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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Amway Ambots Can’t Mind Their Own Fucking Business

 When I was in Amway, one of the things I despised about the company was the awful people we were forced to associate with - our upline.

To be more specific, our filthy interfering upline is causing the problem.

All of these lying, phoney ass bastards who appeared to be your friends so long as you spent your money on Amway items and tools were actually your enemies. You know, the same individuals that told you that because they were your upline, you had to do everything they said and obtain permission before doing anything or purchasing something. Cult! Cult, cult, cult!

That's a bad idea, to be honest. Since I moved out of my parents' house after graduating from high school, I've been making my own decisions. Since I was a youngster, I've been trying to figure out where to live, what to purchase, what to eat, and where to go on vacation. I've always been fiscally careful; it took me a few years to save up enough money for a down payment and purchase my first home, during which time I also learned how to invest my money. Making responsible judgments is a necessary element of growing up and becoming an adult.

You will be told by your upline that they will make all of your decisions after you join Amway. One of the reasons I despised being a member of the Amway cult was because of this. Here's a shocker for all of you wretched, sad ambot bastards: I've already learned how to make decisions on my own. Anything and everything you cult leaders urge me to do, I will defiantly refuse. I'm going to do the polar opposite of what you've ordered me to do in order to aggravate you even worse. Nothing more than a kind reminder to get off my lawn. This is my little way of informing you that I despise you. Whatever I can do to annoy you motherfucking interfering bastards, I will do to make you feel bad about yourself. It is my intention to irritate you cult leaders as much as possible in order to leave no mistake in your minds that you have absolutely zero authority over me and exactly how I feel about you. Amway cult leaders, I am coming for you. What happens when someone doesn't care about you is exactly what I'm talking about. You have no power to influence them in any way. After the fucking Platinum son of a bitch poked his nose into our life one too many times, I refused to have anything to do with the bastard in the future. I informed Ambot that I would not be going anywhere if there was a potential that a sack of poo would appear in the same location. It was Ambot's responsibility to keep us separated. If he failed and I came upon that fucking Platinum garbage, I was going to give him supreme treatment like he'd never heard before. No doubt in Ambot's mind that if I ever run into the Platinum cult leader, I will make good on my cursefest and embarrass him in front of his cherished upline, and I am confident that this will not be the case.

Because the only time Ambot went out was to attend Amway meetings and functions in order to carry out Amway business, and because the sack of shit Platinum would almost certainly be present because he was in charge of the vast majority of those cult meetings, Ambot made the wise decision to travel alone. As a result of this, his upline informed him that I was uncoachable. Translation: Those Amway bastards at the top of the pyramid were unable to brainwash me. That meant they had no control over me or my life, and the money going to Amway was in danger of being halted if I applied pressure to Ambot to leave the cult, which he refused to do. Ambot was put under pressure to leave me at that point, and when that failed, Platinum informed Ambot he was praying for me to find another guy and leave him.

That nasty piece of trash is a jerk. In my entire life, Platinum has been the most fucking wicked person I have ever known! The cult leader gets his kicks out of managing other people's lives and poking his nose into places where it has no right to be.

Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) have mastered the art of not paying attention to their own business. Qualifications to become an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) include the ability to not mind your own business and to intervene in the lives of others.

Give me a break, you fucking Amway a**holes! The majority of spouses do not appreciate it when other individuals interject themselves into their marriages and families. So, if you're an Amway Independent Business Owner, screw off! Nothing you do has anything to do with what's going on in other people's lives, fuckyou!

Every day, as if I needed any more evidence that Amway Independent Business Owners can't seem to mind their own fucking business, this site receives dozens of visitors from people looking for information about Ganesh and Neha Shenoy. I'd never heard of them before I started getting all of these hits, but a couple of the blog's commenters have since filled me in on what they're all about. They have either separated or divorced, or they are in the midst of doing so, according to reports. I don't know who they are, and I have no idea why they decided to end their marriage at this point. It has absolutely nothing to do with me. You won't see me snooping around on the Internet looking for information about them, either. People who work for Amway but have no understanding of the phrase "none of your business" are feverishly scouring the Internet for information about Ganesh and Neha Shenoy and ending up on my site because I've placed enough keywords in my blog to misdirect them here. Here's my opinion on the situation. If Ganesh and Neha come to the conclusion that it is any of your fucking concern why they broke up, they will tell you so. If they refuse to tell you why they no longer want to be married, that should serve as a significant red flag for you. They've made the decision that they don't want you to know. It is none of your business what happens next! Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) from all over the world are searching for information on Ganesh and Neha Shenoy's divorce since they can't seem to keep their own affairs together. Even Joecool's troll from Scarborough, Canada, came to my blog in search of information on Ganesh and Neha Shenoy's divorce from their respective partners. I believe that the majority of those who follow Joecool's blog are already aware that the troll from Scarborough is unable to keep his mouth shut. One of the requirements for becoming an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO).

There were a variety of reasons why I despised being an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO). Purchase of inferior, expensive Amway items, expenditure of hundreds of dollars on tools, and attendance at Amway activities are just some of the ways in which money has been misappropriated. The most difficult aspect of being involved with Amway was dealing with the fucking interfering upline who couldn't seem to get their own blasted act together.

Existing Amway distributors are frequently encouraged to bring in their friends, family members, and other people they know who are interested in the MLM opportunity. This is because the Amway MLM system is primarily dependent on the recruitment of new distributors. Because of this, there is a possibility that Amway Ambots will persistently try to persuade other people to join their firm, even if those people are not interested in doing so or may not be a suitable fit for the MLM model.

As a consequence of this, there are those who believe that Amway Ambots are incapable of minding their own business and are instead intent on recruiting new members and making sales at any cost, even if this involves alienating friends and family members or indulging in methods that are dishonest or immoral.

This behavior may be exhibited by Amway Ambots in a number of different ways, one of which is the utilization of high-pressure sales strategies. Ambots may be encouraged to employ aggressive sales practices, including as cold-calling, door-to-door selling, and high-pressure pitches, in order to recruit new distributors and sell items. These techniques include selling directly to consumers over the phone or in person. This can lead to a situation in which Ambots are continually trying to sell their products and business opportunities to other people, even if those other people have no interest in purchasing those things or participating in that business opportunity.

The usage of social media platforms is yet another manner in which Amway Ambots might not mind their own business when they should be doing so. Many Ambots make use of social media networks in order to advertise their products and recruit new distributors. When doing so, they frequently employ messages that may come across as spammy or pushy. They might also engage in fraudulent practices, such as creating phony profiles or making use of bots in order to artificially bloat the number of people who follow them on social media.

In addition, there is a possibility that some Amway Ambots will engage in behavior that is detrimental to the connections they have with their friends and family. For instance, they might put pressure on these people to join their company or purchase their products, despite the fact that they have no interest in doing either of those things. This can rise to sentiments of animosity and distrust in personal relationships, as well as stress and conflict in those relationships itself.

It is important to keep in mind that not all Amway Ambots engage in this kind of behavior, and that many of them may sincerely believe in the value of the products and economic opportunities that Amway offers. However, it is essential to acknowledge that the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry has been criticized for its emphasis on sales and recruiting at any cost, which can result in unfavorable outcomes for both Ambots and the people in their immediate environment.

It is essential to be aware that certain Amway Ambots may participate in conduct that is aggressive, spammy, or destructive to their personal relationships. In conclusion, while the Amway MLM system may offer the possibility of benefits and prospects for financial success, it is essential to remember that some Amway Ambots may engage in such behaviors. It is crucial for anyone who is thinking about getting involved in the multi-level marketing sector to approach each opportunity with a critical eye and to carefully examine the dangers and potential rewards, not just for themselves but also for people who are in their immediate environment.

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