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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Aguilera, Alberto & Michele Amway

 Downline Diamond

  • Aguilera, Alberto and Michele, Executive Diamond (2013), Dominican Republic, EFinity
  • Feliz, Ulises & Daisy, Founders Diamond (2011), Dominican Republic, LINC
  • Cohen, Jose & Leity, Executive Diamond [2011], United States, TEAMGLOBAL USA
  • Millán, Damián & Zaily, Diamond [2011], United States, TEAMGLOBAL USA
  • Gomez, Pavel & Martinez, Lily, Diamond [2011], United States, TEAMGLOBAL USA
  • Hernandez, Robert & Juanita, Diamond [2011], United States, TEAMGLOBAL USA
  • Cáceres, Matías & Aymara, Diamond [2012], United States, TEAMGLOBAL USA
  • Valencia, Aramis y Ligia, Diamond 2013, United States, TEAMGLOBAL USA
  • Martin, Yudit & Reinel, Diamond [2013], United States, TEAMGLOBAL USA
  • Lorena & Diego Reyes, Diamond, 2015, Venezuela TEAMGLOBAL USA
  • Rivas, Santos & Yoladie, Founders Diamond 2014, Venezuela TEAMGLOBAL USA
  • Guzmán, Vladimir & Pérez, Yesmir, Diamond 2014, Venezuela TEAMGLOBAL USA
  • Rivas, Santos Jr Diamond, Venezuela 2017, TEAMGLOBAL USA
  • Otazu, Jose Ramon & Escali, Diamond, Dominican Republic, LINC


  • Industrial Engineer
  • Admiral of Business

When Alberto and Michele saw the opportunity, they found themselves in a tight spot: deeply in debt and losing money every month in a traditional business.

In these circumstances, time was not spared to get the business off the ground. There were several roadblocks on the way, with the majority being emotional. Salvos gracias a su Fe, liderados por Dios, el Equipo y el Negocio, pudieron mantener su estilo, ganar espiritualmente, y sobrepasar los obstáculos.

Nicole and her family are now free of work, debt, and schedules, dedicating a majority of their time to parenting and being friends with their 14-year-old daughter, Nicole.

In the field of multi-level marketing (MLM), and more specifically within the Amway organization, Alberto and Michele Aguilera are well-known people who have played important roles. Direct selling company Amway was established in 1959 by Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel. The company is known for its expertise in the fields of health, beauty, and home care products.

Amway was where the Aguileras got their first start in the multi-level marketing industry back in the early 1990s. Within a few years, they had already achieved the status of Diamond level distributor despite their rapid ascent through the ranks. In their field, Alberto and Michele are well-known for their leadership and mentoring, and they are credited with assisting a great number of people in building prosperous enterprises inside Amway.

In addition to their achievements within the Amway organization, Alberto and Michele have been acknowledged for the contributions they have made to the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry as a whole. They have been featured in a variety of MLM publications and have spoken at a number of different events held by the industry. They are well-known for their dedication to upholding moral standards in their business dealings and for their efforts to assist others in reaching their goals within the sector.

The success of Alberto and Michele Aguilera can be attributed, in large part, to their capacity to cultivate solid relationships with both their team members and their clients. They are steadfast in their belief that the key to achieving success in the multi-level marketing sector is to establish and nurture relationships based on trust and openness, and they put in a lot of effort to make this happen.

Christina Aguilera, a well-known pop singer and songwriter, is also a prominent player in the multi-level marketing sector. Additionally an Amway distributor, Christina Aguilera has been a guest speaker at a number of the company's events.

Christina Aguilera is renowned in the music industry for possessing powerful vocals as well as the ability to connect with her audiences. She is also an outspoken supporter of equal rights for women and has made effective use of her position to bring attention to a variety of social as well as political concerns.

The Aguilera family as a whole is comprised of some of the most influential business executives and mentors in the multi-level marketing industry. They are well known for the fact that they are committed to engaging in ethical business methods, that they are committed to personal growth, and that they are able to form good relationships with both their team members and their clients.

In spite of its success, the multi-level marketing (MLM) sector as a whole has been subjected to criticism from many individuals who believe that the industry has fundamental problems. The vast majority of MLM distributors are said to make very little to no money, which is one of the primary criticisms leveled against the business model known as multi-level marketing (MLM).

On the other hand, prosperous multi-level marketing (MLM) distributors such as the Aguilera family believe that the sector provides people with the opportunity to develop their own enterprises and achieve financial independence. They think that anyone can achieve success in the multi-level marketing profession if they put in the effort, are dedicated, and make a commitment to ethical business methods.

In summing up, Alberto and Michele Aguilera are well-known characters within the multi-level marketing industry. They have achieved a great deal of success within the Amway organization and are well-known throughout the business world for their leadership and ability to mentor others in the field. In recent years, the multi-level marketing (MLM) sector has been subjected to a great deal of criticism. However, successful MLM distributors believe that the MLM industry provides individuals with an opportunity to achieve financial independence and develop profitable enterprises.

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