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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Melillo, Ray & Joanne Amway

Melillo, Ray & Joanne 

 Ray and Joanne Melillo are the Executive Diamond Council members."I was single, 21 years old, in debt, and $200 away from law school when my sponsor, Ed Maffia, handed me the business plan," Ray Melillo recalls. "I was single, 21 years old, in debt, and $200 away from law school.

 " Both Ed and Joe Petrillo, both of whom are now Emerald IBOs, were college friends of Ray's who had gone on to pursue their legal careers.

In the middle of the night in my car at 1:00 a.m., Ed returned home and gave me the plan written on the back of an envelope on the back of the envelope.

" I reasoned that if it was beneficial for those people, it had to be good for me as well.

 As you can see, I put my faith in them, and trust is vitally essential to your success in this industry.

 The rest, as they say, is history!"Living at home and renting a room did not provide me with a competitive advantage in any way.

 When I was younger, my mother was so pessimistic that she'd interrupt my meetings in my room to do laundry, and later on, we'd dispute about how naïve I'd been to trust 'those people.' Dad was even terrible than Mom.

 He dared me to work in his field of construction to see if I could continue to grow my business. I accepted the challenge.

 And so I took a position at the same job as his, which involved lugging cement all day and coming home ready to drop.

 However, I was out almost every night, demonstrating the plan.

After that, I was promoted to Platinum and earning more money than I had ever made in my previous full-time position.

" As a result, I was able to purchase my first Cadillac and resign from my work at the ripe old age of twenty-three. Since then, I haven't worked for another man.

In case you're wondering, my mother and father are Jean and Runzie Valerio, who are both Diamond IBOs and have been out of work for more than two decades.

Today, Ray and his wife, Joanne, as well as their three boys, Joey, Nicky, and Anthony, are able to enjoy the benefits of their hard work.

They also take pleasure in working together to help others realise their dreams.

Following their Diamond qualification, the Melillos moved on to EDC qualification in less than 18 months.

 Their American and international enterprises continue to develop as a result of their determination to maintain their faith and dream. 

EDC has provided them with greater security as well as a plethora of luxury for themselves and their family.

"God is good," Ray declares. His blessings were the greatest opportunity to help others and achieve success, as well as the finest friends and mentors in Angelo and Claudia Nardone.

Joanne worked as a legal secretary in Manhattan, and she was disillusioned with her prospects for the future.

 "I thank God every day for our upline, who demonstrated to us how to live properly and in service to others by setting a good example.

 Because of this, my boys have a very secure family life, and most importantly, I don't have to worry about who their hero will be because it's already their father.

" As a result, my boys have a very secure family life, and I don't have to worry about who their hero will be because it's already their father."

Downline Diamond

  • Melillo, Ray & Joanne, Executive Diamond, BWW
  • Vicinanza, Edward & Elise, Diamond, BWW
  • Guo-Yuan Du & Ya-Qin Zhu, Founders Crown Ambassador, BWW, China
  • Valerio, Runzie & Jean, Diamond, BWW
  • Strobl, Setsuko & Sue, Diamond, BWW
  • Durso, Charlie & Ann, Executive Diamond, BWW
  • Shannon, Rob & Olivia, Diamond, BWW
  • Pappalardo, Vinny & Dayna, Founders Diamond, BWW
Melillo, Ray, and Joanne Amway are three people who have each made major contributions to the fields of expertise in which they have worked. All three of them have shown a great commitment to excellence, innovation, and the quest of knowledge, despite the fact that they hail from different families and have followed distinct paths in their professional lives.

Dr. Robert Melillo is a chiropractic neurologist who has devoted his professional life to assisting children and adolescents who struggle with a variety of behavioral and learning issues. He is the inventor of the Brain Balance Achievement Centers, which is a franchise that provides a holistic and individualized approach to resolving the underlying neurological difficulties that can contribute to diseases such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It has been demonstrated that Melillo's approach, which combines dietary interventions, physical exercises, and cognitive therapy, is beneficial in reducing the symptoms of these illnesses in children.

The work done by Melillo has had a significant impact on the subject of functional neurology. This subspecialty of neurology tries to understand how the brain and nervous system work together as a unit, as well as how malfunction in any or both of these systems can lead to a wide variety of health issues. His study has been published in a wide variety of journals that are reviewed by experts in the field, and he is the author of a number of books on the topic, including "Disconnected Kids" and "Reconnected Kids."

Ray Amway is an entrepreneur and investor who has established and helped to establish a number of profitable businesses, notably Amway China and Alticor, all of which bear his name. He is well-known for the unconventional approach to business that he takes, as well as for his commitment to doing business in an ethical and environmentally responsible manner. Amway has also been a strong advocate for education, and the company has provided financial assistance for a number of initiatives that try to increase access to school for disadvantaged children all around the world.

In addition to his work in business and philanthropy, Amway has also been involved in politics. From 1979 until 1990, he was a senator in the state of Michigan, where he served for a total of 14 years. Throughout the course of his career, he has been presented with a number of awards and honors in recognition of the significant contributions he has made to both the private sector and the public sector.

Joanne Amway, who is married to Ray, is a doctor who focuses on emergency medicine as her area of expertise. She has previous experience working in a wide range of environments, including crowded metropolis hospitals and quiet clinics in third world countries. Amway is well-known for her commitment to providing excellent care to her patients and for her willingness to take on difficult cases. In addition to this, she is a staunch supporter of health education, particularly in the fields of emergency medicine and disaster preparation.

Amway has been active in the clinical field, as well as in medical education and research in addition to her clinical work. She has produced a number of publications on emergency medicine and other areas that are relevant to it, and she has also worked as a clinical instructor at a number of different universities. In addition to this, she has been very involved in several medical organizations, such as the American College of Emergency Physicians and the World Health Organization's Global Emergency Medicine Advisory Group, both of which she has been on the board of directors.

Overall, Melillo, Ray, and Joanne Amway are three people who have shown a strong commitment to quality, innovation, and social responsibility by making substantial contributions to their respective industries and by demonstrating a strong commitment to those goals. Their work encourages people to pursue their passions with the same level of commitment and tenacity that they have shown in their job, which acts as an inspiration to others.

Melillo, Ray & Joanne Amway

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