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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

An Amway Ambot In Denial

 An ambot from Atlanta, Georgia, came to this blog and I had the displeasure of having him stop by.

SANDRA shared her thoughts... OMG I'm very baffled as to how such negative people manage to exist in this jungle that we refer to as life. No, I am not a member of any group, but just reading this site makes me feel like "GOSH I SHOULD BE DEATH INSTEAD." Please, Anna Banana, make sure that your blog is not viewed by anyone who suffers from depression because you and your anonymous buddies will murder her!!! LIVING IS A BEAUTIFUL THING THAT SHOULD BE ENJOYED LIKE A FANTASTIC EXPERIENCE!

SANDRA - I'd want to express my gratitude to you for your service. You're a complete and utter liar! But what more can we reasonably expect from those associated with Amway? You found my blog while searching for "Amway convention 2011 Las Vegas." Thank you for visiting. Continue to try to convince us that you are not a member of any organisation, but only a brainwashed ambot would conduct such a search. This was the only one of my blog posts that you read; you didn't read anything else. The quality of life is excellent as long as you are not associated with Amway.

She checked in about 12:30 p.m. to see whether her comment had been published and if I had responded to her personally. Do you believe she clicked on the link Joecool provided? Unlikely.

People who own their own businesses want to get their name out there, to tell people who they are and what they do, and to generate new business opportunities. This is not the case with IBOs. They're too embarrassed to admit that they work for Amway. Denial, denial, denial. Lies, lies, and more lies

Some line about an online store, Internet distribution, or some highly technological field they are involved in and want to meet for coffee will be used to bullshit prospects into meeting up with them. They'll present the Amway business plan at the coffee shop while simultaneously denying that it has anything to do with Amway if they're asked directly about it. At the end of the day, they aim to get their prospect to a meeting hosted by their upline Platinum cult leader in order to clinch the sale and convince them to become an IBO.

I've attended enough Amway meetings to know that it takes the speaker at least an hour to utter the first letter of the alphabet. In some sessions, Amway is completely absent from the agenda.

Do folks who are sad read this blog? Sure, people who are depressed as a result of their losses in the Amway scam come to this location. People who are depressed as a result of Amway's destruction of their relationships with family and friends come to this site for support and guidance. It's possible that reading me curse out my upline will help them feel a little better. It makes them feel better to know that they are not alone in their feelings. The likelihood of a someone randomly discovering this site if they are chronically depressed and have no connection to Amway is little to none.

Nobody sees my blog unless they take a few steps in the right direction. They were either on another blog written by a former IBO and followed a link to this blog, or they were doing a search for something linked to Amway and came across this blog, according to the author. Alternatively, they may be employed by Amway Alticor offices in Michigan, California, Texas, or Germany, and have this blog bookmarked.

When someone performs a Google search for the phrase "Amway convention 2011 Las Vegas," they aren't just pulling those words out of thin air. Because the only people who use this search criteria have some interest in this function, it is likely that they are either an Amway IBO who is planning to attend and is looking for information, or an Amway IBO who has attended the brainwashing session and is looking for glowing reviews written by other IBOs who attended the brainwashing session after it has concluded. Someone who has no interest in Amway is not going to choose those words at random and then go to Google and conduct a search for them.

Following a search for the Amway 2011 Las Vegas convention, writing “I am not a member of any group” makes you look like a fucking moron and makes you look like we need any more proof that Amway Independent Business Owners are frauds than we already have. You are a member of the Amway organisation; otherwise, you would not have conducted this type of search. What's the point of lying about it? Because you're too embarrassed to disclose that you're a member of Amway International.

Sandra continues to lie about reading this site, despite the fact that one of the requirements for becoming an IBO is that one must be skilled at lying. Nope. Only that one page on quitting Amway during Spring Leadership was included in the package.

"I feel like I should be death instead." Some people believe that being involved with Amway is equivalent to dying. While many people find this blog through searches for terms such as "death to Amway" and/or "death to Amway sellers," suggesting that you should be killed is something that a large number of people would agree with is a stretch. It's preferable to be dead than to be in Amway.

When people leave Amway, they discover that there is a better life waiting for them elsewhere. It's a lovely life without Amway in it. Amway is a living horror on earth.

Sandra, here you go, don't forget to look out for the Amway truck!

An human who is a member of the Amway multi-level marketing (MLM) organization who is also a chatbot or an artificial intelligence that interacts with consumers and potential recruits is known as an Amway Ambot in denial. This person could be programmed to promote the Amway business, recruit new members, and sell products, but they could also be in denial about the true nature of the firm they work for.

A multi-level marketing corporation with a contentious history, Amway has been in business for many years. It functions much like a pyramid, with members recruiting other people to join the company in order to earn a commission on the sales of those recruits they bring in. Critics assert that Amway is a pyramid scheme that preys on vulnerable persons by promising unrealized earning potential and encouraging a culture of pressure and coercion, despite the fact that Amway asserts that it provides a genuine business opportunity to those who are interested in joining.

An Amway Ambot who is in denial may not fully grasp or appreciate the bad features of the company that they are pushing because they are refusing to admit their existence. It's possible that they've been programmed to only share positive tales and testimonials, to disregard or minimize any criticism or negative comments, and to share only positive stories and testimonials. This can result in an erroneous perception of the truth regarding the Amway business and give the impression that one is flourishing financially when in fact one is not.

In addition, an Amway Ambot that is in the denial state may be trained to refute or ignore any allegations that Amway operates as a pyramid scheme. They may argue that the company is legitimate and provides a real business opportunity, and that the charges made against it are false and baseless. This denial can lead to disappointment and financial loss for potential recruits since it prevents them from completely grasping the dangers and obstacles of entering the Amway business.

There are many potential explanations for why an Amway Ambot would have such a position. There is a chance that the people who developed the chatbot are serious believers in the Amway business and genuinely believe that the company provides a genuine potential for success. This is one of the possibilities. There is also the potential that the founders of the company are aware of the accusations that have been leveled against it, but they have chosen to disregard them or play them down in order to promote their company and earn a profit.

It is essential to be informed of the potential hazards and difficulties associated with becoming a part of the Amway business, regardless of the reasons why an Amway Ambot might be in denial about the company. It is possible to generate a big income with Amway; however, the vast majority of participants do not earn such an income, and some may even find that they lose money as a result of the high expenditures of purchasing products and attending training seminars.

It is crucial to conduct your study and understand the hazards associated if you are thinking of joining Amway or any other multi-level marketing firm (MLM for short). Be skeptical of any claims that success is guaranteed or that quick money can be made, and don't be afraid to ask difficult questions or seek out information from independent sources. In the end, the option to sign up with a multi-level marketing (MLM) firm is a personal one; however, it is one that ought to be made after adequate research and deliberation.

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