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Friday, July 23, 2021

Vladarz, Uwe & Jana Amway

 You are what you believe yourself to be.

Our aim was to be able to take control of our lives and not have to rely on others to determine what we are entitled to and how much we should earn. We were inspired by the prospect of earning a lot of money and expanding our firm indefinitely over the long run while only putting in a relatively little amount of effort. That was the driving force for both of us saying "yes" to the opportunity with Amway and embarking on a journey that was absolutely new for us.

A lot of our goals of having a great home, a nice automobile, and travelling have become a reality in recent years. Continuing on the path to freedom with our two children is something we are committed to. Recognizing the possibility that we, too, can achieve the highest qualifications, we are more active than we have ever been.

We would like to continue to accompany a large number of people on their journey to freedom and independence. With our firm, we hope to establish a family dynasty, and by setting an example, we hope to inspire other families to live lives of distinction and distinction. Everyone who understands this theory will be able to take advantage of an unlimited number of possibilities.

Vladarz, Uwe & Jana

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