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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Ripping Off People Is The Secret To Amway Success

 Entrepreneur workshops – that is, workshops for genuine business owners, not seminars for pretend enterprises like Amway's commissioned salesforce, which poses as business owners – have been on my radar for a while. In this room, almost every entrepreneur has expressed the belief that their outstanding customer service is what differentiates them from their competition. Alternatively, if they are still in the process of starting up their firm, their exceptional customer service will set them apart. I'm not sure why everyone thinks that way. I suppose they all like to believe that their excellent customer service will be the talk of the town when it is not.

My knowledge is that I've never heard anyone claim that their low prices are what gives them an advantage over their competitors. That would be a significant advantage over customer service in my opinion. Customers' loyalty is a thing of the past in today's business environment. People tend to go toward locations where they can get the best bargain with the least amount of fuss.

The thing about customer service is that the client does not always require customer service to be performed. I enter into the grocery store with my shopping list in hand and have a general idea of where I'm going to get what I'm looking for. Due to the fact that I rarely require assistance, I am unable to comment on whether most establishments provide excellent customer service or not. When I go to the grocery store to buy marshmallows to create Rice Krispies Treats, the grocers keep moving them around like crazy!

Many Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) have boasted about providing exceptional customer service. The majority of them had no customers at all! So, yes, I suppose it is simple to provide exceptional customer service to a company with no existing customer base!

All I have to say to Amway Independent Business Owners is that if you're ripping off your clients every time you make a sale, how can you claim to be providing good customer service?

Someone who has been misled into believing Amway products are great quality and that the high price reflects this fact will make a ridiculous argument. They refuse to acknowledge independent tests that reveal Amway products are at best generic and at times of lesser quality than far more expensive brand name products available on supermarket shelves.

Customers (and in this case, it's probably friends and family who are giving the IBO a pity sale) will eventually tyre of paying double or triple what they can get for a similar or better product at Walmart, Costco, or wherever else, and they won't come back to buy any more Amway shit - no matter how excellent and superior the customer service the IBO's like to think they provide.

The consumer will not return for another purchase if they do not require it or believe it is too expensive, no matter how wonderful the customer service is.

If independent business owners (IBOs) believe that providing excellent customer service is the key to their success, they will fail to recognise that not everyone is searching for good customer service. I prefer to receive good discounts without having to deal with any problems. In other words, I don't want to be taken advantage of by costly Amway items, and I don't want to be harassed by an IBO about how Amway is the answer to financial success and a lifetime of residual income in 2 to 5 years, as they claim.

Are there any recommendations about IBO's customer service and Amway items that have been passed around? I believe a large number of bloggers have written about this subject. Amway ambots are unable to get over the fact that, no matter how good their customer service may be - or how better they feel it to be - ripping off clients with high priced inferior items means that they are actually providing poor customer service to their customers.

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