway

  • Now Terminated from Amway

M P Mathew & Sleeby Mathew

Kamal & Shashi Dhingra Amway

 Termination from Amway

Now Terminated from Amway

Success Story

Delhi is where I was born and raised. My wife was born and raised in the city of Ahmedabad. The blessings of God have been bestowed upon us in the form of my daughter Komal and son Anand. 

We are all working together to grow our Amway business. Prior to discovering this business opportunity ten years ago through my college acquaintance Mr. Ajit Denial, I tried my hand at ten different businesses, all of which failed. 

The reason for this was that I was forced to do something in business that I did not want to do. I was constantly on the lookout for something that made me feel comfortable.

I owe a debt of gratitude to my friend for demonstrating to me how to do lawful and ethical business. Not only that, but my friend also told me about the history of the company, as well as about Rich Devos and Jay Van Andel, who were both co-founders of the company. 

This left a lasting impression on me, and I took a long-term perspective when I made the decision to start this firm in 1998. I had the impression that this company had come to get me. 

When we first started out, there were many obstacles to overcome, but our faith, drive, and driving force were so great that we were able to overcome all of these obstacles and grow our business. 

It gives us great pleasure to be a part of the winning dream team that has prodded us with the right guidance and various tools such as cassettes, cds, books, and other support materials to help us build this business, as well as various seminars and team meetings organised by our great MENTOR EDC going Double Diamond Mr. S.P. & Sandhya Bharill We carried on with this business till we became the founders of Emeralds in 2004. 

It was the biggest shock of my life when I lost my eyes and was unable to acclimatise owing to a number of unsuccessful eye surgery. 

At that point, I realised there was no use in feeling sorry for myself, and I made the decision to keep up the same level of effort and see how the show would go on. Amway employees were providing me with unwavering support from the top to the bottom. 

Not only did I receive support, but I also received encouragement to continue forward, which I am really grateful for. 

However, another unexpected episode occurred in December 2007, when I discovered that I had both kidneys and would be on dialysis for the rest of my wife's life. 

Yes, I lost a key organ, but I never let that get in the way of my ability to continue to grow in this business and succeed. 

I made a firm determination in January 2008 to finish diamondship by the end of August 2008. I had a strong sense of urgency to finish my diamondship before facing any new problems, if any came my way. 

To thank the winning dream team once more for assisting me in achieving this, I would also like to thank a number of leaders who stood by me during a period of crisis in my life, and I pray to God to bless them as they pursue their ambitions. If we can do it, then you can do it as well.

Kamal & Shashi Dhingra

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