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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Kid Of A Cult Follower & Their Slight Edge Story

 When we reported about the Amway Bible -Slight Edge a few weeks ago, a cult follower's child stopped by to share his or her storey:

I was reared in a cult, which is a source of great amusement. I didn't even realise until after I left, when strange things started happening and everyone in the real world thought I was insane. Because of the brainwashing, I had to completely re-learn everything about the world...

That penny storey was told to us by one of our instructors while I was in 3rd grade, for whatever reason. She instructed us to go home and ask our parents for a penny that night, then two the next night, and so on.

I attempted to solicit a penny from my mother.

Have you ever dared to ask your upline for even a single cent?

And she had to know EXACTLY what I had planned with it, what I needed it for, and who had convinced me that I required this penny.... Like she dang ass GRILLED MY SKIN OFF. I finally broke down and cried. Of course, this resulted in me being a sensitive and pitiful child. I was instructed to retire to my room till I could regain my composure!!!!

So, if you've ever wondered if cults and Amway were the same thing, now you know. They not only tell the same things you fucking know, but they also refuse to accept a single penny from Upline.

It is possible for a child to go through a difficult and upsetting childhood if their parent is a devotee of a cult. Children who are brought up in cults typically have a limited amount of contact with the outside world, a limited amount of access to education, and a limited amount of opportunity for their own personal growth and development. However, via the power of the Slight Edge, there are certain children who are able to triumph over the challenges they face and achieve success in spite of their parents' adherence to a cult.

The Slight Edge is a notion that places an emphasis on the importance of taking very insignificant acts on a daily basis but recognizing that these activities, when taken consistently over time, can result in big changes and success. This entails making the most of the limited chances and resources that are available to the offspring of cult followers, as well as persistently striving towards the goals that they have set for themselves.

Martha Beck is an example of a child of a cult follower who harnessed the power of the Slight Edge. She was raised in the Beck Family Ministries. Beck spent her childhood in a fundamentalist religious cult, which severely restricted her access to education and instilled in her the belief that a woman's place is only in the home as a wife and mother. Beck had a tremendous drive to learn new things and advance in his career despite these limits. She would frequently steal books from the library and read them in secret, making the most of whatever opportunity she could find to further her level of education and expertise.

After quitting the cult, Beck pursued her study and finally received a Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard University. She had been a student there for many years. She also became a successful author and life coach, assisting people in overcoming their own constraints and doing the things they set out to do in their lives.

Tony Robbins is yet another example of a child of a cult member who tapped into the potential of the Slight Edge to achieve success in their lives. Robbins has a tumultuous childhood as a result of his alcoholic mother and his unfaithful father. Both of these factors contributed to Robbins' upbringing. Robbins was resolved to build a better life for himself and his family, regardless of the obstacles that stood in his way.

Robbins started educating himself by reading books on self-improvement and success, and he immediately put the principles he discovered into practice in his day-to-day life. He achieved great success in business and went on to become a motivational speaker, enabling him to assist others in achieving their own goals.

Both Beck and Robbins were able to overcome the limits that their upbringing imposed on them and achieve success by harnessing the power of the Slight Edge. They persisted in making incremental progress toward their objectives, and over the course of time, those incremental steps led to big improvements in their lives.

The Slight Edge is a potent tool that can be useful for anybody, but it is especially important for the children of cult followers because these youths may have restricted access to a variety of resources and possibilities. These youngsters can attain success in spite of the limits that were imposed on them by their upbringing if they make a concerted effort to work toward their goals and take baby steps toward achieving those goals on a daily basis.

In conclusion, the Slight Edge is a powerful idea that has the potential to assist the offspring of cult followers in overcoming the limits of their upbringing and achieving success in life. These children have the ability to make substantial changes in their life and accomplish what they set out to do if they consistently take baby steps toward their objectives. It is possible for children to triumph over their circumstances and build a better life for themselves and others around them, despite the fact that growing up in a cult can be a tough and even terrible experience for the child.

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