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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Amway Condoms? Say What!

 Apparently, a naive ass found their way onto Married to an Ambot by Googling "Amway condoms" – yes, I know, I know, LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!! - and ended up on one of the blog posts about Amway sex, where we basically make fun of horny Amway bastards who are unable to get laid because their participation in Amway is a major turn off for their partner.

Amway birth control is something we've spoken about in the comments section of several posts, but there doesn't appear to be a post specifically about it, so here it is.

The overwhelming majority of women who have made comments on this page agree that they would not trust any Amway birth control products. Amway has a reputation for selling pricey, subpar awful products at a high profit margin. Unless a lady wants to become pregnant, she would never put her faith in anything produced by a corporation with an unsavoury reputation for flogging trash.

I am not aware of any Amway stores that sell condoms - thank goodness for that! There would be a large number of small ambots roaming the streets, in keeping with Amway's subpar products.

The more serious issue is the snake oil that Amway's snake oil salespeople peddle to unsuspecting customers, which is illegal. In order to persuade women to forego using birth control pills, they would suggest that they instead use Double X or another Amway snake oil product. Amway jerks are only interested in making a buck by inventing any falsehood they can. So if a lady is knocked up, the reaction is, "Oh, well, that's too bad for you." Yeah, the lying Amway ambot won't have to pay for an abortion or cover his or her living expenses for the next 20 years because he or she lied.

Then there are the Ambots, who will convince a man into believing anything if he takes Amway's snake oil, which will render the little sperm ineffective.

Let us return to the subject of women. Who would put their trust in a man who claims to be using a birth control product? Even if an Amway ambot claims to be taking Amway birth control snake oil, we would not put our faith in him.

Amway condoms, perhaps? If you utilise them, they will most likely appear in the Scamway catalogue at some point, however I urge that you have a better backup strategy in place if you do. Alternatively, you may start looking for cribs.

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