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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

101 Ways To Piss Off An Amway IBO

 This topic was inspired by the television show 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show, which aired in the 1990s. It's just hilarious! To our former upline, I'd like to perform the majority of those stunts, without the safety equipment, of course!

Those who arrive at the marriedtoanambot blog as a result of a Google search for “how to get rid of those bothersome Amway salespeople” or “how to tell Amway salespeople to leave” may find this post useful.

Here are 101 things you should never say to an IBO to make him angry

Is there a connection between this and Amway in any way?

Amway is a pyramid scheme of the highest order.

XS Energy Drinks have a foul odour and taste like cat urine!

What caused Ganesh and Neha Shenoy's separation and divorce?

What is it about Amway that makes everyone act so false nice to me?

Do you really want to spend $60 a year to buy costly products? You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Go to heck with you! Oh, I almost forgot. You've arrived at Amway. It's the same thing.

Go sell your snake oil at an other location!

What is the source of the high cost of Nutrilite vitamins? Please do not tell me that the product is of great quality because that is a complete fabrication.

According to what I've seen on the internet, IBOs make up stories about Artistry Cosmetics being one of the top five cosmetic brands in the world.

Are you truly that gullible as to assume that everything having to do with Amway qualifies as a tax deduction?

Is it true that Amway sells Monavie products?

Is this some sort of Scamway?

Do you want me to attend to a meeting at 8 p.m.? Fuck off, you cretin! American Idol will be on at that time!

After drinking your Perfect Water, I still don't appear to be ten years younger! You're a fucking liar, that's for sure!

What is the reason behind the Puryears' decision to sell their river house?

What type of slimeball would want to be associated with Amway?

Have you heard that Amway is being sued yet again?

How many persons do you have in your downline at this point in time?According to what I've heard, you lose a lot of money in Amway.

Have you read Merchants of Deception by John Grisham?

Amway is a cult-like organisation.

When a dog consumes Amway dog food, it urinates three times more frequently than it did previously.

Do you know that I can make $115 a month working 10 to 15 hours a week in an Amway business? Do the arithmetic, you cretin! That works out to $2 to $3 an hour!

Bring your tax return to show me proof that you are making $100,000 a year working with Amway.

Someone tell me who the liar is that told you that Amway owns the Amway Arena in Orlando.

Given your success in Amway, how come you're driving around in a piece of junk like this 1972 Pinto?

I've heard that Amway sells high-end tampons.

To be honest, I'm not eager to spend more money on higher-quality things.

Everything about that Amway snack bar you handed me tasted like garbage.

How come you're too embarrassed to tell everyone that you're a representative for Amway?

What are you trying to hide from me?

Why is it necessary to obtain authorization from your superiors before undertaking any action?

What is the number of consumers you have?

I'm curious to know how much money you make each month from Amway sales.

According to what I've heard, the only way to make money in Amway is to sell motivating products.

Is it possible for me to be successful solely by attending Amway meetings and doing nothing else?

According to what I've heard, Amway kills relationships.

Only the top 1% of the pyramid are able to achieve financial independence in Amway.

You're not going to be able to brainwash me, jerk!

How many big openings do you intend to have in the near future? Wasn't one sufficient?

Do you want to submit to your upline? Is it possible that you're fucking insane? Cult! Cult! Cult!

It's true that I enjoy my current position.

What kind of qualifications does your upline have in terms of being a counsellor?

Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Get off your fucking phone, you cretin! It's past midnight now! Isn't it true that your fucking upline never sleeps?

How is it that Amway dishwashing soap costs twice as much as other brands while only cleaning half of the dishes in the dishwasher?

Why does Amway sell towels that are prone to fraying?

Have you snatched any potential customers at the grocery store lately?

How many individuals did you get to sign up for your mailing list?

Your Amway upline leader has told you that you are not permitted to watch television? To me, this seems like a cult!

Allow me to provide an excellent proposal on what you could do with those stupid Amway recordings!

Where am I going to get six people who are willing to be conned?

After all, it doesn't matter if a Diamond is speaking tonight.

What is the source of Amway's exorbitant shipping costs? Amazon offers free shipping on orders over $25, so I only have to spend $25 to qualify.

What is the significance of referring to Amway as "the business"? What exactly is the big secret to referring to it as what it is?

Who is the stupid moron who informed you that Amway is the only business that is recession proof?

I was wondering whether you had seen the Dateline exposé on the Amway scam.

Amway is a posh social club with a high price tag.

Do you mean to tell me that you are giving your time to clean your Platinum's house for free every week?

The reason why Amway meetings go on until well beyond midnight is a mystery.

Please provide me with your Amway profit and loss report.

Amway is a weird company.

Who cares if I live the rest of my life as a penniless loser? It's preferable than being a scumbucket Amway IBO that does nothing but lie and cheat, so fuck off!

Besides, I have more important things to accomplish with my time than go to your obnoxious Family Reunion.

I'm exchanging hours for bucks, right? At the very least, it's preferable to working in Amway and exchanging hours for pennies.

What is it about Amway that is so closely guarded

Wow! When you spend so much time on Amway nonsense, when do you find time to have fun?

What happened to David Shores' house if he paid cash for it? How did it end up in foreclosure?

My wife has already left the house. What does it matter to you in the end?

You should mind your own goddamn business!

You're in the process of becoming a cult leader.

What is the proper way to say fuck in Igbo?

The key to achieving Amway success is to take advantage of your clients.

What does it matter if I have an employee mentality? It's preferable to having an ambot mentality that has been brainwashed.

What does it matter?

Which Amway meetings are held each week?

What is the identity of Orrin Woodward?

Please don't be a jerk to me! It was you who dragged me out to this filthy Amway meeting because you wanted my input on the situation. I've shared my thoughts with you! It's a freaking scam, believe me!

I am already in charge of my own destiny.

Why did Greg Duncan declare bankruptcy if Amway Diamonds generates such substantial profits?

Yes, I am interested in alternative sources of income. How do you think my new printing press over there is working out for you?

Come back to me in two to five years after you have achieved financial independence and show me your strategy.

I don't punch a time clock, but I'd love to punch you in the face if I could!

Open your fucking ears and eyes, and listen up! Amway is a swindle!

What is it about talking to your crossline that you require permission for?

Have you been to Barnes & Noble recently?

Rather of forcing me to attend your meeting, why don't you just tell me what your business opportunity is.

We don't see why you have to make your cheques payable to cash. To my ears, this sounds like tax avoidance.

Have you ever heard of the 15-second introduction technique? Your elevator pitch should be able to tell someone who you are and what you do in less than 15 seconds. In the event that it takes a three-hour meeting to spit it out, you're an absolute loser.

No, I'm not interested in supporting your company because your prices are too exorbitant.

World Wide Destructive Bastards is an abbreviation for World Wide Destructive Bastards.

Walmart offers reduced costs as well as higher-quality products.

Are you deafeningly naive?

Is it true that it costs 10 dollars to attend an Amway meeting? Take advantage of me!

What is the price of a CD?

It's a joke, of course! Is it true that you just described yourself as an Amway warrior?

How is it that there are reports all over the Internet about how much money individuals are losing as a result of the Amway fraud?

What if your upline says you have to obtain permission before you purchase a new refrigerator? What the f*ck is going on? And you insist that you are not a member of a cult!

I've heard there are a lot of obese IBOs. Does this imply that the $500 Amway diet plan is ineffective?

What is it like to live within the confines of a pyramid?

Why does Amway have such a negative impact on marriages?

Oh, I've got something else for you. I simply promised myself that I would stop at 101!

Explain to them that Amway is a multi-level marketing company.

  • Refuse to listen to their attempt to sell you something.

  • Inquire with them about the amount of money that they bring in.

  • You could refer to them as a "cult member."

  • Refuse to buy any of their items in whatever quantity.

  • Condemn them for making the decision to become an Amway IBO.

  • Let them know that you are not interested in participating in multi-level marketing.

  • Make fun of their proposed business strategy.

  • Engage them in a debate concerning the legitimacy of Amway.

  • Let them know that they are squandering both their time and their money.

  • Refuse to participate in a gathering or function hosted by Amway.

  • Make fun of their eagerness to succeed in the Amway industry.

  • Ask them if they are trying to take advantage of you in any way.

  • Inform them that you've heard others talking negatively about Amway.

  • You should recommend that they try another type of business.

  • Refuse to refer business to them or offer them a lead.

  • Put an end to their enthusiasm regarding the anticipated money.

  • Interrupt their sales presentation with an argument that contradicts their stance.

  • Inform them that they are participating in a Ponzi scheme.

  • Inquire of them as to whether or not they have made any money so far.

  • Make the assumption that they are squandering their time.

  • Be critical of the Amway items' overall level of quality.

  • Refuse to participate in a training session hosted by Amway.

  • Inform them that they are being brainwashing.

  • Insist on the fact that they are not actually in charge of their own company.

  • Insinuate that they are simply following the example set by their upline.

  • Refuse to give them the opportunity to express themselves.

  • Tell them that you don't believe in the Amway business model to run your company.

  • Inquire of them regarding their financial experiences with the Amway firm.

  • Insinuate that they are damaging their connections with their friends and family by encouraging them to become Amway distributors.

  • Make a point to call them out on the amount of time they spend working on their Amway business.

  • Refuse to contribute to the success of their Amway business.

  • Let them know that you are not interested in the Amway products they are selling.

  • Make the case that Amway is a fraudulent company.

  • Put a stop to their dreams of achieving financial independence.

  • Make it clear that you are not interested in being recruited in any capacity.

  • Make the statement that they are throwing their money away on Amway.

  • Amway's business methods deserve some constructive criticism.

  • Avoid making any purchases through their Amway website at all costs.

  • Tell them that their upline is cheating them out of their money.

  • Inquire of them as to whether or not they have, in fact, made any money thus far.

  • Give the impression that they are in over their heads.

  • Refuse to attend a product demonstration for Amway's products.

  • You should let them know that you are not interested in the Amway business opportunity they are offering.

  • Insinuate that they are nothing more than a movable piece in the Amway system.

  • Do not discount the possibility of the Amway business being successful.

  • Tell them that you have it on good authority that Amway is a pyramid scheme.

  • Insinuate to them that their upline is deceiving them in some way.

  • Turn off their attempts to tell you their Amway success stories.

  • Inquire of them as to whether or not they are merely looking to earn money off of you.

  • The motivating speakers at Amway gatherings deserve some constructive criticism.

  • Refuse to look at the business plan that Amway has put together.

  • Make it seem like they're wasting their time with Amway by suggesting it.

  • Ignore their claims that they have been successful in Amway financially.

  • You should let them know that you have no interest in participating in network marketing.

  • Inquire further as to whether or not they are content with the way their Amway business is going.

  • Make the claim that Amway is a pyramid scheme operating under the guise of a business.

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