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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

When You Leave The Amway Cult A Big Weight Is Lifted Off Your Shoulders!

 When you are recruited into the Amway cult, you will be subjected to a great deal of dishonesty and deception since the Ambots and cult leaders will not disclose all of the fees up front. A reader shares his personal experience:

Your site is hilarious, and it makes me laugh every time I read it. I recently quit my Amway/WWDB cult, which took place just two days ago. Those fuckers signed me up despite the fact that I am just 21 years old and live in an apartment earning only $1400 a month, according to the terms of the agreement.

They never informed me of the fees I would be required to pay for the trash ass wwdb application and communication. I was also never informed that I would have to shell out even more money for a "big event" for the next three fucking months. Every three months, I can't fucking afford to do it. My cult members, on the other hand, were assuring me, "It's a pleasure to go," and "you can't miss out on this because it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE."

Those shitheads conned me and utilised cult methods to make me believe I was spending money for a worthwhile cause, which I wasn't.

Never mind communikate; I'm not even going to get started on it. That thing was complete and utter fucktrash. I despised having to complete my "daily kate." When I was nearing the end of my time in the cult, I wouldn't even know what to say anymore. As a result, it got incredibly repetitious, and my upline would always respond to my kate as if I had just said something meaningful and important to humanity. He would get me pumped up to the point of insanity. To be honest, it's almost as though he railed six lines of coke and downed a mountain dew just to be able to respond to my Kate and set me on fire.

I felt like a thousand pounds had been lifted off my shoulders when I quit the cult two days ago. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was in command of my life. I went out and got some fucking takeout food for the first time in a long time since I didn't have to look at my money through a magnifying glass or pay for those shit things for the rest of my life. Those jerks came close to taking away the most formative years of my life. I'm 21 years old, for god's sake, I should be hanging out and having a wonderful time with the very friends they warned me about. Cult cult cult cult cult cult!!!

Anna Banana reacts as follows:

Yes, the blog is intended to amuse people who despise Amway while also causing consternation among Ambots and other Amway haters. We want to entertain as well as educate our audience members here.

You are a prime target for the Amway cult's recruitment efforts. I'm the correct age and don't make a lot of money. They lure you in with the promise of owning your own business, and after working 10 to 15 hours a week for the next 2 to 5 years, you will be able to sit back and do nothing for the rest of your life while Amway continues to pay you millions of dollars in residual income every month for the rest of your life. You'll be debt-free, and you'll be able to pay for everything with cash.

Those are some of the fairy stories you've probably heard, don't you think?

This bunch of jerks will tell you where else you can acquire $200 to start your "own business," but they will conveniently neglect to inform you about all of the expenditures that you will have to pay each month in order to be part of the Amway cult. The Amway tool scam is perhaps the most well-known of them. Undeterred, the Amway cult leaders may chastise and mock you, and they may even threaten to stop cooperating with you if you don't spend the money on the tools. Those "motivational" tools are optional, according to Amway's brochures, and your upline is still expected to work with you regardless of whether or not you purchase them, according to the brochure. However, I have never encountered someone in Amway who did not violate the company's rules! LOL!

Yeah, Communikate is a complete and utter piece of trash. Smart phones and a good plan can do all of the functions of Communikate and even more. At least one of Amway's proprietors has been a shareholder in Communikate from the company's inception. I read the article years ago, so I'm a little hazy on whether they're a part owner, an investor, or whether they provided them with a loan to get them off the ground. In any case, Amway has a vested interest in seeing that Communikate is lucrative so that they can recoup their loan or receive a portion of the earnings, depending on the terms of the deal. What better way to accomplish this than to encourage their cult leaders to compel their followers to join this piece of trash called Communikate? And give the cult leaders a percentage of the money from each person that signs up. A couple of years ago, some lying sack of shit Amway Ambot shows up here and claims that Amway no longer uses Communikate; however, a wife of an Ambot called out the liar and claims that her husband subscribes to it; and since then, people like you have stopped by to claim that Communikate is still in use in the Amway tool scam; however, we have not heard from them since.

It is the cult leaders' intention for every major Amway gathering to be marketed as the year's most important event, one that will change your life, and one that will put you six months ahead of others who did not go. The majority of Amway Diamonds' revenue comes from the sale of tickets to these brainwashing events.

In Amway, people are seen to be a bunch of losers that enjoy bombing their fellow cultists and pumping them up with fabricated accolades. You had a typical encounter, as you would expect.

And why are Ambots always on the verge of exploding?

When you leave the Amway cult, I understand what you're going through. Like a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders, and you can begin to regain control over your life once more.. Make sure you're prepared for those Amway jerks to call, text, or email you and insult you. Inform them that you will be reporting them to the authorities for harrassment, and they may back down. If you don't comply, they will harass you for the rest of your life. Ambots are only your best friends for as long as you remain a member of the cult. When you leave Amway, they will take you to the airport. After they've finished spewing insults like "loser," "quitter," and so on, they'll move on.

Consider the positive aspects of the situation. Now that you're no longer wasting your money on scams and hanging out with a bunch of Amway losers, it's time to get serious about getting ahead in life. You're still young enough to make a full recovery, both financially and emotionally. All education comes at a cost, and you've learned your lesson about never being involved with a pyramid scheme or any other multilevel marketing scheme again.

Take that money you were putting into Amway every month and put it into something more productive. Find a stockbroker and place an order for certain stocks. Purchase scratch-off tickets for the lotto. Visit a gambling establishment. There's a bigger likelihood of you generating money from any of those things than there is through Amway. Wishing you the best of luck. Have a wonderful Amwayless existence!

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