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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Nealis, Jim & Arlene Amway

Nealis, Jim & Arlene Amway
 Diamond DownlineNealis, Jim & Arlene, Diamond, United States, InterNETMitts, David & Lisa, Diamond, United States, InterNETHayes, Jim & Barbara, Diamond, United States, InterNETFeleda, Joe, Diamond, United States, InterNETAlmeida, Henrique & Marlene, Double Diamond,...

Miller, Ken & Linda Amway

Miller, Ken & Linda Amway
The process of starting our own business has been a positive experience for both of us overall. Linda and I both understood how to play the cello and had the discipline to practise regularly, but we lacked interpersonal and business communication skills and expertise. We were confident...

McAnarney, Jim & Marcia Amway

McAnarney, Jim & Marcia Amway
 Jim and Marcia live in the Kansas city of Wichita. They, together with George and Melody Peintner, were among the founding members of the WIN Organization. They obtained diamond certification in 1991. Currently, they are holding conferences all throughout the Midwest and are actively...

Mazzeo, Frank & Joan Amway

Mazzeo, Frank & Joan Amway
 Downline DiamondMazzeo, Frank & Joan, Diamond, United States, InterNETLeBlanc, Al & Helen, Diamond, United States, InterNETArgyris, Andy & Nadia, Diamond, United States, InterNET highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ',...

Aguilera, Alberto & Michele Amway

Aguilera, Alberto & Michele Amway
 Downline DiamondAguilera, Alberto and Michele, Executive Diamond (2013), Dominican Republic, EFinityFeliz, Ulises & Daisy, Founders Diamond (2011), Dominican Republic, LINCCohen, Jose & Leity, Executive Diamond [2011], United States, TEAMGLOBAL USAMillán, Damián & Zaily,...

Artistry Amway

Artistry Amway
Artistry Amway Artistry is a skin care and colour cosmetics brand, developed by Access Business Group and distributed by Amway (Quixtar in North America) in more than 60 countries and territories worldwide. Access, Quixtar, and Amway are Alticor group of companies. Euromonitor International,...

Atmosphere Amway

Atmosphere Amway 2005 Amway distributes Atmosphere brand air purifiers in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and Thailand. It is said to "remove up to 99.99% of contaminating particles that pass through it, down to .01 microns." [1]. This claim has been verified...

Emerald Amway

Emerald Amway
 Amegayation requirements are:To be an Emerald, a Platinum producer must have been a Silver Producer for six months of the Amway fiscal year.IBM sales reports show that the average bonus and cash payments received by an Emerald IBO in North America in 2005 was $72,241. In 2005, the...

Category:IBOAI Amway

Category:IBOAI Amway
see also main article IBOAIPages in category "IBOAI"The following 20 pages are in this category, out of 20 total.AAndrews, Bob & TerryBBass, WalterCCampbell, Bill & JanDDanzik, Howie & TheresaDelisle, Frank & RitaDornan, Jim & NancyDuncan, Brad & JulieDutt, Jere &...

Amway Norway

Amway Norway
Amway Norway Amway Norge commenced operations as part of the Amway Scandinavia affiliate in July 1999 with 13 items. The company offers approximately 450 Amway-made products, as well as hundreds of partner store items, such as computers, candles, and telephony.ExclusivesArtistry Nutriway Boutique SA8 LOC Satinique iCook  eSpring  Body...

Amway Bulgaria

Amway Bulgaria
 Related LinksAmway Bulgaria highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary3192605012101943493'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ', 'summary3192605012101943493'); highlightSearchTerms('amway...

Nutrilite Amway

Nutrilite Amway
 Nutrilite AmwayNutrilite is a brand of vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements founded in 1934 by Dr. Carl F. Rehnborg. It is currently manufactured by Access Business Group, a subsidairy of Alticor. The Nutrilite brand is known as Nutriway in Denmark, Finland, Norway,...

Category:Markets Amway

Category:Markets Amway
Category:Markets  Amway now operates in over 80 countries and territories around the worldSubcategoriesThis category has the following 42 subcategories, out of 42 total.AAustraliaAustriaBBarbadosBotswanaBrazilCCanadaChinaCroatiaCzech RepublicFFranceGGermanyGreeceHHong KongIIndiaIndonesiaItalyJJapanKKoreaMMalaysiaMexicoNNetherlandsNew...

Mainor, Jim & Bev Amway

Mainor, Jim & Bev Amway
 Since Jim and Bev were originally introduced to this industry, a great deal has changed in their lives. Jim was serving on active duty with the United States Air Force as an air traffic controller, and Bev was a full-time college student seeking a nursing degree at the time of...

Lewis, Dave & Marge Amway

Lewis, Dave & Marge Amway
 Downline DiamondLewis, Dave & Marge, Diamond, United States, InterNETGrabill, Parker & Cindy, Executive Diamond, United States, InterNETBumstead, Steve & Candi, Diamond, United States, InterNETBrown, Ron & Lily, Diamond, United States, InterNETHutson, Dave & Jude,...

Leno, Nick & Estelle Amway

Leno, Nick & Estelle Amway
 Downline DiamondLeno, Nick & Estelle, Diamond, United States, InterNETCovino, Bob & Sue, Diamond, United States, InterNETGriesbach, Rick & Diane, Diamond, United States, InterNETHarn, Myunghark & Janet, Executive Diamond, United States, InterNETHarn, Jakyung & Myunghark,...

Leazer, Art & Bonnie Amway

Leazer, Art & Bonnie Amway
 Art and Bonnie Leazer were BWW Diamonds from North Carolina who were involved with the organisation. They qualified for the Diamond League in 1994/95.They are now pushing National Agents Alliance , which is another multilevel marketing company. highlightSearchTerms('founders crown,...

Kummer, Bob & Shelly Amway

Kummer, Bob & Shelly Amway
 David and Darlene Duncan's circle includes Bob and Shelley Kummer, who are Founders Diamonds. They were the Duncans' sixth Platinum leg and their first Diamond leg in the tournament. They received their Emerald qualification in 1993, Founders Emerald qualification in 1997,...

King, Roy & Sally Amway

King, Roy & Sally Amway
 Roy and Sally King met at Belmont Abbey College in Charlotte, North Carolina, where Roy was a member of the Al McGuire basketball team and Sally was the school's homecoming queen. When Roy graduated with a bachelor's degree in accounting, he immediately began working for the telephone...

King, G.W. & Edna Amway

King, G.W. & Edna Amway
 When G.W. and Edna first saw this business concept, they recognised its potential, but they never imagined it would grow to be as significant as it has been for them. Their first goal was to earn an additional $10,000 every year and put it aside for a ten-year period.They never...

King, Don & Hannah Amway

King, Don & Hannah Amway
 Downline DiamondHassmann, Roman & Gita, Executive Diamond, Czech Republic, InterNETSimkovi Jiri & Eva, Diamond 2008, Czech Republic, InterNETRek, Zbigniew & Sophia, Double Diamond 2009, United States, InterNETMaksymovicz, Jarek & Krystyna, Founders Diamond, Poland,...

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