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Friday, July 23, 2021

Dunn, Jimmy & Sue Amway

Dunn, Jimmy & Sue Amway
 Downline DiamondsDunn, Jimmy & Sue, Diamond, United States, InterNETKennemer, Donnie & Lavita, Diamond, United States, InterNETMcConnell, Brian & Judy, Diamond, United States, InterNETSchmitz, Charlie & Kim, Diamond, United States, InterNETStewart, Ken, Crown, United...

Dornan, David & Jules Amway

Dornan, David & Jules Amway
 QualificationsUnited StatesDiamond 2010Founders Diamond 2011Amway is a direct selling corporation that focuses in health, beauty, and home care products. David and Jules Dornan are a successful couple in the world of Amway, which is a direct selling company. They have a big following...

Diamond, Mark & Phyllis Amway

Diamond, Mark & Phyllis Amway
Diamond, Mark & Phyllis  The Federal Government offered me a promising opportunity in 1970, and I jumped at the chance to start a new chapter in'real life.' Soon after, I realised that'real life' was anything but a walk in the park.After many promotions, it appeared to be a...

Desai, Kulin & Mina Amway

Desai, Kulin & Mina Amway
Desai, Kulin & Mina  (Data Processor & Homemaker, Mumbai, Maharashtra)Sucess StoryI came to America with a lot of dreams; dreams of a great automobile, a nice house," recalls Kulin Desai, "but they turned into nightmares. Kulin fled India in 1977 and soon got work...

Dawson, Dale & Shirley Amway

Dawson, Dale & Shirley Amway
 References North American Amagram July 1974 (Vol. 15, No. 7) highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary8016894756364509676'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

D'Amico, Angelo & Cindy Amway

 Downline DiamondD'Amico, Angelo & Cindy, Diamond, United States, InterNETGrippo, Bill & Kris, Diamond, United States, InterNETPrimsky, John & Sue, Diamond, United States, InterNETNealis, Jim & Arlene, Diamond, United States, InterNETMitts, David & Lisa, Diamond,...

Schmiedel, Peter & Bauer, Ingrid Amway

Schmiedel, Peter & Bauer, Ingrid Amway
 Peter Schmiedel & Ingrid Bauer have 1 frontline Diamond:Holler, Albert & Silvia, Executive DiamondBecause of their work with Amway in particular, Peter Schmiedel and Ingrid Bauer are recognized as two of the most influential figures in the fields of direct selling and network...

Hale, Ron & Toby Amway

Hale, Ron & Toby Amway
 Ron went away on the 27th of November in the year of 2010.Inception1968QualificationsUnited StatesDiamond 1977GermanyExecutive DiamondDownline DiamondHale, Ron & Toby, Diamond in United States,Executive Diamond in Germany,InterNETPare, Jim & Susan, Diamond, United States,InterNETVan...

Meadows, Jerry & Cherry Amway

Meadows, Jerry & Cherry Amway
 Downline DiamondSmith, Dwight & Margaret Ann, Diamond, United States, InterNETGulick, Bert & Jackie, Executive Diamond, Australia, InterNET & IDAMaddison, Peter & Lynne, Diamond, Australia, IDAHudgell, Craig & Jaynie, Diamond, Australia, IDADeane, Craig & Anna,...

Holler, Albert & Silvia Amway

Holler, Albert & Silvia Amway
 Albert & Silvia Holler have 1 frontline Diamond:Emmert, Renate & Chmitorz, Christian, 2004 Diamond highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary7692780338304364844'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

Herdegen, Werner Amway

Herdegen, Werner Amway
 Herdegen has 2 frontline Diamonds:Pohlmann Dieter & Hella, Triple DiamondSchauer, Werner & Irmgard, Founders Diamond highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary8373961115124228270'); highlightSearchTerms('amway,...

Seyfried, Willi & Dora Amway

Seyfried, Willi & Dora Amway
 Seyfried have 2 frontline Diamonds:Schwarz, Max, Founders Crown Ambassador 60Braun, Walter, Double Diamond highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary2016907505819904123'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

Paulus, Georg & Karin Amway

Paulus, Georg & Karin Amway
 Joined 10.1978Silver 12.1979DD 2.1980Ruby n/aPearl 6.1980Emerald 5.1981Diamond 4.1982Double Diamond 8.1982 highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary7825021566757469782'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

Bechstein, Rolf & Baerbel Amway

Bechstein, Rolf & Baerbel Amway
 QualificationsDouble DiamondDownlineVoss, Klaus & Erika, Founders Double DiamondKlemke, Birgit, Diamond highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary3784171879642987804'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

Pohlmann Dieter & Hella Amway

Pohlmann Dieter & Hella Amway
 European Diamond Advisory CouncilMember in 2006Member in 2007Member in 2012Inception21 December 1980QualificationsGermanyTriple Diamond 1994ItalyExecutive Diamond 1995Czech RepublicPlatinum 1994StoryJobs: shopgirl/mechanical engineer highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ',...

Voss, Klaus & Erika Amway

Voss, Klaus & Erika Amway
 We are more powerful when we work together! You will succeed if you put your mind to it.We'd always fantasised of being our own bosses and being self-sufficient. As soon as a coworker introduced us to the Amway business, it became clear that we would be able to work well together with...

Schaaf, Rudolf & Helene Amway

Schaaf, Rudolf & Helene Amway
 QualificationsTriple Diamond August 2005a nurse and an electricianNever give up on your dreams! Whoever gives up will never win!We are from Tschirtschik, a small yet stunningly lovely city in the Uzbek Republic. We relocated to Germany in November of 1987. Our lives have always been...

Dobler, Lora & Alexander Amway

Dobler, Lora & Alexander Amway
 European Diamond Advisory CouncilMember in 2006Member in 2007Member in 2012Inception1991QualificationsGermanyTriple Diamond August 2005Crown August 2008RussiaDouble Diamond 2009DownlineEhmann, Antonia & Waldemar, Founders Diamond 2009, Germany, Schwarz OrganisationFeiwuschkin,...

Backhaus, Renate Amway

Backhaus, Renate Amway
 European Diamond Advisory CouncilMember in 2006InceptionApril 1983QualificationsSilver September 1988Gold November 1988Platinum August 1989Ruby May 1990Pearl June1990Emerald February 1991Diamond May 1991Executive Diamond May 1991Double Diamond May 1991Triple Diamond July 1991Crown...

Strachowitz, Michael & Gaby Amway

Strachowitz, Michael & Gaby Amway
 Strachowitz has two Diamonds in the frontline:Double Diamond by Georg Paulus and Karin PaulusGünther Schuster and Helga Diamond have collaborated on this project.9.1977 - I become a member.Silver was discovered on November 19, 1977.Date of birth: 1.1978Ruby n/a n/a n/a n/an/a Pearl...

Founders Crown Ambassador 50 Amway

Founders Crown Ambassador 50 Amway
 It was introduced in 2002 as a result of IBO achievements exceeding company "predictions," as well as the introduction of the Founders Achievement Award FAA points system for diamonds and above, which allows members to qualify for higher pins and qualifications. The pin is made of...

Founders Crown Ambassador 60 Amway

Founders Crown Ambassador 60 Amway
 The Founders Crown Ambassador 60 pin was issued 2002 as IBO successes have exceeded business "predictions" coupled with the launch of the Founders Achievement Award FAA points system for diamonds and above to qualify for higher pins and qualifications.Founders Crown Ambassador 60 qualification...

Serulle, Elias y Lourdes Amway

Serulle, Elias y Lourdes Amway
 QualificationsDiamond 2012Success StoryLife is a great opportunity and adventure - "I get bored when I sleep," says Elías Serulle - and he is not joking."I usually start work around one or two in the morning, answering emails and looking at reports for my security company." At seven...

Galan, Theo Jr Amway

Galan, Theo Jr Amway
 Dominican RepublicQualificationsDiamond, Dominican Republic, WORLD CROWNS highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary8248393127365111322'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

Ciprian, Mario & Adria Amway

Ciprian, Mario & Adria Amway
 Inception1980QualificationsDiamond 1994Success Story (Historia de Exito)For Mario & Adria Ciprian, from the Dominican Republic, “success comes from faith in what you are doing”. Their determined rise to Diamante amidst so many economic and geographic hurdles is a wonderful example...

Gagg, Giselle & Díaz, Manuel Amway

Gagg, Giselle & Díaz, Manuel Amway
 Downline DiamondsGagg, Giselle & Díaz, Manuel, Founders Diamond, Dominican Republic, LINCGalan, Teobaldo & Maribel, Double Diamond, Dominican Republic, WORLD CROWNSSerulle, Elias y Lourdes, Diamond, Dominican Republic, Evolution Global TeamGalan, Theo Jr , Diamond, Dominican...

Feliz, Ulises & Daisy Amway

Feliz, Ulises & Daisy Amway
 QualifcationsFounders Diamond August 2011Downline DiamondsFeliz, Ulises & Daisy, Founders Diamond 2011 Dominican Republic LINCCohen, Jose & Leity, Double Diamond 2013, United States TEAMGLOBAL USAMillán, Damián & Zaily, Diamond 2011, United States TEAMGLOBAL USAGomez, Pavel...

Espinosa, Ernesto & Gertrudis Amway

Espinosa, Ernesto & Gertrudis Amway
 QualifcationsExecutive Diamond (2011)Downline DiamondsEspinosa, Ernesto & Gertrudis, Executive Diamond (2011), Dominican Republic, EFinityMatos, Johnny & Paula, Founders Executive Diamond, Dominican Republic, EFinity (2011)Cid, Victor & Julia, Executive Diamond (2011),...

Cid, Victor & Julia Amway

Cid, Victor & Julia Amway
 Downline DiamondsCid, Victor & Julia, Executive Diamond (2011), Dominican Republic, EFinityCabrera, Manuel & Lissette, Diamond (2004), Dominican Republic, EFinityBurgos, Hugo & Miriam, Diamond (2011), Dominican Republic, EFinitySanchez, Gabriel & Olaya, Diamond (2011),...

Matos, Johnny & Paula Amway

Matos, Johnny & Paula Amway
 QualifcationsFounders Executive Diamond (2011)Downline DiamondsMatos, Johnny & Paula, Founders Executive Diamond, Dominican Republic, EFinity (2011)Cid, Victor & Julia, Executive Diamond (2011), Dominican Republic, EFinityCabrera, Manuel & Lissette, Diamond (2004), Dominican...

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