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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

M V Bharatan & NeelaDevi Amway

 Termination from Amway

  • Now Terminated from Amway

Success Story

I was born and raised in a tiny hamlet in the state of Kerala. My parents, who were impoverished, had seven children, the third of whom was me. 

I began my professional career as a hotel employee, and after five years, I was able to secure a position with the government, although as a clerk. 

My wife, Neeladevi, who was also a teacher, came from a similar family background and had to deal with a lot of trials and attributions during her school days. 

During my school days, I always stood first in the class and developed a habit of staying at the top, and I dreamed of becoming wealthy quickly while maintaining high ethical standards.

In order to fulfil our objectives, we were involved in a number of enterprises in addition to our jobs. Despite our efforts, we were unable to realise our ambitions despite years of hard work. 

When we were exposed to this incredible and magnificent Amway Business Opportunity, we were blown away. 

Our old ambitions suddenly took shape and came to life, and we realised that this was an excellent opportunity to earn while also serving others and achieving our objectives. 

As Diamond Directs, we are still marching towards our ultimate aim of "being on top." 

When we look back, we realise what a great pleasure it has been to see the Amway Business grow from its infancy to its current state of maturity, and what a great satisfaction it has been to assist others, including a large number of close relatives, in achieving their goals and fulfilling their dreams. 

Among other things, Amway has given us a good name and a good reputation, love and respect, security, and valuable relationships, not only in India, but also overseas.

The tidal change in our personalities that Amway has provided us with is the single most significant achievement that Amway has provided us with. We have a great team called “Winners International” that is providing fantastic assistance to us.

 Anything is possible in life if you have the determination to succeed.......................................... We were approaching fifty years of age and had begun counting the days until we could retire from our jobs, and we were concerned about our future before starting this wonderful business, but now we are in a climbing, conquering mood, fully optimistic and enthusiastic, and we feel that we have only just begun and that we have a long road ahead of us. 

In addition to ourselves, our conviction has been passed down to our children. Our three children have all earned their MBAs, with the exception of our only son, who is currently pursuing his engineering degree. 

Our two daughters have both been married off to very eligible individuals. They have also begun to feel that only Amway can provide them with a fulfilling life. 

We owe our success to the dedication and hard work of our team. 

We would want to express our gratitude to our wonderful uplines for their unwavering support and advice, as well as to the Amway management for their cooperation.

M V Bharatan & NeelaDevi

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