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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Time Frame For Ending The Vicious Amway Cycle

 When female readers come to the marriedtoanambot site, one of the most frequently asked questions is: how long will it take before my ambot spouse decides to leave Amway?

When it comes to determining how long many independent business owners (IBOs) stay with Amway, I'd say my spouse is about average. The majority of ambots will leave Amway within 6 months and a year after joining. If you are a wife, that can seem like an eternity as she is subjected to abuse from upline, their attempts to destroy the relationship, and money draining from the bank account while the upline badgers her husband to buy more products, attend all Amway meetings and functions, and invest heavily into the Amway tool scam. Because it is dependent on how much money they had in their savings account or how much credit card space was available on his credit card, the losses could range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

In addition, the time frame may differ. Let me venture the hypothesis that there may be a small percentage of Amway "cult leaders" who do not severely mistreat their downline, admonish them and humiliate them, and who do not attempt to destroy their relationships. They may have the ability to maintain ambots' compliance for a longer period of time in order to extract more money from them if their cult leaders are significantly friendlier to them.

Amway is a never-ending loop. It all starts with some filthy asshole financing your husband's entry into the Amway organisation. And he must attend two or three Amway meetings every week, which are usually conducted in someone's living room or basement, but may also be hosted in a hotel meeting room on occasion. There is normally no price for meetings held at a person's home, but there will be a fee if the Amway meetings are held at a hotel, according to the company. At least twice a month, a Diamond who is in desperate need of a few thousand dollars will turn out to address the crowds at the venue. A hotel meeting room, a school auditorium, or any similar setting could be used once again. These events are $10 per person to attend. Additionally, someone who was able to get out of Scamway around a year or so ago stated that the meetings cost $15, so they may be a little more expensive now as well. There will be a rally once a month where new pins will have the opportunity to "step across the stage," which will likewise cost $10 or more to attend and will be hosted in an auditorium with a stage. Without a stage, those brainwashed ambots would be unable to brag about "crossing the stage," which would be embarrassing for them. Another thing that happens once a month is some pointless product seminar, which is most often conducted in a hotel meeting room and where an Amway product is demonstrated. It will most likely cost between $25 and $50 to attend. As a result, the ambot will be required to attend anywhere from 10 to 20 Amway-related meetings every month on average.

It is possible that the ambot will stop going. If this occurs, he will be disciplined by the Platinum cult leader, who will be relentless in his phone calls and text messages tormenting the IBO until he buckles down and begins attending once more.

This is why I refer to Amway as a "vicious cycle." Whenever a wife has hope - and remember, Amway is all about selling hope! - that her husband is getting ready to quit because he has stopped attending all of those damned Amway meetings, some upline asshole badgers him and reminds him of his obligations to the cult until he breaks down and returns to the cult and purchases more Amway products.

Eventually, the ambot will muster up the courage to stop, which will be difficult because, as a result of all the love bombing, the ambot may come to enjoy some of these Amway assholes after all. As a result of leaving Amway, you will lose contact with all of your new acquaintances, as no interaction with former ambots is permitted. It may be difficult for the indoctrinated ambot to break away from his new friends because he has been cut off from his former pals for months, and he has spent perhaps 20 hours or more each week with these new friends, attending cult meetings and other activities. His priorities are all messed up when it comes to determining who his true buddies are. I've said it before: if your friends are only interested in you because they want your money, they aren't really your friends at all.

Amway is a never-ending loop. It is constantly on the search for its next prey. Furthermore, it is not discriminating. Amway plans to re-use former cult members as recruits. I'm aware of the situation. It was interesting to see Ambot in action.

The financial roller coaster is in full swing. The ride is an emotional roller coaster. All I wanted was for this terrifying amusement park ride to come to an end.

Bring the Amway cycle to a close.

It will never truly come to an end until Amway is shut down and its doors are permanently closed.

Not everyone learns their lesson the first time they are confronted with the situation.

Amway is a never-ending loop.

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