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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

IBOFightback - Amway Shill?

 There is no doubt that IBOFightback, AKA IBOFB, AKA Insider, AKA Icerat, AKA Insider201283, AKA David Steadson is the most prolific defender of Amway on the internet. He is also the most prolific defender of Amway in the world. Any negative comments about Amway cause him to flee, as if the comments are some sort of "batsignal" that forces him to take action immediately. He has literally tens of thousands of comments all over the internet in favour of Amway, multi-level marketing, and, most recently, Herbalife, among other things. So far, he has gone so far as to claim that Karen O'Neil, the company's rules administrator, was incorrect and that he, on the other hand, was correct. His lies and misinformation may still be found on several blogs and discussion forums. Many of his more heinous lies were published on the now-defunct Qblog, but I was unable to capture screen prints of them due to technical difficulties.

Despite the fact that Mr. Steadson maintains that he is not compensated for his advocacy of Amway and other multi-level marketing companies, a recent site visitor made some comments that got me to thinking. He stated that he just attended an Amway meeting where the IBO leaders encouraged IBOs and prospects to visit Mr. Steadson's website to obtain information about Amway as well as information about critics so that they could avoid visiting negative websites. Steadson now has advertisements on his website, as well as the option to receive donations. It's possible, I guess, that Steadson makes some money from the advertisements and supplements his income with donations from deluded IBOs who regard him as some sort of authority figure in the Amway organisation. He would be comparable to Robert Kiyosaki. Someone who is not actively building Amway (and may not be competent of doing so), but who is able to profit (either directly or indirectly) from the company's marketing efforts. If a diamond told their group to go to the website and donate a few dollars, I could see that being a fairly profitable effort for the Amway shill to undertake.

It is important to note that many of Mr. Steadson's publications are nice anecdotal stories, and that much of his work does not reflect the fact that the vast majority of Amway IBOs will make nothing or lose money no matter how hard they work. The vast majority of people who work extremely hard, possibly more than 99 percent of them, are out of money. Mr. Steadson also downplays the scam involving the instrument. Amway's primary line of business is the sale of CDs and other accessories. Amway is a business where almost exclusively those who profit from the functions make any real money. The profit margin on the tools and functions is far higher, and only a small number of highly qualified individuals benefit from the earnings. Given the nature of the instruments, it is only logical that they generate large income.

The Amway shills will try to convince you that "anyone" can be successful in the Amway business. That is true in the same way that "anyone" can win the lottery. The reality is that only a small percentage of IBOs, less than 1 percent, ever make it to platinum, and only a small fraction of platinums ever make it to diamond. And those that do attain diamond are frequently unable to maintain it. Amway does not provide a decent income for its participants. People are not leaving their jobs to collect residual income from Amway, and the company is on the verge of going out of business entirely. So there you have it, the "Truth About Amway."

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