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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Fallas, Guillermo & Valencia, Jenny Amway


  • Founders Diamond 2011
Two people who have made substantial contributions to their respective fields of employment are Guillermo Fallas and Jenny Amway Valencia. Both of these persons are known as Fallas and Valencia.

 Both of them have earned notoriety and success in their careers, despite the fact that they come from unique backgrounds and specialize in a variety of fields.

Guillermo Fallas is a well-known architect in Costa Rica who is responsible for the design of a number of significant structures there. He received his degree in architecture from the University of Costa Rica in 1971 after being born in San Jose, Costa Rica in 1948. 

His field of study was architecture. Over the course of his more than half-century-long career as an architect, Fallas has designed a wide variety of buildings, including residential, commercial, and institutional establishments. 

The National Stadium of Costa Rica, the Metropolitan Cathedral of San José, and the National Museum of Costa Rica are only a few examples of his most noteworthy works. 

Additionally, Fallas has been honored for his work with a number of awards, one of which was the National Architecture Award of Costa Rica in the year 2002.

Jenny Amway On the other side, Valencia is a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur who has significantly impacted the field of direct selling through the work that she has done.

 She was born in Bogotá, Colombia in 1973, and at the age of 22, she began her career in the field of direct selling. Her hometown is Colombia. 

She joined Amway, the world's largest direct selling firm, and soon progressed through the ranks to become one of the most influential leaders in the company. 

The expansion of Amway's operations throughout Latin America has been significantly aided by Valencia's leadership qualities as well as her shrewdness in the business world. 

Additionally, she has been honored for the contributions that she has made to the sector, including being named by Forbes magazine as one of the 100 Most Powerful Women in Mexico for the year 2019.

In spite of the fact that they come from different places and have different areas of specialization, Fallas and Valencia have a number of characteristics in common that have led to their success. Both of these people have a tremendous amount of drive, and they are enthusiastic about the work that they do and dedicated to accomplishing their objectives. 

They not only have a great sense of creativity and innovation, but they also have a strong sense of creativity and innovation, both of which have allowed them to succeed in their respective industries. 

In addition to this, they have both showed great leadership abilities, as well as the capacity to motivate and inspire others around them.

In conclusion, Guillermo Fallas and Jenny Amway Valencia are two people who have made important contributions to their respective fields of employment. 

Both of these persons are known as Fallas and Valencia. Their accomplishment is evidence of the effort, dedication, and dedication to greatness that they have consistently demonstrated. 

They serve as examples of what people can accomplish when they follow their dreams, put in the effort, and strive to be the best they can be.

 Their stories show the potential for success that is available to anybody who is willing to put in the effort.

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