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Monday, July 5, 2021

Melillo, Ray & Joanne Amway

 Ray & Joanne Melillo Executive Diamond Council

"I was single, 21 years old, in debt, and $200 away from law school," Ray Melillo remembers, "when my sponsor, Ed Maffia, showed me the business plan."

 Ed and Joe Petrillo ' both now Emerald IBOs ' were college buddies of Ray's who had gone off to law school.

"Ed came home one weekend, and showed me the plan on the back of an envelope in my car at 1:00 a.m. 

I figured, if it was good for those guys, it was good for me. You see, I trusted them and trust is absolutely vital to your success in this business. The rest is history!

"Living at home and renting a bed didn't give me an edge by any means. I remember Mom being so negative, that she'd interrupt my meetings in my room with laundry, and later we would argue about how gullible I was to believe 'those people.

' Dad was even worse. He challenged me to work in his field of construction and see if I could continue to build my business. 

So I accepted a position at a job where he was foreman, hauling cement all day, and coming home ready to drop. But I was out nearly every night, showing the plan.

"The next thing I knew, I was a new Platinum, making more money than I ever made working full time. So, I bought my first Cadillac and was able to retire from my job at the ripe old age of 23. 

I haven't worked for another man since!

"By the way, my mom and dad are Jean and Runzie Valerio, Diamond IBOs, who have both been free from jobs for over 2 decades."

Today, Ray and his wife, Joanne, enjoy the fruits of their work, along with their three sons, Joey, Nicky, and Anthony.

They also take pleasure in working together to help others realise their dreams.

Following their Diamond qualification, the Melillos moved on to EDC qualification in less than 18 months. 

Their American and international enterprises continue to develop as a result of their determination to maintain their faith and dream. 

EDC has provided them with greater security as well as a plethora of luxury for themselves and their family.

"God is good," Ray declares. His blessings were the greatest opportunity to help others and achieve success, as well as the finest friends and mentors in Angelo and Claudia Nardone.

Joanne worked as a legal secretary in Manhattan, and she was disillusioned with her prospects for the future. 

"I thank God every day for our upline, who demonstrated to us how to live properly and in service to others by setting a good example. 

Because of this, my boys have a very secure family life, and most importantly, I don't have to worry about who their hero will be because it's already their father.

" As a result, my boys have a very secure family life, and I don't have to worry about who their hero will be because it's already their father."

Downline Diamond

  • Melillo, Ray & Joanne, Executive Diamond, BWW
  • Vicinanza, Edward & Elise, Diamond, BWW
  • Guo-Yuan Du & Ya-Qin Zhu, Founders Crown Ambassador, BWW, China
  • Valerio, Runzie & Jean, Diamond, BWW
  • Strobl, Setsuko & Sue, Diamond, BWW
  • Durso, Charlie & Ann, Executive Diamond, BWW
  • Shannon, Rob & Olivia, Diamond, BWW
  • Pappalardo, Vinny & Dayna, Founders Diamond, BWW

Melillo, Ray & Joanne

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