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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Not Living The Amway Nightmare

 A special thank you to one of our readers, who signs off with the phrase "Living the Amway Nightmare," for bringing this storey back to life.

Fortunately, I was one of the fortunate ones who managed to escape the horrible grips of the Amway cult. However, despite the fact that these wicked bastards had their claws into Ambot and not me, I suffered enormously as a result of the financial and emotional pain that those Amway jerks brought into our life.

I, on the other hand, lived to tell the tale, which brings us to this site. The account of my suffering at the hands of those nasty Amway IBOs is being shared in the hope that it will help others who are battling within the horrible grip of this cult.

One of the things I constantly heard from one of the cult leaders at Amway meetings was that they get up and get out of bed when they are finished sleeping, and wouldn't it be nice if the rest of us could do the same?

It's something that some of us already do and have been doing for a long time. When I'm through sleeping, I'll wake up. In most cases, I'm finished before 8 a.m. After all, I have stuff to do, and I need to get my ass out of bed and get working.

Many Amway cult leaders told me about their last day at a regular job and how they woke up before their alarm clock went off in the middle of the night. I'm sure they'll come to regret making such a naive decision sooner or later!

The fact that I'm accustomed to getting up whenever I want doesn't mean I don't use an alarm clock. I am frequently relied upon to transport individuals to and from the airport. Oh, sure, let's call Anna for a ride; she doesn't have anything better to do at the moment, after all. And what is it with everyone I know who always seems to book flights for 7 or 8 a.m.???? Getting out of bed at 5 a.m. means getting out of bed with my sorry asses, which means I'll have to use the ancient alarm clock for that one.

You can bet that somewhere in the world, an Amway meeting, rally, or event will be taking place this weekend. Amway cult leaders are most likely breaching their state's emergency regulations in regards to the pandemic by holding secret meetings in which they are limiting the number of people allowed to attend. They've need to make more money selling tickets to these kind of events. Amway losers are all about fucking the law, and that is exactly what they do. Amway Ambots will be anxiously seeking for an alarm clock in order to ensure that they get out of bed in time to make their flight or drive to their destination.

The idea is that those Amway cult members who travel to attend Amway festivities will almost certainly have to set their alarms both while travelling and while staying in their hotel to ensure that they wake up in time to attend the cult meetings.

So, what is it about alarm clocks and waking up that has piqued our interest? Yes, you guessed it correctly. Keeping along with my regular wake-up routine when I'm through sleeping, I slept in today, which resulted in my missing out on a couple of things I wanted to do! LOL!

What is Ambot's recommendation? I should set an alarm for tomorrow AM!

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