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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Who Will You Meet At Barnes & Noble? Hopefully Not Amway Losers!

 How many people have seen the Barnes & Noble Christmas commercial? A duet with Lady Gaga at the end of the video, which concludes with the line "you never know who you'll meet in Barnes & Noble." Is it even going to be running this year? I haven't seen it yet, but it doesn't rule out the possibility that it is running someplace.

Where did this music come from, and why is it being played on so many radio stations? Rapper lyrics that are more provocative and offensive have been heard by me.

Anyway. Amway's scary element comes into play.

Who else is viewing this commercial and immediately conjuring up images of the horrors of it all, while also being pestered by Amway Ambots at Barnes & Noble and other establishments?

This site has received a large number of comments from folks who were out shopping at Barnes & Noble and were snubbed by an Amway jerk who was attempting to prospect them.

It is strictly prohibited for IBOs to harrass clients while they are shopping at Barnes & Noble.

The memo from Amway's corporate headquarters to the cult leaders used to be available on the Amquix information website, but it appears to have been taken down. It's really sad. It was an excellent source of information regarding Scamway.

The issue is that Amway's upline cult leaders are exerting information control on its followers. Amway cult leaders receive memos, not individual Independent Business Owners (IBOs) who receive memos. The responsibility for notifying their downline rests with them, although not everyone is informed of the situation.

Special consideration should be given to IBOs who joined after this message was sent out from head office. For years, there were unquestionably criticisms directed towards Barnes & Noble management. Nothing was done for the longest time, and it is probable that nothing will be done today, given the common tradition of staff working at Amway headquarters not caring what Amway IBOs are doing. This is true regardless of how much the letter threatens IBO discipline. The threats from Barnes & Noble to the top brass at Scamway must have been significant because the letter was sent out to the Amway cult leaders in order to cope with the annoyance of the irritating ambots.

When people are out shopping, they don't want to be hassled or harassed. And this is especially true if they are flipping through a book and reading passages in order to decide whether or not to purchase it. No one needs some fucking Amway ambot shooting at them and telling them, hey, I'm a company owner who also happens to sell books. Yes, Barnes & Noble will wish to eject that jerk from their establishment for attempting to steal their customers' money from them. Competition!

The bottom conclusion is that Amway's corporate headquarters couldn't give a flying fuck about what independent business owners are doing. I've protested about lies I've heard from our upline, and the reaction from the head office bastards has been to say that they are not responsible for anything spoken in Amway meetings, and that if we have an issue, we should take it up with the upline who lied to us.

Suppose a manager from Barnes & Noble calls Amway's "I don't give a fuck" customer service desk to complain about ambots sniping consumers while they shop in their stores. They will receive the following response: find someone who doesn't give a shit and tell them! It's not as if anything will happen to the ambot in this situation. What do you think they're going to say? You've been fired. And Amway has just lost yet another source of revenue. It's a joke, but it's true. No way in hell.

You never know who you might run across at Barnes & Noble, but you can bet your bottom dollar it isn't an Amway jerk.

Consequently, if you're an Amway jerk, don't go into Barnes & Noble!

If you are an Amway jerk and you happen to see me in Barnes & Noble, please don't screw with me!

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