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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Amway WWDB Dream Night 2021

 The Amway WWDB Dream Night should be renamed Amway Scheme Night, as one of our readers pointed out.

Dream Night is a big annual event hosted by Amway and World Wide Dream Builders that takes place at the start of each year. It is hosted in various locations throughout the United States and Canada, as well as, according to our Amway upline, throughout the rest of the world; however, I was unable to locate any overseas sites on the list. According to the information we received, even if we were on vacation in January, we would have no excuse to miss Dream Night because it is held everywhere!!!!!

Amway employees are a bunch of fucking liars, to put it mildly. I don't recall seeing this Amway brainwashing convention advertised in Aruba, St. Thomas, or any other popular holiday destinations where individuals who aren't broke Amway losers can afford to vacation in the past.

We don't know how Amway WWDB will hold Dream Night 2021 because all cults are notoriously secrecy about their activities. It might be done through a web-based webinar or it could be done in person. I can picture the Amway cult disobeying the rules prohibiting large-scale gatherings of people. Banquet halls and arenas would be reluctant to open their doors to a cult gathering, for a variety of reasons. Ambots will pay top dollar regardless of whether or not a meal is provided, as well as whether or not they participate in a webinar from home.

So, what is Dream Night all about? If you believe the hoopla from WWDB, it involves food as well as listening to some motivational Diamonds on tape. When it comes to Amway Dream Night, if you believe the hype from the assholes in your upline, it is a once in a lifetime chance, the must attend event of the year, not to be missed, and it puts you 6 months ahead of everyone else who didn't go, it is complete and total nonsense.

So, what exactly is the Amway WWDB Dream Night about?

The following is a paraphrasing of propaganda from World Wide Dream Builder (since I don't want to be accused of copying!) This is a sophisticated evening that will demonstrate to the ambots how to make their fantasies a reality.

It's a joke, of course! Yes, that's correct! And if you still believe this nonsense, I have some prime swampland in the Amazon jungle that I'd be happy to sell you!

One of the most exciting parts of the night - and hold on for it!!! - is when the cult leaders talk about how their dreams came true and how, if they can accomplish it, so can any of you stupid asses ambots!

I may summarise how they came to be known as Diamonds. Millions of naive ambots in their downline were duped into buying useless, overpriced Amway stuff to consume themselves, and if they couldn't find any customers, they were told they could make them up. They used intimidation to force folks at the bottom of the pyramid to attend Amway gatherings. They advised them to get CDs that contained Diamond speakers. They advised them to purchase motivational publications from which they would gain a substantial commission from the publisher or author. They successfully misled their loving ambots into buying, buying, and more buying. So proclaims the Amway cult leader: "Hand up all of your money to me so that I can get wealthy." ...and here I am, perched on top of the pyramid, sneering at you lowly dumb asses ambots!

Because those fucking idiots at WWDB headquarters changed their password in order to keep spies out, I have no idea when or where those cretins will be having Amway Dream Night 2021 in the first place. One of our readers informed us that the Amway cult leaders no longer want to hold "live" Dream Nights, but rather to broadcast them through video to be held in someone's home, theatre, or other location. I'm not sure when the Amway cult leaders want to begin doing so, but 2021 seems like an appropriate moment to begin. Interested in how much they'll charge the idiots to come and watch them!

On Scamway's 2016 list of cities to be destroyed during WWDB World Wide Destructive Bastards Nightmare Night, I do have a list of the locations. Some of them had Nightmare Nights on more than one occasion. There is no way to tell if this indicates that there are more dumb fuck Ambots in these locations and therefore they require more days, if the Ambots in those locations are being ass fucked to attend more than one night, or if the venue is so small that they require more than one night to accommodate the expected Amway cult worshippers. This list from 2016 may or may not contain the locations where those WWDB fuckers will be holding Amway Dream Night in 2021, but what the hell. It's a good enough substitute. We couldn't care less if a lot of fucking Amway losers end up in the incorrect place as a result of this listing.

  • Albuquerque
  • Anaheim
  • Anchorage
  • Ann Arbor is a city in Michigan.
  • Atlanta
  • Bakersfield
  • Belleville
  • Billings
  • Boise
  • Calgary
  • Chicago
  • Colorado Springs is a city in Colorado.
  • Dallas
  • Denver
  • Edmonton
  • Fargo
  • Fresno
  • Fort Lauderdale is a city in Florida.
  • Helena
  • Honolulu
  • Las Vegas is a popular tourist destination.
  • Medford
  • Minneapolis
  • New York is the capital of the United States.
  • Ontario
  • Oshkosh
  • Phoenix
  • Philadelphia
  • Portland
  • Reno
  • Richmond
  • Sacramento
  • Salt Lake City is a city in Utah.
  • San Diego is a city in California.
  • San Jose is a city in California.
  • Saskatoon
  • Seattle
  • Spokane
  • Tri-Cities
  • Vancouver

Whew! In addition to ensuring that IBO ambots are not feverishly searching for information on Amway WWDB Dream Night 2021, I believe I also managed to get more keywords in there.

However, if you really want to know when and where, you can go to the WWDB website and search them up, but suffice it to say that the Amway demons will be having Dream Nights in most of these unwary locations in January 2021, whether or not it is via a webinar.

And whom cult leaders would Amway send in to bullshit the ambots, you might wonder. I'm a fool if I don't know what I'm talking about. In this list from WWDB Dream Night 2016, you will notice that there is a constant presence of the same weary staff at all of the Amway activities, as this is where they make their most money from their tool scam. It doesn't matter if they're dead or alive; I'm very sure they'll show up in some form, such as a memorial sermon. However, I'll keep that year's list as is because it'll really annoy those Amway losers.

  • Ron and Georgia Lee Puryear are married.
  • Robert and Shelly Kummer are married.
  • Dan and Sandy Yuen are a married couple.
  • Scott and Cris Harimoto are a married couple.
  • Terry and Linda Felber are married.
  • Greg and Laurie Duncan are married.
  • Samir and Theresa Atallah are married.
  • Matt and Sandee Tsurada are a married couple.

Given the fact that Rotten Ronnie has passed away, I'd make a decent bet that the scammers who appear first on the above list will not be present, save perhaps in spirit or through slide exhibitions. My best bet is that Kid Puryear and his latest wife will show up. Imagine that motherfucker giving a lecture about how Amway helps marriages, LOL!

On every Amway World Wide Dream Builders function, who hasn't seen all of these cretinous cretins listed before? How come there aren't any new Diamonds being distributed by Amway, as Ambots keep reporting here, claiming that Amway is releasing hundreds and hundreds of new Diamonds every week? Oh, let's just send a big giant fuck you to every Amway jerk who shows up here talking about all the new Diamonds Amway is putting out in the world right now! That is a complete and utter load of nonsense. The Diamonds are the same people who have been sitting at the top of the Amway pyramid for years, bullshitting the followers at every Amway function they have attended. He or she is getting a little old in the tooth these days. It's just that I don't get it. I've had a slew of fucking Amway bastards show up here, bragging about how they were able to retire at the age of 21 because of Amway. As a result, why aren't there any young people on the Diamond speaking schedule? Nothing new here, just the same old stale bastards.

Tickets for Amway WWDB Dream Night 2016 were $70, so we expect the price to be around the same this year. If you know the current ticket pricing, please let us know. And that $70 is a bargain, considering that when we were in Scamway, the fucking morons in our Amway upline cost us $75 each. Despite the fact that the genuine ticket price was $65 per person, the fuckers in our upline insisted that we pay them $75 directly rather than purchasing tickets through the World Wide Destructive Bastards website, and as a result, they charged everyone an additional $10. Yes, it's the same old Amway tool scam at it again, trying to take advantage of you. Not only did we get ripped off an additional $10, but the morons in our Amway upline also managed to screw up the purchase of the tickets.

Let's take this $70 and break it down. Hotels charge roughly $15 per person, which includes the cheapest food offered as well as the room rental and wait staff for a couple of hours. However, round numbers make it easier for me to work, so let's say the true fee is $20 per person. On a $70 ticket, this means that somebody – no, not somebody — an Amway cult leader is generating a $50 profit on each ticket sold, which is absolutely ridiculous. Let us assume that the banquet room can accommodate 400 people. That equates to a $20,000 profit for the evening. Keep in mind that each Dream Night brainwashing function typically has two Diamond couples in attendance, resulting in a $20,000 split between them. Because to internal Diamond squabbling about how to divide up the greed pie, it is unclear how fairly it will be divided. But, just to make things simple, let's divide the money in half and say each pair pays $10,000 per night.

There are 40 places where Dream Night will be held, and it is uncertain how many cities each of the eight couples will be assigned to. Some of the cities will host more than one dream night, and I expect that the same Diamond couples will be hosting the additional nights because they are already in the city for the first one. Let us refer to it as 48 Amway WWDB for the sake of simplicity. Dream Nights are evenly divided between each Diamond pair in an eight-way split. As a result, each Diamond couple receives six nights at the rate of $10,000 per night to fool the Ambots. That's a total of $60,000. For one month's worth of bullshitting, that's not a bad return.

A large portion of the cash generated by Amway's pyramid plan comes from selling tickets to events such as these.

In the end, Dream Night is a complete waste of time, just like every other Amway activity. If you have already attended another WWDB Amway function such as Spring Leadership, Family Reunion, or Free Enterprise Days FED, you will gain no new knowledge and will hear nothing that you haven't heard before.

This post has accomplished its goal of disseminating a large number of keywords in order to draw in ambots who are unable to find the information they seek from the assholes in their Amway upline. And to the ambots who have been brainwashed into believing they have the ability to turn back time, I need to match up my keywords to recent searches, which includes Dream Night 2020 and Dream Night 2019, as well as Dream Night 2018. Oh, and let's add in WWDB Amway Dream Night 2022 because you can bet some Ambots are going to be hunting for that.

  • Dream Night is a complete waste of time!!!
  • Worst of all, WWDB World Wide Dream Builders sucks!!!
  • Amway is a jerk!!!!
  • All of the Amway WWDB functions are terrible!
  • Amway is a jerk!

The Amway Worldwide Distribution Business (WWDB) Dream Night is an annual event that brings together Amway product distributors from all around the world. The Worldwide Dream Builders (WWDB) group, which is one of the largest independent Amway distributor networks, is the host of this event and is responsible for its organization. On April 24, 2021, there was a digital gathering known as the WWDB Dream Night 2021 that took place.

At the event, Amway distributors were honored for the successes they had achieved over the course of the previous year. In addition, it provided a chance for them to interact with one another, build professional relationships, and gain knowledge from one another. At this event, we had a variety of speakers, including executives from Amway, some of the most successful Amway distributors, and motivational speakers.

The keynote talk that was given by Milind Pant, the CEO of Amway, was definitely one of the highlights of the event. He discussed the difficulties that the business and its distributors had experienced over the course of the previous year as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to this, he discussed the resiliency of the Amway community as well as the ways in which they had adjusted to the new circumstances.

The awarding of prizes to the most successful Amway distributors was yet another highlight of the event. After putting in a lot of effort and showing a lot of dedication, these distributors were able to achieve outstanding sales and business growth over the course of the previous year, and they were honored for their efforts. Many of the distributors experienced strong feelings of pride and gratitude during the ceremony that honored them for all of the effort and commitment they had shown over the course of the previous 12 months.

In addition, there were a variety of training sessions and workshops offered during the event. These training programs were developed with the intention of assisting Amway distributors in improving their business and sales skills. They discussed things like leadership, communication, and business strategies among other things. The training sessions were delivered by successful Amway distributors and motivational speakers, who shared helpful information and advice with the attendees during the course of the event.

The significance of having a strong community and a supportive network was one of the overarching ideas that emerged from the event. The COVID-19 pandemic had made it difficult for many Amway distributors to meet in person; however, the virtual event gave an opportunity for them to connect with each other and encourage one another. The gathering served as a timely reminder of the strength of the Amway community as well as the significance of achieving success via collaborative effort.

Amway distributors from all around the world came together for the WWDB Dream Night 2021, which was a successful event overall and drew them all closer together. In spite of the difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic, the tragedy served as a reminder of the fortitude and resiliency of the Amway community. Distributors were given the chance to honor their accomplishments, network with one another, and gain knowledge from the most influential experts in the business thanks to this event. The event served as a demonstration of the strength of the Amway community as well as the significance of support and belonging to a community in the pursuit of success.

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