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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Bobadilla, Jose de Jesus Amway

Bobadilla, Jose de Jesus 

 José de Jess Bobadilla es abogado por profesión y graduado de la Universidad del Cauca en Popayán, así como un especialista en Gestión de Recursos Humanos de la Universidad del Valle y de la Universidad de Pensilvania en Estados Unidos de América.

 También tiene un título en Psicología Social en su haber.

 En su vida profesional, ha ocupado puestos como Rector de la Corporación Universitaria Autónoma de Cauca, columnista de periódicos nacionales e internacionales, cofundador de asociaciones académicas y una posición de liderazgo en diversas organizaciones.

 Empezó su negocio de Amway a mediados de 2005 y ahora disfruta de la independencia financiera, el reconocimiento del sector y la oportunidad de viajar por todo Estados Unidos y en el extranjero para hablar en conferencias sobre negocios, liderazgo y desarrollo humano.

"Todos los días me pregunto si estoy comunicando eficazmente el mensaje de la empresa porque la gente lo necesita. 

Además de ser la mayor empresa de marketing de redes del mundo, AMWAY también ofrece las mayores bonificaciones e incentivos del sector".


  • Platinum (2007)
  • Emerald & Founders Emerald (2008)
  • Diamond & Founders Diamond (2009)
  • Executive Diamond (2010)
  • Double Diamond (2011)
  • Crown (2013)
  • Crown Ambassador (2014)

Downline Diamonds

  • Bobadilla, Jose de Jesus, Embajador Corona, E-Network (2014)
  • Castillo, Mauricio & Esperanza, Diamante, E-Network (2013)
  • Suarez, Christian & Andrea, Diamante, E-Network (2013)
  • Cecilia Suarez y Ariel Gonzalez Diamante Argentina (2018)
  • Pablo Di Benedetto, Diamante Fundador, Argentina
  • Yamil Raidan, Diamante,Argentina (2018)
Jose De Jesus Bobadilla is an extremely successful Amway business owner who has reached the illustrious status of Crown Ambassador within the Amway business model. He has also been awarded the Amway Chairman's Award for Business Excellence. The tale of Bobadilla is one of determination, hard effort, and a deep devotion to the Amway business model, which has allowed him to achieve tremendous success as an independent business owner. Bobadilla's story is told in the first person.

The year 1992 was the beginning of Bobadilla's career with Amway, which began when a mutual acquaintance informed him about the company. During this time, Bobadilla was having trouble making ends meet and was forced to work multiple jobs in order to provide for his family. In spite of his initial cynicism, he found the Amway business model to be intriguing. He saw the potential for it to give him with a pathway to financial independence and was captivated by that potential.

Bobadilla put in a lot of hard work over the course of the following few years to establish his Amway business. He went to a lot of training sessions and networking events, and he built a solid team of independent business owners to work under him. Along the way, he had to overcome a number of obstacles, some of which included personal hardships, financial failures, and the skepticism of those who were close to him who did not trust in the Amway business concept.

In spite of the difficulties he was facing, Bobadilla did not lose sight of his objectives and did not let up in his efforts to grow his Amway business. His efforts started to pay off, and he started to enjoy tremendous success, eventually reaching the rank of Diamond in 1998 and Double Diamond in 2003 as a result of his hard work.

But Bobadilla was not one to be satisfied with his accomplishments and he continued to push himself in order to achieve even greater levels of success in the Amway business. The results of his efforts paid off in 2008, when he was promoted to the position of Crown Ambassador within the Amway business model, which is the highest rank that can be obtained.

Bobadilla, in his role as a Crown Ambassador for Amway, has achieved a high level of financial success thanks to the sales of Amway products and the commissions received by the independent business owners in his downline. A variety of bonuses and incentives, like as chances to go on opulent vacations and acknowledgement for his accomplishments within the Amway community, are also available to him if he meets the requirements.

The foundation for Bobadilla's success in the Amway business has been a solid foundation of hard effort, devotion, and a profound commitment to the Amway business model. This has allowed Bobadilla to achieve great success in the Amway industry. He has been a fervent advocate for the merits of the Amway business, and as a result, a great number of people have been motivated to realize their full potential as successful independent business owners.

In conclusion, Jose De Jesus Bobadilla is an excellent illustration of the potential that exists inside the Amway business model. His tale is one of tenacity, hard effort, and a profound commitment to the Amway business, which has allowed him to achieve considerable success as an independent business owner. His story is told in the form of a narrative. Bobadilla has reached the greatest possible level within the Amway business model and is a true inspiration to those who desire to attain success on par with her own. She is a Crown Ambassador, which means she has achieved this position.

Bobadilla, Jose de Jesus Amway

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