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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Amway Ambots Fit To Be Tied

 The worst book I ever attempted to read from the Amway reading list was Fit To Be Tied, a novel on marriage and relationships that I found to be really depressing. In fact, every Ken and Barbie Ambot who slunk across the stage at important events was advocating it to their cult-like following. Alternatively, if they didn't read it, they may at least purchase it. In addition, it is on the suggested reading list, and books are a component of the Amway tool scam, which is how the Diamonds generate the vast majority of their profits. Every little bit helps to make them a little more prosperous!

Ambot decides to purchase the book. Platinum, being the sack of shit that he is, most likely forced him into it. I'm not sure if Ambot got a chance to read it or not. I seriously doubt it. He's not much of a reader, to put it mildly. I enjoy reading novels, so I decided to give it a try.

I couldn't even make it through the first chapter of this book. The whole thing was goddamn this and Jesus Christ that.

I understand that books are a matter of personal preference. People have a wide range of preferences. What one individual finds appealing, another will find repulsive. In response to a post where I supplied a link to a free ebook, David Bach's financial book Start Over Finish Rich, I received a response from a reader from South Africa who labelled the book as "rubbish." Someone who is well-known in our country, who has published many books that have appeared on the New York Times bestseller lists, who has appeared frequently on the Today Show and Oprah Winfrey, among many other shows, and whose financial advice is rubbish? LOL! That is the putrid thinking of a twisted up brainwashed Amway loser, to put it mildly. LOL! A piece of "financial advise" that doesn't come from an Amway cult leader is immediately disregarded as a piece of bunk. Despite the fact that I do not agree with everything Bach says, his books and logical financial advice are among my favourites. However, I see how someone who has been brainwashed by the Amway cult will not accept financial advise from anyone other than their scamming upline.

Returning to the subject of Fit To Be Tied.

It was written by a husband and woman, and as far as I recall, they switched back and forth every paragraph or so, making the text complicated and difficult to follow along with. When you throw in all of the Jesuses, it becomes BORING!!!

There are just a handful of books that are so horrible that I can't bring myself to finish them. I'll persevere in the hope that things will improve. I'm having a good laugh right now. The only individuals who refer to me as a quitter are those who have failed in Amway. LOL! I find it difficult to put down a book I'm reading. Occasionally, I'll set things aside for a few months and then return to them later. This is the second book in the last ten years that I haven't managed to go through completely. Derek Lundy's Godforsaken Sea was the subject of the other book I was reading. It was hailed as a fast-paced and suspenseful read in the vein of The Perfect Storm and Into Thin Air. Given that I'd already read both of those books, and the author had been able to transport me right there with him on Mount Everest or right in the middle of the storming Atlantic Ocean, I was anticipating the same riveting, exhilarating reading experience. The Godforsaken Sea was a complete snoozer. I put in a valiant attempt before abandoning ship halfway through.

It is possible for me to go through a book that contains biblical references, but not one that is filled with them throughout every line to the point that the purpose is completely lost. Someone who enjoys attending religious revival meetings hosted in large tents, on the other hand, might appreciate reading Fit To Be Tied. The reason that the Amway cult leaders force this book down our throats is that religion or religious instruction is an element of any cult's brainwashing practises, which includes religious teaching. It's not my cup of tea to read a religious book about relationships that is over the top. It's all part of the Amway cult. I'm not sure what the author's ties are to the Amway cult, but there would have to be some big deal-making going on behind the scenes if the cult leaders weren't promoting this book at all of the major functions they attend. I would think that printing this book will cost a dollar or two, and that this will be for a large quantity of at least 10,000 copies printed. The upline scammers are selling it for at least $15, if not more than that. I'm not sure how much we spent for it, to be honest. Just for the sake of argument, let's pretend that WWDB purchases 10,000 copies of the book so that their Diamonds can distribute it to their cult followers. It is reasonable to assume that the publisher and authors want to recoup their costs while also generating a small profit because they are not likely to make many sales on this little gem otherwise, so let us assume that they have reached a deal with WWDB to sell them for $4 apiece when purchased in bulk. The book is sold for $15 by WWDB scammers to cult members who believe in the cult. With a profit margin of $11 per book, they make a total of $110,000 in net profit on a $40,000 book-purchasing investment. Due to the fact that the ambots who attended this year's Family Reunion and FED will not be the same group next year due to the fact that most of them have quit, this book can be used in the tool scam year after year, allowing the Diamonds to wave it from the stage and make a few thousand more sales each year.

The book Fit To Be Tied wasn't my cup of tea, but I could understand how an indoctrinated cult follower who has been subjected to the cult leader's messed up religious ideas would find it interesting to read. Although the authors did not want to appeal to a cult audience, a sale is a sale regardless of who made it.

I didn't get too far into it, but I'm confident that the contents are consistent with the WWDB principle. Religion, as well as a higher power to worship, such as your group's cult leader, are required. Women are expected to stay at home while their husbands are at work. The husband will be the only one who makes decisions. Teachings that are chauvinist in nature. Submission. Inquire about authorization. I can only assume what I would have been tortured with if I had continued reading because that is a part of the WWDB teachings.

I'm not interested at all. I give a two-thumbs-down rating to any book that bores me and irritates me to the point that I quit reading it after a few pages.

This is a dud. Do not waste your time with it.

When you're writing a novel, that's just the way it is. You'll get both positive and negative feedback on your work. Everyone has their own preferences.

Why didn't those Diamond fuckers from the stage go around hawking Harold Robbins's novels instead? For all the views my site receives from ambots searching for "Amway sex," you'd think that adding Harold Robbins novels on their required reading list would result in those books selling like hotcakes off the shelves.

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