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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

When You Leave The Amway Cult A Big Weight Is Lifted Off Your Shoulders!

When You Leave The Amway Cult A Big Weight Is Lifted Off Your Shoulders!
 When you are recruited into the Amway cult, you will be subjected to a great deal of dishonesty and deception since the Ambots and cult leaders will not disclose all of the fees up front. A reader shares his personal experience:Your site is hilarious, and it makes me laugh every time...

There Are Better Ways To Make Money Than MLM Schemes

There Are Better Ways To Make Money Than MLM Schemes
 According to Amway's literature, the average independent business owner (IBO) earns $115/month gross. Those numbers are ten years old at this point. As a result, that $115 has taken a tumble, and I suspect Amway hasn't updated them, but we'll never know for sure because too many aspects...

The Amway Ambot Guide To Wasting Money Doing Laundry

The Amway Ambot Guide To Wasting Money Doing Laundry
 Just so you know, the pricing may be incorrect now, but it was correct when this post initially appeared on this blog. An update on pricing was supplied to us by one of our readers, however it is possible that it is now out of date.$47.40 for 133 loads of Legacy of Clean® SA8® Laundry...

Children Of Amway Ambots Hate Watching Them Brainwashed

Children Of Amway Ambots Hate Watching Them Brainwashed
 In this video, we see a young lady who understands the Amway deception and how Amway is killing her family. Also, because I'm assuming it's a second language, you have a fantastic command of the English language. Another reason why members of the Amway cult should turn their children...

ANOTHER (???!!!) Life Changing Event Or More Amway Bullshit

ANOTHER (???!!!) Life Changing Event Or More Amway Bullshit
 Due to the fact that the Amway WWDB Spring Leadership event will take place in April, Amway Ambots are out in full force attempting to deceive prospects into attending. Alternatively, you may put the screws to IBOs who haven't made up their minds about whether or not to travel.Below...

Another Former Amway Employee Dishes On How It Is

Another Former Amway Employee Dishes On How It Is
 It's always interesting to hear from people that worked for Amway. This one, in which he complains about the crap he heard from the Amway speakers, is fantastic. Drivel? He's far too generous. It's referred known as "bullshit from the stage" around these parts. I can see how it would...

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