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Friday, July 23, 2021

Bradshaw, Charles & Martha Amway


  • Diamond 1994

Charles and Martha began dating in high school, when Charles was an accomplished football player with an ambition to receive a football scholarship and become a coach. 

Martha was involved in every element of school life at her little high school in eastern North Carolina. 

She knew she was going to acquire a master's degree and become a teacher.

Little did they know that their ideas, goals, and hard work in this business would provide them the lifestyle and independence they have today. 

Charles was a successful high school football coach, and Martha was a college English instructor whose highly demanding schedule involved balancing a job, football games, and caring for their daughter.

One of Charles' college football pals called him five times before he consented to look at a business concept. 

From the first time he saw the firm, Charles thought it was something he could do in his very little spare time. Martha had some reservations, because they were already so busy.

However, after reading the plan several times and mingling with people who had been successful, Charles and Martha recognised this could be the method they could make some more money ' specifically, $500 a month. 

They worked hard, even though some claimed it wouldn't work. They choose to listen to persons like their upline EDC, Rocky Covington, and Crown, Paul Miller.

Today, they live in the same town where Charles had his first job as head football coach; however, they have moved to a gorgeous property on seven acres. 

They no longer go to jobs that occupy all of their time, and they have a wonderful, well-adjusted daughter, Jenny.

The $500 a month that was to be extra income to help make things easier for a coach and a teacher, has turned into an incredible lifestyle that includes a beautiful family, home, cars, clothes, giving to favourite charities, travel all over the world, and ' most important of all ' wonderful friends with dreams and goals to share all of this with.

"We're still coaching and educating, but the rewards are now even better than they were before. It's incredibly rewarding to witness folks putting their lives back together and achieving their goals. 

We are well aware that 'the best is yet to come.' Come and hang out with us!"

Bradshaw, Charles & Martha Amway

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1 comment:

  1. The Bradshaw’s attained Diamond one time in 1994 and haven’t requalified again since then - almost 30 years


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