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Friday, July 23, 2021

Baron, Bob & Laura Amway

Baron, Bob & Laura 

 We began to hope that our part-time business may generate enough cash to support us full-time."

When Laura and Bob Baron achieved a successful business level, she remarked, "The only location Bob commutes to anymore is downstairs to his office following a night of watching Sesame Street with our daughters." 

Although the girls are grown up now, Bob and Laura still have the same amount of time flexibility. They worked hard and consistently to establish their firm, and sixteen months after the birth of their second daughter, they were both able to resign from their previous employment positions.

 In order to pay off past business obligations and build a new home, they began travelling to various parts of the world and establishing businesses in a number of those countries.

 “We've flown over the waterfalls of Kauai in a helicopter, trekked through the jungles of Mexico on horseback, and leased a yacht to explore isolated islands in the Caribbean,” Bob explains. Today's corporate market is worldwide, and there is no practical limit to how far it can expand. 

Despite working only part-time, this endeavour opened the door to an incredible possibility of international renown."

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