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Monday, July 5, 2021

Sahay, Sanjiv & Shauna Amway

Sahay, Sanjiv & Shauna Amway

 FED 2003, our local FED in Philadelphia, was a particularly special one for us. As the sounds of 'Rocky' music flooded the air, our sponsors, Kumar and Anjali, raised our hands for the first time. We were in tears of pleasure since we had toiled night after night with complete trust in order to arrive at this point. Manipal and Renuka Reddy, Kanti and Lata Gala, and Kanti and Hemi Gala all raised their hands after Kumar and Anjali. When Bill and Peggy Britt, our idols and role models, raised their hands, it was the most memorable moment of our lives. We felt like we'd accomplished something worthwhile in our lives.

We had the privilege of telling our Diamond storey in Raleigh, Houston, and Long Beach, California, following the Philadelphia FED. These FEDs allowed us to meet our heroes, whom we had only heard on recordings, in person. At every FED, we were treated as royalty. Bill and Peggy Britt have stretched our dreams to the limit, and we're going all the way to the top' Crown Ambassador.

'It is worth suffering through some 'No's' to become a Britt Diamond!' is our message to everyone.

Sanjiv and Shauna Sahay used to work in the telecommunications industry as top-notch computer professionals. Their initial goal was for Shauna to return to work so she could be a full-time mother to Rohit, their only kid at the time. After achieving their goal, they expanded their firm to the point that Sanjiv was able to leave his job as well. Both the Sahays' son, Rohit, and their two daughters, Alisha and Shefali, are now full-time parents. They live in a lovely house in Marlboro, New Jersey.

Sanjiv and Shauna have always had a can-do attitude and a childish trust in their upline and the system. They have a huge operation in the United States and a diamond operation in India,' say Bhupinder and Harpreet Kaur.

Because their focus is Crown Ambassador, Sanjiv and Shauna haven't taken a break since they went Diamond! Double Diamonds, Shivaram & Anjali Kumar

Sahay, Sanjiv & Shauna Amway

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