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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Roy, Rina & Debapi Amway

 Debapi and Rina Roy are orthopaedic surgeons and postgraduate economics students.

Debapi was hesitant when we first saw the Amway business plan on the 9th of January 2000, but she soon came to trust in the power of dreams. Rina, a postgraduate in Economics, was anxious to start her own firm, and this factor played a role in her decision to join this organisation. The fact that this firm would provide them with long-term stability was what drew their attention the most.

We joined on the 12th of January, 2000, and were lucky to have access to a proven education system that has assisted people all over the world in achieving success. We owe a debt of gratitude to the BWW and our LOS for guiding us through this process. We learned about the fundamentals of business and the art of time management from a variety of business executives during seminars and through audiotapes they provided. Rina not only cared after our daughter Adrija and our family, but she also worked hard to preserve positive connections with the rest of the organisation. Throughout it all, she remained focused on her personal development.

Despite his hectic schedule as a surgeon, Debapi prioritised his activities and sought advice from his Uplines to help him achieve his goals. We achieved early success thanks to a laser-like focus, unwavering commitment, and unwavering allegiance to BWW and Amway. In just seven months, we achieved Silver status. Initially, we were misunderstood and criticised by those who could not comprehend why we were in the "soap" industry when we already possessed something that the majority of the population did not possess. Regardless of the external and internal obstacles we face, our parents have motivated us to continue our purpose of assisting people in their efforts to better themselves.

We made full advantage of the great support system provided by the BWW System, which included SOTs, CDs, seminars, the Lamplighter, and books, among other things. Last but not least, it was our decision to "Go Diamond" that sealed the deal. We worked really hard to achieve our objectives and to keep up our excellent actions. Eventually, on August 9, 2004, after an adventurous evening, we burned our bridges and realised there was only one route forward - "The Path To Diamondship." Debapis mother, his greatest inspiration, passed away in February 2005 after a brief illness, but her blessings enabled us to become Diamonds the following month.

Our way of life has entirely shifted nowadays. In addition to spending valuable time with our only daughter Adrija

Roy, Rina & Debapi

and taking wonderful vacations across the world, we have turned our business opportunity into a quest for freedom. It is God, BWW, and Amway who have provided us with this "Free World" of our own!

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