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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Astachow Olena & Dennis Amway

Astachow Olena & Dennis Amway
 Denis and Olena live in Luhansk. They are raising two sons - Paul (16 years old) and Daniel (14 years old). For the first time they heard about the business opportunities of Amway from their friends - Alexander and Tatiana Ryzhak. At the time of acquaintance with business...

Lorena & Diego Reyes Amway

Lorena & Diego Reyes Amway
 17 años atrás, una llamada telefónica marcó la vida de Lorena y Diego, ahora orgullosos empresarios Diamante. Nunca imaginaron que tomar Amway Opportunity sería el comienzo de una gran historia que abriría las puertas de un proyecto de libertad y aprendizaje en el que la mayor recompensa...

guzmán vladimir & pérez yesmir Amway

guzmán vladimir & pérez yesmir Amway
 Alonso Pérez de GuzmánAlonso Pérez de Guzmán (1256–1309), known as Guzmán el Bueno, was a mediaeval Spanish nobleman and hero of Spain, the founder of the family from which the dukes of Medina Sidonia came.BiographyGuzmán was born in Morocco after Spanish customs.  Historians...

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